One of the first steps we took towards reducing the toxins in our home was just being more aware, but let's be honest- who has time to know (much less even pronouce) what ingredients we should be avoiding?! At the time I had a 2 year old & a brand new baby so I definitely did not have the time to flip over every bottle, read the label & know which ingredients to avoid. I needed EASY! That is when I discovered a free app on my phone that helped me navigate this new territory until I got a little bit more knowledge under my belt.

Downloading this free app was the first step we took towards reducing the toxins in our home. I thought that if it was sold in stores then it was safe. Why else would products be lined along shelves for us to purchase if they weren’t safe for us, especially baby products. 
In order to not get overwhelmed I started with 3 of the most common products in our bathrooms that we use daily.
  • body wash
  • shampoo
  • facial wash or deodorant

I used the Think Dirty app to scan each product, read the ratings (10 being the worst) and reading the dangers of each ingredient. This allowed me to take those blinders off and become more aware of what toxins we were exposed to daily.

Want to hear about the next step we took towards reducing the toxins in our home? 


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