Hello and welcome friend! We’re going all in together with this class to learn all the why, what and how of cleansing.
Cleansing is such a buzz word these days, and the topic can feel a bit overwhelming at times. BUT,  trust us when we say that you will leave this short discussion feeling equipped with exactly what you need to know to give your body the reset that it needs.

  • If you’re feeling sluggish, tired, and just emotionally spent, then this is for you.
  • If you feel like your health needs a reset, then this is for you.
  • If you suffer from migraines, frequent colds, or brain fog, this is for you.
  • If you experience skin issues, this is for you.
  • If stress, anxiety, worry, and other emotions cloud your body, this is for you.

At the end of the day, we all need to cleanse. Giving our bodies the tools it needs to properly eliminate the crud and absorb all the good is always a good idea!

So let’s dive in together. Better health is just around the corner!

  1. Why We Cleanse
Cleansing is a hot topic of discussion these days. Whether it's fresh celery juice in your glass or a coffee enema, everyone is wondering how and why we reset our bodies after years or even a season of misuse.

There are so many good reasons to help your body reset by cleansing, and it doesn’t have to be scary or intense! 

  • Because we need to stop silencing the symptoms and begin seeking out the source of our health issues.

  • Because we must stop dumping in without flushing out.

  • Because we must stop pushing forward without healing the past.

Do you have ways that you know you are shoving problem areas in your life and health down and never getting to the root? Are you ready to go deeper and truly reset your health? Let’s do it together!!!

  1. Where Do I Begin?
If you wanted to clean out a system, you would make sure the drainage and means for the waste to exit was open and flowing properly. And yet we rarely do this with our bodies.

If the means for flushing is clogged and damaged, there will be far more discomfort, flushing through the skin, and stress on other organs. I know it's not fun to talk about, but bowel movements are everything if you want to reset your health. 

Some of our favorite ways to open elimination pathways are with some key Young Living products:
  • Digest & Cleanse Softgels: (learn more about it here)
  • Detox Baths with Lime and Orange: Grab some magnesium flakes and Lime and Orange essential oil! Make sure the water is really warm, then add 10 drops each of Lime and Orange to 1 cup of magnesium flakes in a glass jar. Place the jar under the running water and let it flow into the tub. Sit for 40 minutes or more! 
  1. The Colon: Home to Our Immune System, Brain Function, and Repressed Emotion
How often do you think about your colon? We hope it's every day, but probably not! 

Why do we care about our colon on a daily basis? Because it is the cornerstone of….

  • Immunity - 70-80% of your immune system is determined by your gut health. 
  • Brain Function - “While many think of their brain as the organ in charge, your gut actually sends far more information to your brain than your brain sends to your gut.

When we focus on supporting healthy digestion in every way possible, we  never have to see these complications arise. This is the only way we can assimilate nutrients and support the vibrant life we want to live.

What are some things you can do to give your colon some TLC? 
  • Drink lots of water WITH minerals!! We love to add Mineral Essence to our water as well as salt packets. 
  • Take Essentialzyme in between meals to improve digestive health.
  • Eat whole, unprocessed foods
  • Cleanse routinely to make sure that your body is not bogged down with things that need to be eliminated
  1. Invest in Your Body - A Healing Investment, Not a Quick Fix
A quick “flush” is not going to remove years of buildup in the body. Cleansing is not a quick fix, it is a healing investment.

There are some tips and tricks to getting things moving in the right direction, but only you will know what your body needs. Only you can gauge if your emotions are holding you back or if you need longer to feel like the waste is moving out. 

This is a time to lean into your intuition and learn, maybe for the first time, to truly LISTEN to your body as much as you tell it what to do.

If you cleanse a little and move right back into your previous lifestyle, you will see minimal results. Is your goal to get back to what you were doing before, or to start fresh, giving your body what it really needs day in and day out? 

Cleansing is about a period of more extreme focus, leading to a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and balanced. Do you feel ready to make lifestyle changes, not just quick stabs at health?

Let’s do it together!
  1. Embrace Wholeness - Physical, Mental, & Emotional Health are All Linked
As you cleanse, pray for release on every level - spiritual, emotional, mental, physical.

What we hold on to has not been given over to the Healer and can continue causing damage. We have watched many people work and work to heal their bodies without looking at the other areas of their lives, and those areas are what was holding them back. 

If you want lasting change, the underlying past will need to be stared down. 
Trauma and pain will need to be addressed.
Nervous systems will need to be healed and rewired.
Thoughts will need to be rerouted.

There is so much freedom in this!

Never let fear or shame from past choices become the driving force. Bless the past for how it has made you stronger and refuse it any more power over you.

As the body cleanses, it will release the emotions stored within it. This is a good time for rest, Scripture, truth, prayer, meditation, and fasting. 

Young Living’s 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse is a great place to start:

  1. The Cleansing Toolbox
These things are your baseline for cleansing:

Pure Water –  Pure, filtered water is a life source. You simply cannot be well or clean without it.

Proper Elimination – Not once a week, not once a day, not difficult, not uncomfortable. What is normal is 2-3 times a day, well-formed, easy to pass, and showing the shape of the colon.

Rest – Rest is as much a state of being as it is the hours that we close our eyes. We must learn to let go and to have days we devote to recuperation. 

Nutritious Food –  You cannot pour in waste and expect to somehow miraculously turn that into energy and nourishment. Vibrant, whole, nutrient-dense foods are required for the body to run well.

Essential Oils – Working on a cellular level, they drive in goodness to every point and system. Able to address emotions we may not even be aware of yet, the body is supported in its own God-given functions by God-made plants. 

Supplements – High quality, whole-food supplements are key!

  1. Cleanse in Order
If we start causing lots of die-off within our bodies before we open up our elimination pathways, it is REALLY uncomfortable, let me tell you. Your skin, head, stomach, and everything in between will be screaming at you. 

But if you make sure everything is able to flow out, you will find a much simpler process of breaking down yuck and removing it. 

Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils by Dr. Leanne Deardeuff is an excellent resource on cleansing. She talks about the order in which the body needs to cleanse. 

Always go with that colon first. All your other organs will throw a party.

Young Living’s Cleansing Trio is the best for colon cleansing! It comes already bundled for you – easy button!

This bundle of ICP, Comfortone, and Essentialzyme was paired together as an excellent means of cleansing the body's system and supporting a healthy colon and liver. 

  1. Cleanse with Gratitude
In all areas of life, and especially in cleansing, our attitude affects our results. 

If you resent every moment you spend and bite you take while investing in your health, we can promise you inferior results. 

Find delight in new ways of eating, new methods of coping, new sources of fun, fellowship, and rewarding yourself. Discovering new ways to enjoy your life as an adventure! 

You are capable of so much. You can do this.

Try journaling – try a ‘thought download’ to get all that negativity out of your head and onto paper. THEN, actively shift those thoughts. 

When you do you will see that your thoughts are creating the emotions within you and the actions and attitudes you have.

Have you set yourself up for failure before with your attitude about a new habit or supplement? How can you change that going forward so that you have a heart of gratitude for the opportunity to change? 

  1. Cleanse as a Lifestyle
Cleansing can be done in brief seasons, as a reset, but it must also be an ongoing lifestyle. 

Truly caring for our bodies is a daily process, and one that we will gladly take on! 

Cleansing as a lifestyle looks something like this:

1. You focus on a particular area - say the colon. You gather an arsenal of supplements, essential oils, food choices, and emotional focus to prepare. You use Young Living's Cleansing Trio. 

2. You spend at least 90 days focused on that single area. 
With the colon, you might avoid processed foods, drink lots of water with Lemon Vitality oil, and take the Cleansing Trio. 

3. You gather information on how to support that area of the body in the future and begin a lifetime of caring for it so you don't return to old habits! 

With the colon you might choose to regularly take Essentialzyme and Digest & Cleanse for healthy elimination. Life 9 probiotic and NingXia Red could support prime gut health. You remove foods causing you digestive distress. 

  1. Get Started Today with the Make a Shift Daily Wellness Bundle

If you’re ready to get a jump on number three mentioned above, then The Daily Wellness Kit is your best bet. This curated kit has everything you need for 30 days of nutrient-dense, health support so you can give your everyday wellness a jumpstart:

If we had to pick one supplement for overall wellness, it would be NingXia Red.

Energy, vitality, immune health, mental clarity, glowing skin, healthy hair. There isn’t much that NingXia can’t do! The key is in the antioxidant load that this supplement brings. 

Pair this with the sharpness we feel from NingXia Nitro (goodbye brain fog!) and the immune-support of Lime and Orange Vitality oils, and you have a powerful set of tools for daily wellness.

In short, these products will help you nourish your body and support normal energy levels and alertness!

  1. Learn More with Us - Life Steps App, Facebook groups, people ready to help
One of the most beautiful things about natural health is that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. Isn’t that wonderful?

And you never have to feel lost or overwhelmed about what to do, where to start, what to add, or how to use these products. Why? Because we have you covered with the Life Steps app!

The free version of this app is perfect for Customers. It provides information, education, videos, and more to make sure you know how to purchase, use, and benefit from your Young Living products!

There are so many people here waiting to share this journey with you and help you every step of the way. Keep learning with us as we all grow forward in our health journey!

And as always- reach out with any and all questions. :)


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