You'd think growing up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast that I would've heard of a prep box before, especially with hurricane seasons here. It wasn't until 2020 that I became more aware of people who created some sort of prep/ survival box for their family in case of natural disasters or situations. This summer I began creating a super basic prep box that I plan to continue adding to in small steps. Gradually a few things here and there for our family makes the most sense for us financially, but I think it is a really good idea for every family to begin collecting prep items as they can. I am going to share with you what is in our prep box so far, as well as a few of my favorite "preppers".

I have shown our beginner prep box here on YouTube, but here is a list of what we have so far.

While I am still adding to our prep box you can head over to Instagram and check out some of the accounts I find helpful when it comes to prep item ideas. Almost all of them have a prep highlight you can look for.
If you have a prep box I would love to hear some of your must-haves.


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