Did you know that something as simple as our household cleaner can have a generational impact?! Who would've guessed that. That is something I definitely never knew or ever considered as a young adult and even as a new parent. But toxins from things like our household cleaners can carry on from 2 - 3 generations!!!

One of the biggest problems with households cleaners is a compound that can mimic estrogen in the body. Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton explains in the simplest terms how this synthetic and chemical component seeps into our body and our children's body- here

His story of his three year old patient reminds me of our daughter Raley and really hit home for me. I am so thankful we began learning and reducing the toxins in our home when she was three years old, but like he mentions- things happening in her body are part of choices made in the past before she was ever created. My hopes is that while we learn to continue to reduce the toxins in our home, that we are paving a more positive wellness path for our daughters' children and their children.

Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton also explains how the #1 reason people have so much estrogen in their body is because of the toxic overload from the environment. WE CAN help with this overload. We are the gate keepers of our home!


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