I feel like once you battle a few things with things that work, that helped make things easiler on you, there is just no going back. Right?

A few of these have done just that for us. So here is a list of my ride or dies that we use multiple times a year for sooo many things. And here is why you need them in your home. After all, I hope you never make the mistake I did - waiting until I needed these on hand before actually getting them in my hands.
First up - 
Raven essential oil ($40.25/ 15 ml size): 
think about whatever you use when your congested, can't breathe through your nose & just need support with your respiratory system in general. That is what we use this oil for. I throw 3-4 drop in the diffuser and it's replaced our Vicks vapor rub (good bye petroleum & crap ingredients). I put a drop of Raven oil on the bottom of my kids' feet & a drop on their back or chest. (*side note- if your babe or tot has a tendency to rub their chest or would try to touch it after you apply on the chest, then apply to the back instead to avoid this oil getting on the hands of your littles.)

Purification oil ($30.25 / 15 ml size) : 
got a bug bite that itches? put a drop of purification on it. 
When the girls have gotten UTIs in the past, I put 2-3 drops of Purification on their lower belly. 
Diffuser 3-5 drops of Purification to help eliminate odor (great to diffuse when cooking bacon).

Cedarwood ($13.00 / 15 ml size)
: While this is an oil is an ingredient in my lash growth serum (along with Lavender oil + Rosemary oil + castor oil- you can find recipe on Pinterest), it is my go-to every single night in the diffuser for bedtime. I mean what could be better than an oil that naturally releases the melatonin?! Hello sleep!

Lavendar oil ($27.25 / 15 ml size):
 Is my go-to any time we get a burn or a boo. This oil helped us ditch the Neosporin. 
I like to add a drop of Lavendar oil to my mascara to help it last longer + support hair growth.
Any time the littles are emotional, have a rash on their bottom, UTI or any type of ickies going around I add a few drops to their bath along with some Epsom salts.

Lemon oil ($13.00 / 15 ml size): 
I mean let's just all admit that it is nice to have a clean smelling home even if it is anything but clean. We all can all dream right. 4-5 drops in your diffuser and mmmm = clean house smell. Want to really make it pop? Add 2-3 drops of Lemon in your vaccum next time you go to vaccum.
Lemon oil is used mostly in our home to help regulate body temp. I put 2-3 drops on the bottom of the girls' feet and a drop down their spine any time they get a fever. I reapply every 30-60 minutes depending on their body and their needs. (*side note- I'm no way a doctor & just sharing what works for our family so use your best judgement. I am extra cautious if fevers reach 103+ & keep dye free Ipubrofen on hand.)
When allergies are high (our oldest daughter has sneeze attacks, sensitivity to light, headaches and water eyes) I diffuse lemon oil & put a few drops along her spine.
And what may not seem like a big deal but a few little perks we use Lemon oil for....
a drop on an elastic hair tie & it will pop it so I don't have to pull out our girls' hair
when a no-named child takes a permanent marker to your counter top (insert eye roll emoji) I used Lemon oil to get it off
and in case your child also enjoys covering things in stickers or Bandaids- yeah, a few drops of Lemon oil will get that right off with ease and without all that sticky goo left over.

Thieves ( $39.25 / 15 ml size):
 I mean does this even need an explanation? We diffuse Thieves oil + put a few drops on the bottom of our feet (where your largest pores are) ANY TIME we have ickies going around. Our immune systems would thank us if they could for this oil alone. And as an extra perk- I put a drop of Thieves on the outside of my throat anytime I have a sore throat. 

DiGize: ($37.75 / 15 ml size) 
digestion support for allll . the . things digestion related.
I mean do we really want to get into the details... because I can.
I first discovered this oil when our middle daughter had silent reflux & a night mare of a colicky babe at just 2 weeks old. She legit cried from 4pm - 11pm every single night. I finally realized she wasn't broken when I began using a drop of DiGize on her belly every single diaper change. After about a month I saw such a big change that I went down to applying the oil once in the morning and once at night. By 4 months old her reflux and colic was completely gone- like no more sit up every again, say what?!
I am sooo dang thankfully we had DiGize oil as we have battled the stomach bug most recently and each time we have in the past. Does it mean we don't get the stomach bug when it goes around- no. Not always. But compared to friends who have had it at the same time I can confidently say that when we apply DiGize oil to our tummies CONSISTENTLY (based on our needs at the moment. could mean every hour. could mean every 2-3 hours or even 2-3 times that day as the symptoms calm down) our bug does not last as long as friends we know. 
During pregnancy I used DiGize oil to help with heartburn.
And on many occassions our family and good friends on mine have use DiGize oil on themselves and their littles to help support their bodies during times of consti[ation, bloating and even going too much.

Marjoram oil ($40.25 / 15 ml size): 
I discovered this oil back when our oldest was three years old and she had Croupe. I pulled out my handy dandy Reference Guide for Essential Oils (hint: there is also an app you can get on your phone) to search for a way to support our little one who was coughing nonstop. I was shocked when she was back to her self in just 2 days, and my sleep didn't mind it either. 
This is my first go-to any time we have a cough- 3-4 drops in the diffuser and apply a drop on their chest. 

Okay so let's all be realistic- that is $241.00 in essential oils. Essential oils. Which in all honesty I can think of a lot of other things we may need than to spend $241.00 on. I have also made those mistakes of putting off getting some of these when I could have used them and ended up spending way more in visits to the Urgent Care or in the Walmart pharmacy isle. 

So here is how I get these for my family without breaking the bank...

1. I could purchase them all at once & get those free products Young Living sends you when you spend a certain amount (free shipping @ $100 + free products when $190 is spent, even more when $250 or even more when $300 is spent- hello free owl diffuser / white noise machine this month!) Plus earn 10% back in free $$ to use for whatever I want. Like 2 free bottles of Cedarwood oil because mama needs those kiddos to sleep when I purchase via Subscription/Loyalty Rewards that I then cancel after my big purchase & cashed in my points).
I purcase $50 worth of essential oils from this list over the next 4 months because we also know they sure do last us a while. And if I am going to do it over the next 4 months I do it via Subscription / Loyalty Rewards so I earn minimum 10% back in $$ to spend on whatever. (THIS is what our family does. But if Young Living's freebies are really good - like a free owl diffuser this month, for July, then we will stock up on some essentials like the Thieves household cleaner)
2. you can just add whatever you need to your cart & check out. Simple as that if you don't want the free products or free points.


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