a little thank you

I know when you shop with Young Living you may feel like you are shopping big since it is a huge company and all orders ship directly from Young Living. What you may not realize is how much your wellness journey and non-toxic items that you love so much not only impact your family, but ours as well. When it comes to providing customers with a little extra love and care Young Living leaves that to the person who shared with you, to the people in our community sharing their lifestyle, and to me. I may not personally know each and everyone of you that is in our wellness community specifically but I feel like I do. 

toddler gift guide

We are pretty minimal when it comes to holiday shopping, but these are a few items we snagged for Addie. I have the links to each item here on my LTK


holiday gift guide

You know that saying "Tell me I'm pretty and buy me a coffee"? Okay so I don't know if that is actually a saying but that is basically how I feel about holiday shopping. Give me a few different ideas with a few different price ranges. I prefer that easy button, ya know.

When it comes to gift giving for our family and friends we like to keep it simple and minimal. I have put together a few gift guides just for you! Whether it's giving those you care about most more health conscious gifts (gone are the days where those watermelon Disney character bath bubbles are cool, am I right?!), shopping for littles, your friends, your co-workers I have put together some ideas in hopes to make your holiday shopping a bit easier. 


supporting our wellness: first steps

Medical Freedom is not saying we do not need our doctors or medicine. We personally love our pediatrician, and am very grateful for the many benefits and advances medicines have provided for our family and others we know. But what it is to our family is just simply having the ability to have open conversations with our health care providers, being able to ask them questions regarding our bodies, our health and our options. It's about being empowered to read books and articles written by a wide range of experts with wide range of perspectives on different topics, so that we can be informed when having discussions with our health care providers. Each person is uniquely created and different which is why what works for one family may not look the same for another. Most decisions in life are not a one size fits all. 

I am going to share a few ways our family has made decisions to be a little more empowered, but like all things, we need to understand we each have to evaluate our individual needs and take steps that work best for us and at a pace that works best for us. 

Why are antioxidants important

Have you been hearing the word antioxidants being thrown around here and there? This may especially be true if you have began looking for natural ways to help support your body when it comes to things like energy, skin, sleep and just overall body wellness head to toe. You may have heard of things like - blueberries are full of antioxidants or make sure you are getting enough greens in your diet. These superfoods are great for you and we love adding them to our diet for wellness purposes, but eating enough antioxidants can be a struggle at times. 

pickle recipe

Whether you have an abundance of cucumbers from the garden or just want to try making you own pickles... This is a super simple recipe that I fell in love with! 

free moments recipe card

Ever try a new diffuser blend that quickly became a favorite or make a roller for a specific need that just worked like magic? Writing those recipes down makes remembering them so much easier!  

a simple thank you

Anyone else have a fav Starbucks drink that they rave about once Fall time comes around? Me too. Okay so maybe that and suggest some of my top watch Netflix shows that I have binged lately. And how can you not when they are so good, am I right?!

Beginner Guide for Low Tox Must-Haves

When I first began reducing the toxins in our home 5 years ago I found the most cost efficient way for us to do that was with simple DIY house hold items. I have put together my top 8 must haves when beginning to reduce the toxins in your home.


back to school jammies

What is the point in having three daughters if you can't make them match at times?! I kid. Well kinda. When we chatting about Raley heading to her homeschool co-op this year I wanted to make it extra special as we chatted about how excited we were for this new "school year". What better way to start by making it special than with matching jammies & painting apple cookies one morning! While on my search for back to school themed jammies I was surprised at how many options there were and just how adorable many of them were... so I am sharing some of my favorite finds with you.
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