Have you been hearing the word antioxidants being thrown around here and there? This may especially be true if you have began looking for natural ways to help support your body when it comes to things like energy, skin, sleep and just overall body wellness head to toe. You may have heard of things like - blueberries are full of antioxidants or make sure you are getting enough greens in your diet. These superfoods are great for you and we love adding them to our diet for wellness purposes, but eating enough antioxidants can be a struggle at times.

Curious about which foods are full of antioxidants to add to your diet? Here is a
 list from WebMD and here is another list  from St Johns health

Or are you like- "But Brittany, what in the world are antioxidants and what do they do?" Let's back track a bit. To put this as simple as possible.... Antioxidants are the fountain of youth. But no, REALLY, Antioxidants and antioxidant rich foods help keep the body young, healthy, vibrant and strong. Antioxidants can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. They help keep our body systems functioning smoothly. They help prevent the onset of degenerative diseases, premature aging, cardiovascular disease and mental decline. This is why we need them! 

As a busy mama I personally know I am not eating enough superfoods to provide me with the amount of antioxidants I need. This is where my 2oz a day drink of Ningxia Red comes in! Some times I just take a shot of 2oz of Ningxia twice a day and sometimes I pour it over ice & add water to it to savor the tastiness. 

Here is a list of why we drink Ningxia Red in our house...
  • supports a healthy immune system
  • helps us be proactive against all germs coming our way
  • energy support
    HUGE source of antioxidants 
  • supports brain and joint health
  • supports healthy hormone levels
  • can help crave sugar cravings
There have been a handful of times where we ran out of our Ningxia Red or I got out of habit of drinking it for a week or so, and man... Y'all I could totally tell the difference. When I go long periods without drinking Ningxia Red I notice I get sick more often, I feel less energized, as well as less focused and motivated. If you haven't tried Ningxia Red before I would suggest just give it a try. What do you have to lose?! You can start with a 2 pack of the bottles (like here) or the 30 packets of Ningxia red (like here). I started with the 2 bottles of Ningxia since that was more cost effective for me and the bottles lasted me longer (2 months). If you tried Ningxia Red before I would love to hear what you thought about it? 

*** Fun fact: Our beloved Ningxia Red is on sale in Canada October 1-5th, 2021!!! And you get $10 product credit when you shop through Subscribe & Save with your $100 purchase. 


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