Gratitude Oil Spotlight - Nov 2021

Gratitude Essential Oil

Oil Spotlight for November

Gratitude essential oil blend has an uplifting aroma that fosters gratitude, thankfulness, and contentment. Life simply flows better when your heart and mind are open and grounded with gratitude.

Each month we focus on using an oil everyday to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in November. My goal is to use up an entire bottle for my personal use.

Just a Drop of Gratitude

Gratitude essential oil blend contains nine essential oils and has a spiritual aroma that promotes gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation, helping foster a positive attitude and attracting all that is good in your life.
  • Has a uplifting and nurturing aroma that is perfect for daily use
  • Is a wonderful addition to your daily gratitude practice. Pair this oil blend with a daily gratitude journal.
  • Pairs well with Harmony, Forgiveness, Joy, Tangerine, Stress Away, Valor, and White Angelica essential oils
  • A great addition to the Feelings Collection kit
Gratitude is a blend of Grand Fir, Frankincense, Coriander, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Vetiver, and Geranium essential oils.
  • Idaho Grand Fir - opens emotional blocks and helps energize the spirit
  • Frankincense - carries historical and biblical significance as a grounding and uplifting aroma
  • Coriander - supports healthy digestion, which is often affected in emotional stress, also supports a healthy immune system
  • Myrrh - a holy anointing oil, Myrrh supports the endocrine and limbic system allowing it to support both emotions and hormones. According to legend, Myrrh also possesses the frequency of wealth.
  • Ylang Ylang - balances the energy within the body and promotes reaction and conficence
  • Bergamot - this sweet, spicy citrus oil is uplifting and calming and helps combat stress and anxious thoughts
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce - this favorite tree oils incredibly grounding & relaxing and helps to clear the mind.
  • Vetiver - high in sesquiterpenes, Vetiver helps to calm the central nervous system to a state of focus or meditation and eases anxious thoughts.
  • Geranium - this floral oil helps balance hormones, promotes relaxation and supports the liver (which is where negative emotions such as anger are stored).

Key Constituents

Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties.

  • Alpha-pinene - a powerful antioxidant, some studies have shown alpha-pinene to support the body through inflammation and to help calm the mind
  • Beta pinene - helps support the adrenal glands, which are responsible for our 'fight or flight' response
  • Linalool - can support the body during injury and sickness and helps relieve stress
  • Bornyl acetate - may help calm and focus the mind
Gratitude and Emotions
Gratitude is different than thankfulness. You can feel thankful but in order to express gratitude, you will have to tell or show someone else how you feel. Gratitude is moving into a place where you are acting on your emotion and belief. We have each been given powerful and amazing gifts of life and purpose. Are we acting on the truth of seeing what we have been given?

Gratitude Oil helps us to release old patterns of feelings "it is not safe' to be ourselves and to live in our circumstances. If you think about it, gratefulness is our way out. When we are grateful for even the most difficult and undeserved situations from our past, it help us to release them and move on into a new present.

We have learned, grown, been stretched, and that situation has served its purpose to make us who we are. It no longer needs to have any hold over us. We are safe to move forward and leave it behind. We are also safe to reveal who we truly are and those meant to journey with us wills that and choose to embrace us.

Daily Habits with Gratitude

Diffuse this uplifting aroma while inviting feelings of emotional and spiritual progress.

Use it during meditation, yoga, or personal spiritual practice while you uplift and elevate your feelings of gratitude. This can be a powerful practice when you combine Gratitude oil with daily intentions. A gratitude journal is a wonderful place to start.

Apply 1-3 drops topically behind the ears, over the heart, on your wrists, back of neck and base of spine.

Diffuse while beginning your day with an open, uplifting mindset of appreciation.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and add the uplifting aroma of Gratitude to the day.

  • Thankful Heart: 4 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Tangerine + 2 drops Frankincense
  • Enlightened: 4 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Joy
  • Meditation Space: 3 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce + 3 drops Sacred Frankincense or Sacred Sandalwood
  • Visionary: 3 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Valor + 2 drops Lime
Companion Products

Join us in using Grounding daily this season to create great daily habits that supports our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try Idaho Blue Spruce essential oilbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

The Basics - Where to Apply Your Oils

The Basics Series
Where to Apply Your Oils?

If you're not sure how to get started using essential oils and natural products, you're in the right place! Not only is site full of resources, recipes, DIYs, tips and tricks just for you, we've got you covered with this printable card that you can print out and keep right next to your oil stash or save directly to your phone.

Each Young Living essential oil bottle has dilution recommendations printed right on the label. Some oils that are very gentle, like Lavender and Copaiba, don't require dilution except for the most sensitive skin. Most oils will be diluted in equal parts with a carrier oil, like V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, but some are 'hot' oils and can cause a tingling sensation if applied without a carrier. These include Thieves, Peppermint, and Oregano among others and are usually diluted more. Of course, you can always dilute more or less depending on your personal preference.

  • Energy & Focus - crown of your head, back of your neck, chest or forearms
  • Respiratory Support - behind your ears, down the spine, check, neck and throat
    Immune Support - down the spine, bottoms of the feet, Vitality oils internally
  • Restful Sleep - big toe, forearms, forehead, wrists
  • Focus - temples, back of neck, around your ears
  • Emotional support - rub oils in hands and breathe in deeply, over the heart, behind and on the ears
  • Overwhelm - lower back, back of neck, shoulders and neck
  • Digestion - 1-2 drops in the belly button, rub clockwise on the stomach
A couple of quick tips:
  • Add an AromaGlide Roller Fitment to your favorite, most used oils to make them convenient roll-ons. If you have an oil you like to dilute, wait until its 1/3 or 1/2 empty then add a carrier and a Roller Fitment.
  • Make your own roller blends using your favorite oils, carrier oils and empty 10 mL roller bottles (or empty 5 mL and 15 mL bottles too). This way you can easily take them with you wherever you go.
  • Keep pre-diluted blends on hand for all ages in your household.
  • Pair topical use of your oils with diffusing and internal use, especially for acute needs.
Print this guide and keep it handy!

And if you're looking for supplies to make some of your favorite DIYs, check out my The Basics - DIY Supplies List for a list of where to purchase some of our favorite DIY supplies.

Want to give it a try, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Omegagize Supplement Spotlight - Nov 2021


Supplement Spotlight

We have all heard how wonderful fish oil can be for our health, and many people are supplementing with fish oil. Unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult to find a high quality fish oil supplement that is free of mercury, sustainably sourced, and contains bioavailable Vitamin D.

Enter OmegaGize. Young Living's OmegaGize is an incredible, sustainably sourced fish oil supplement full of healthy Omegas, Vitamin D, and CoQ10 that supports heart, brain, eye and joint health.

Why We Love OmegaGize

  • Supports cardiovascular and skeletal health
  • Supports normal, healthy brain function
  • Supplies critical EPA and DHA nutrients
  • Supports normal immune response and antioxidant levels
  • Promotes normal eye, skin, and joint health
  • Infused with Clove, German Chamomile and Spearmint essential oils
  • Trifecta of Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and CoQ10
OmegaGize combines the power of three core daily supplements: Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D3, and CoQ10 (ubiquinone) in one capsule. The formula is further enhanced with essential oils to create an incredible omega-3, DHA-rich fish oil supplement. When used daily, these ingredients work synergistically to support normal brain, heart, eye, and joint health as well as overall health and wellness.

OmegaGize Sourcing
Sadly, conventional fish oil supplements are full of synethic fillers, artificial colorants and flavors and are irresponsibly sourced. Some even contain levels of Mercury you don't want to be consuming. Not OmegaGize - Young Living's supplements are the purest, cleanest ones around.

The fish oil complex in OmegaGize is derived from some of the cleanest waters on the planet. OmegaGize capsules are rigorously tested to ensure a lack of these pollutants. Even the capsule of OmegaGize is ocean-derived ensuring the best quality and no fishy taste!

"The oil in OmegaGize is produced from carefully selected wild-caught Peruvian and Chilean coastal marine fish oil, one of the cleanest ocean areas in the world. Consisting mainly of anchovy, sardine, mackerel, skipjack, yellowfin, albacore and bigeye fish species. The fish oil used in OmegaGize is in triglycerides form (research shows this is the best form). All of the ingredients used in their products are heavily reviewed and inspected for the highest quality. Their vendors are audited and their ingredients are tested in-house to ensure they only offer the most beneficial products."

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The human body can make most of the types of fats it needs from other fats or raw materials, but that isn't the case for omega-3 fatty acids. These are essential fats, meaning the body can't make them from scratch and must get them from outside sources. Even if your diet is high in wild-caught fish, you still need supplementation.

Omega 3s are an integral part of cell membranes throughout the body and affect the function of the cell receptors in these membranes. that means they are vital for all of our cellular functioning and are especially important during pregnancy. Omega 3s provide the starting point for making hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation.

Research has shown that Omega 3s can 
  • Help prevent heart disease and stroke
  • Support a healthy heart and blood pressure
  • support healthy hormone levels (by aiding the body in keeping the cellular receptor sites (where hormones bind) repaired and in optional condition
  • Support auto-immune needs and conditions
  • Support the body's natural response to inflammation
  • support the body's natural response to joint pain
  • Assist the body in hormone productions associated with mood disorders
  • support to those with ADHD and focus needs
  • Support normal brain and nerve function which is important for older individual
Other Key Ingredients

Vitamin D - is an essential supplement for optimal brain health, hormone levels, bone and joint health, and overall well-being. Vitamin D also plays a role in our immunity and general wellness. It can be hard to get enough Vitamin D each day through sun exposure and food alone, so taking supplements can help. And since Vitamin D is fat-soluble, it need to be taken in the presence of fatty acids for proper absorption. OmegaGize has all that covered for us!

Research shows that Vitamin D
  • Supports your immunity
  • Helps regulate mood and fight depression
  • Helps support the body's natural response to inflammation in the body
  • Supports normal growth and development of bones and teeth
CoQ10 - is a powerful antioxidant that supports every cell in the body. We can think of CoQ10 like a battery for our cells, helping with the production and exchange of energy. It is a great addition to OmegaGize because the two work synergistically to improve the health benefits of both supplements.

CoQ10 helps to facilitate the production of ATP, the energy currency within the body. Every cell within the body utilizes ATP to perform its functions, so a lack of CoQ10 could cause a shortage of energy to every cell and system in the body. CoQ10 levels naturally decline with age, making supplementation a great health habit.

Several studies show that CoQ10
  • Helps protect the body from free radical damage
  • Produces energy your body needs for cell growth and maintenance
  • Boost the immune system
Clove essential oil - Cloves have long been used in eastern medicine for its health promoting properties. Clove essential oil is a powerful antioxidant that supports overall heart health

Spearmint essential oil - is high in carvone and limonene, spearmint is wonderful for digestive health and soothing intestinal discomfort.

German Chamomile essential oil - is a powerful antioxidant that supports healthy cholesterol levels, support liver and gallbladder health and supports the body's natural response to inflammation.

Vitamin E (as rice bran oil) - minimizes free radical damage within the body, promoting healthy cell function and overall health.

OmegaGize and Cardiovascular Health
We are always thinking about cholesterol from the diet. Most people don't realize that cholesterol in the body comes from two places: from the diet and from your internal production of cholesterol. Cholesterol is quite important to your body, because cholesterol is one of the major components of cell membranes. It's also the precursor for all the sex hormones. Its not all bad. Its just bad when there's too much and that depends on what kind of cholesterol is out of balance as well.

The primary way that omega-3 fatty acids support heart health is through their ability to reduce triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are a type of storage cholesterol in the body. When we eat, our bodies convert any unused calories into triglycerides and store the in fat cells. Later, hormones release the triglycerides for energy between meals. When triglycerides levels become too high, this can cause health problems, so most clinicians will monitor triglyceride levels along with other cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are a simple may to help support healthy triglycerides levels. Omega-3 fatty acids may also modestly raise HDL ('good' or 'protective' cholesterol) levels.

The vast majority of Americans needing support for healthy cholesterol levels are taking a 'statin' prescription drug to lower cholesterol. Here is some food for though on that topic.

"At least 1 in 4 American adults over the age of 40 are currently taking a statin drug to lower their cholesterol. Soon that number is expected to reach 1 in 3. Statins work by inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which is one of the facilitators of your body's production of cholesterol. But statins also impair production of CoQ10, and the resulting depletion can have very severe consequences.

"This is a very important topic," Shulman says. "Many who take statins have the side effects of muscle pain, fatigue and memory loss - to such a point that compliance becomes and issue; people don't want to be on statins anymore. It's been documented and recognized medically that these are real effects and that they're due to the statins. What's actually happening? The way a statin works is that it blocks your body's production of cholesterol."

Besides shutting down your body's ability to produce ubiquinone, statin drugs also shut down the conversion of Vitamin K1 to Vitamin K2, which is critically important in many body function, including heart health.

Imparing these three pathways - the production of cholesterol and CoQ10, and the Vitamin K1 to K2 conversion - has adverse effects on the production of energy and on cardiovascular health. And here's why: when you reduce your ubiquinone levels, the conversion of your food to energy becomes less efficient, which leads to lower energy, fatigue, and muscle pains.

And the longer you're on a statin drug, the more ubiquinone-starved your body becomes and the more severe the side effects become. Recently published papers have also detailed the cardiovascular repercussions of statins. As it turns out, they actually end up causing many of the diseases endpoints the drugs promised to prevent."

OmegaGize and Emotional Health

Several studies have shown the importance of omega-3 fatty acids when it comes to emotional health, especially in females and especially during pregnancy and the surrounding time frame. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for cell growth and development, and they assist with mental clarity - functions that are often 'off' during times of increased emotional need or stress.

Studies have also found that reduced omega-3 status may predispose individuals towards needing mood support as well as other conditions. As always, we want to do all we can to stay able the health line and support our bodies on a daily basis, so supplementing with OmegaGize is a great staring point! If you're needing extra support, we always recommend finding a healthcare provider that you love and trust.

Learn More:
How To Use

  • Take 2-4 capsules 2 times daily.
  • Do no exceed 8 capsules per day.
  • Store in a cool, dark place.

Join us this month as we use OmegaGize this month and beyond to support overall wellness and emotional health!

Want to try OmegaGize, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Idaho Blue Spruce - Oil Spotlight in Nov 2021

Idaho Blue Spruce

Oil Spotlight for November

Idaho Blue Spruce is like a walk through an evergreen forest on a crips, cool day. Gentle and welcoming, calming and grounding. This oil can be used during meditation or prayer to enhance your practice and inspire spiritual connection and pairs well in the diffuser with spice and citrus oils as well as other grounding blends.

Each month we focus on using an oil everyday to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in November. My goal is to use up an entire bottle for my personal use.

Idaho Blue Spruce AT A Glance

  • Has a grounding, slightly sweet evergreen aroma
  • Can be used to enhance yoga, spiritual practices or meditation
  • Makes a great addition to lotions, oils, and DIY body care products
  • Helps release emotional blocks to bring about grounding and balance
  • May help respiratory function and cleaning of the airways
  • Promotes relaxation
Considered a sacred tree by Native American tribes in the Northwest, it was used traditionally for smudging and purification rites. Spruce leaves, bark, and gum have been used historically by Native Americans for many things - spiritual ceremonies, physical health, poultices, digestive needs, immune support and more.

The oil is steam distilled from wood, bark, and needles of the Picea pungens tree, an evergreen species native to the central Rocky Mountains. It is produced at the Young Living Highland Flats Tree Farm and Distillery in Naples, Idaho. 

Key Constituents

Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties.

  • Alpha-pinene: a powerful antioxidant, some studies have shown alpha-pinene to support the body through inflammation and to help calm the mind
  • Limonene: known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress support, this is a powerful constituent with many health benefits
  • Camphene: some studies may show that this constituent supports cardiovascular health, may help reduce pain and inflammation, support the body's defenses to fungal infections
Idaho Blue Spruce is an excellent oil for the guys as it helps balance and support hormone levels, especially testosterone. Because of its constituents Idaho Blue Spruce may help optimize both testosterone and growth hormone levels. Women can also use Idaho Blue Spruce for healthy testosterone as well.

Blue Spruce Essential Oil has many health benefits, including boosting Testosterone production. Dr. Dan Purser conducted a trial which had the males subjects ingest 8 drops of Blue Spruce Essential Oil within a capsule one daily. The subjects showed and increase of 30% in Testosterone levels after only two weeks and some subjects showed up to 100% increased levels after 4 weeks. The subjects reported increased physical and mental performance in line with their new higher testosterone levels a year later. Source.

Daily Habits with Idaho Blue Spruce

Diffuse or inhale Idaho Blue Spruce to fill your space with its tranquil, woodsy aroma.

Apply to your wrists, neck, or ear lobes during yoga, meditation, or prayer

Combine with Geranium and Grapefruit in a roller bottle and dilute with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex to create a fresh, floral perfume

Add a few drops to a lightweight carrier oil, such as jojoba or grapeseed, to create a natural beard oil. To a 2 oz glass dropper bottle, add:

  • 15 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
  • 10 drops Bergamot
  • Optional: 10 drops Shutran
  • fill the rest with jojoba or grapeseed oil
    Apply to beard and skin and gently massage to keep the hair and skin happy and healthy
Make a cologne roller. To a 10 mL roller bottle, add:
  • 10 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
  • 10 drops Bergamot
  • 10 drops Cedarwood or Northern Lights Black Spurce
  • 3 drops Ylang Ylang
  • Fill with carrier oil of choice
Make a quick Winter Wonderland room spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:

  • 15 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
  • 10 drops Cedarwood
  • Optional: 10 drops Orange
  • Fill with distilled water
    Spray around everywhere! You can also sprits fresh greenery (wreaths, garlands, etc) to freshen them.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the woodsy, sweet, grounding scent of Idaho Blue Spruce.

  • Frosted Forest: 4 drops Idaho Blue Spruce + 3 drops Peppermint + 2 drops Cedarwood
  • Lullabye: 4 drops Idaho Blue Spruce + 3 drops Lavender + 2 drops Orange
  • Anthropologie Volcano Candle: 3 drops Idaho Blue Spruce + 3 drops Grapefruit + 2 drops Davana + 1 drop Lime
  • Date Night: 4 drops Idaho Blue Spruce + 2 drops Cinnamon Bark + 2 drops Orange or Tangerine
  • Holidays: 3 drops Idaho Blue Spruce + 2 drops Cinnamon Bark + 2 drops Orange + 2 drops Vanilla
  • Autumn Wreath: 4 drops Idaho Blue Spruce + 4 drops Thieves
Join us in using Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil daily to create great daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try Idaho Blue Spruce essential oilbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Cozy Home Diffuser Recipes - Nov 2021

Diffuser Blends for A Cozy Home
in November

This collection of diffuser blends has some of our favorite for cooler months! From sleepy time blends to immune support to holiday blends and popular candle dupes, these oils are essential for our health and in our homes.

Many of these blends include 'spice' oils like Cinnamon Bark, Nutmeg, Clove and Ginger. These essential oils are supportive of the immune system, are antioxidants (think Clove!), and support the endocrine and adrenal systems.

This set of blends also include 'tree' oils like Northern Lights Black Spruce, Patchouli, Pine, and Idaho Blue Spruce, which are known for 
their grounding and calming properties. Further, tree oils are wonderful for releasing emotional blocks, fostering emotional intimacy and connection, and supporting the body's natural release to microbes.

Citrus oils also show up in these blends to bring a bright, uplifting atmosphere that is warm and familiar. Each of the oils in these blends supports the body in a unique way, both physically and emotionally.

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell divine - all at the same time! Join us this month as we diffuse these favorite blends as cooler weather sets in.

Check it - many of these recipes contain the Gifts with Purchase oils in November. Get the everyday products you need and get free oils to use in the diffuser too!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend

Easy Button

Cool Autumn breezes need cozy flannel shirts, don't you think? We certainly do!

And this blend brings all the warm, cozy feelings with a mix of Idaho Blue Spruce, Bergamot and Ylang Ylang.

Grounding, sweet, and a bit woodsy with just a hint of citrus spice, this is a wonderful blend to diffuse any time of day.

Plus 'tree oils' like 
spruce are helpful for the immune system.

Just like the comfort of your favorite scarf, this blend wraps you in the warmth of familiarity. Diffuse it throughout the cooler months to bring some fall and winter higgle into your home.

Christmas Spirit is a blend of Cinnamon Bark, Orange and 
Spruce - the perfect cozy combination that also supports the immune system.

Add in a little extra spruce (Idaho Blue Spruce) for some sweetness and the spice of Clove for the perfect blend. Clove also helps support the immune system and is a powerful antioxidant.

It may be the season of gratitude, and we believe that a thankful heart is something to cultivate year round. Joy, Tangerine and Frankincense are powerful emotional tools that can help us recenter and focus our minds and hearts on the beauty of life before us.

Joy is uplifting to the emotions, helping us move from feelings of sadness or shut down towards joy. Frankincense is incredibly grounding, and Tangerine is uplifting and stimulates creativity. Diffuse this blend throughout this season as a cue for your inner self to stop look around at the beauty surrounding you.

Imagine a cozy little cabin nestled in the woods, a cool breeze blowing by, and the glow of a fire. That is what this diffuser blend is!

Calming and grounding Patchouli meets the woodsiness of Pine, allowing you to envision the forest. The Clove, Pine, and Bergamot bring the crackling fire. The blend is a little sweet, a little spicy, and a little woodsy... the perfect cozy combination.

Pine and Patchouli are considered 'tree' oils, making them wonderful for fostering emotional connection and for supporting the immune system. Clove is another immune and antioxidant powerhouse, and Bergamot, like other citrus oils, contains limonene - a health powerhouse.

The first snowfall of winter is such a magical time. The air is cool and crisp, we're all bundled up in warm, cozy clothes or snuggled up by a fire.

Idaho Blue Spruce, Jade Lemon and Wintergreen are key players is this blend, supporting the immune and respiratory system (perfect for the cooler months!) and also lifting the spirits and mind.

These oils combine to create a blend that is crisp, bright and fresh, just lie the air before the first snowfall.

This blend is perfect whenever you need a calming, cozy blend to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Idaho Blue 
Spruce and Pine essential oils are grounding and calming while also supporting the immune system.

Orange and Grapefruit are uplifting and stimulate creativity. Citrus oils also contain limonene, an essential oil constituent with studied health benefits, making this blend great for your health while also rivaling the post popular scented candles.

One of the easiest ways to start creating a low tox home is to ditch scented candles... but you don't have to sacrifice all the wonderful scents.

This popular candle dupe has none of the toxins or chemicals found in wall plugs and scented candles, but it smells divine!

Fill your home with the scents of woodsy vanilla goodness and Stress Away, Idaho Blue Spruce and Cedarwood - and support your mood and immune system at the same time.

This blend is grounded yet uplifting and perfect for winding down at the end of the day.

The most popular scented candles have nothing on this blend! Woodsy with a little spice, bright with a hint of citrus... that's what this diffuser blend is.

Idaho Blue Spruce is woodsy yet sweet, while Vetiver is deep and spicy like the scent of a fire. Peppermint is bright and fresh, while Bergamot brings a little citrus spice. Peppermint and Vetiver are wonderful for supporting focus while Bergamot, a citrus oil, supports creativity and positivity. Idaho Blue Spruce is grounding, calming and supports the immune system, making this a wonderful blend to diffuse this time of year.

It's the most wonderful time of the year, so bring the holiday cheer to your home with this calming and uplifting blend. The holiday season can hold so many complicated emotions, so taking time to center yourself is key!

Valor and Frankincense are wonderful tools to do just that, especially in combination. Stress Away is just what the name suggests and is a great oil to diffuse during gatherings. Bergamot adds a little citrus spice that is uplifting and invigorating. These four oils combine for a lovely, cheerful blend.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

How to Use Nov's Gifts with Purchase - 2021

How to use
November's Gifts with Purchase

Celebrate the season and give thanks for all the goodness in your life with this month's freebies. Diffuse Gratitude while you write in your journal and inhale Hope at the start of a new morning. Welcome friends and family to seasonal celebrations by diffusing the cozy scent of Gathering or Believe. Let the sacred scent of Myrrh fill your heart with thankfulness. Check out some of our favorite ways to use these oils right here!

Celebrate togetherness with this month's gift with purchase.

Be sure to tag me @oilisliving on Instagram when you use these ideas so I can celebrate with you!

Gratitude Essential Oil Blend

Gratitude essential oil blend contains nine essential oils and has a spiritual aroma that promotes gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation, helping foster a positive attitude and attracting all that is good in your life.

Gratitude is a blend of:
  • Balsam Fir, Frankincense, Coriander, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Vetiver, and Geranium
  • Many of these oils are incredibly grounding and high in sesquiterpenes, a constituent that is specifically supportive of calming brain waves to focused or meditative states. Use this beautiful blend to invite a posture of gratitude into your heart!
Use this blend as a part of your daily Gratitude Protocol
  • Drop 2-5 drops on the crown of your head in the morning and/or evening and say or write down three to five things for which you are thankful.
  • Commit to this practice daily and keep a journal of how you feel and how your emotions shift.
Make a perfume roller. To a 10 mL roller bottle, add:
  • 10-15 drops each of Gratitude, Tangerine, and Hope
  • Fill with a carrier oil
Make a festive room spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 10 drops Gratitude
  • 5 drops each Cinnamon Bark and Tangerine
  • a splash of witch hazel
  • Fill with filtered water
Add 20 drops of Gratitude to your Thieves Household Cleaner for a festive twist.

Use this incredible oil blend to make DIY Beeswax Candles to fill your home with the warmth of the season.
Use Gratitude blend during meditation, yoga, or personal spiritual practice while you uplift and elevate your feelings of gratitude. Apply 1-3 drops topically behind the ears, over the heart, on wrists, back of neck, and base of spine.

Diffuse these blends - perfect of the season.
  • Thankful Heart: 4 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Tangerine + 2 drops Frankincense
  • Enlightened: 4 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Joy
  • Meditation Space: 3 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce + 3 drops Sacred Frankincense or Sacred Sandalwood
  • Visionary: 3 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Valor + 2 drops Lime

Gathering Essential Oil Blend

We love gathering with our loved ones, sometimes that comes with challenges or maybe you just want to really create an atmosphere of love and acceptance.
  • Gathering is a perfect blend to help us overcome the chaotic energy that can keep us from being our best self.
  • The blend includes Northern Lights Black Spruce and Vetiver blended with Frankincense and Sandalwood to help us achieve our highest potential.
  • These oils help increase the oxygen around the pineal gland and pituitary glands, to bring better harmony to our communications.
  • This oil can be used to bring people together on a higher emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.
Diffuse before and while gathering with family and friends.

Apply one or two drops on wrists, edge of ears, temples, or your neck. Use with the following oils:
  • Forgiveness on the navel
  • Sacred Mountain and Valor on the crown of the head
  • Clarity on the temples
  • Dream Catcher on the forehead, ears, throat, eyebrows, base of neck, and under the nose
Add 20 drops of Gathering to your Thieves Household Cleaner for a festive twist.

Use this incredible oil blend to make DIY Beeswax Candles to fill your home with the warmth of the season.
  • Make a few for your friends and neighbors
  • Check out the November DIY for all the details

Car Air Fresheners, 3 pk

Create good vibes on the go. Make errands runs a little more fun with these oil-ready air 
Drop a few drops of your favorite essential oils and blends onto one of these fresheners for a quick boost and a wonderful-smelling car.

Peppermint + Vanilla, Thieves + Orange or Gratitude are great combos!

Myrrh Essential Oil

High in sesquiterpenes, Myrrh can stimulate the limbic system, the seat of memory, so its a wonderful oil to use to work on past stored emotional trauma that is yours or that you could have inherited. This oil is helpful when you are working to deprogram miswritten information at a cellular level.
  • Rub a drop of Myrrh around the belly button daily as a practical application.
  • This practice works best when paired with strong affirmations, verses or other spoken and written words.
Aromatically, it encourages spiritual awareness and is uplifting, making it a wonderful addition to morning prayer, meditation or other mindfulness practices.
  • Diffuse with Frankincense and Tangerine
  • Apply a drop to the wrists and over the heart
  • Apply a drop to the crown of the head
Make a Meditation Roller to use during spiritual practices or even to help focus the mind. To a 10 mL roller ball, add:
  • 15 drops Myrrh
  • 10 drops Cedarwood
  • 5 drops Peppermint
  • Fill the rest with a carrier of choice
    Apply over the heart, back of the neck, on the wrists liberally and frequently.
Add to your favorite skincare products - Myrrh is an incredible skin oil. Add to your Orange Blossom, Bloom or Art Light moisturizer.

Use Myrrh as a low note in perfume and cologne blends:
  • Myrrh, Jasmine, Neroli
  • Myrrh, Tangerine, Joy or Geranium
  • Myrrh, Vetiver, Frankincense, Lavender
  • Myrrh, Vetiver, Vanilla
  • Myrrh, Pine, Sandalwood, Bergamot
Make a Winter Skin Serum to protect against dry skin and keep your skin glowing all season long. To a 2 oz glass dropper bottle add:
  • 10 drops Myrrh
  • 10 drops Frankincense
  • 5 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood or Scared Sandalwood (Cedarwood will work as well but Sandalwood is ideal)
  • Optional (and incredible!) - 3 droppers of CBD Beauty Boost
  • Fill with a carrier of choice (jojoba is good for most skin types)
Add Myrrh to your on-the-go wellness kit for the literal bumps in the road and make this simple, but effective Pavement Spray. The best part about this is that you don't have to rub it in onto tender skin. To a 2 oz glass or stainless steel spray bottle add:
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • 10 drops Myrrh
  • 5 drops Tea Tree or Melrose
  • fill with fractionated coconut oil
    Spray onto knees, elbows, any skin that needs some TLC
Make and gift (or keep and use) this incredible DIY Gardener's Hand Salve for anyone who works with their hands.
  • 1/2 cup cold pressed organic olive oil (or 1 cup if not using arnica oil)
  • 1/2 cup organic arnica oil
  • 1 tbsp shea butter
  • 2 tbsp unrefined extra virgin coconut oil
  • 3-4 tbsp beeswax pastilles
  • 30 drops essential oils - Myrrh, Frankincense, Lavender, Patchouli, Pine
  • Using a double boiler, place several inches of water in the bottom and place a bowl or pan on top. Turn the heat to low-medium and add the olive oil, shea butter, coconut oil and beeswax and allow to melt, stirring gently.
  • Remove the bowl from the double boiler. Add Vitamin E oil and essential oils.
  • Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes to cool but not harden, then pour into small containers.
  • Essential oils for a masculine scent - Sandalwood, Vetiver, Idaho Blue Spruce, Valor
Make a simple DIY Roll-on Cuticle Oil. This also makes a great gift and pairs well with the Gardener's Hand Salve. To an empty 15 mL essential oil bottle with an AromaGlide Roller Fitment, add:
  • 1 1/2 tsp V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
  • 4 drops Frankincense essential oil
  • 2 drops Myrrh essential oil
  • Roll onto your cuticles anytime, anywhere
Whether your winter skin needs some TLC or you have a more acute need, make this Ultimate Skin Healing Balm and use it frequently and liberally.
  • To about 1/4 jar of Rose ointment add
  • 8 drops Helichrysum
  • 8 drops Myrrh
  • 4 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense
  • 4 drops Lavender
  • Apply to needed areas 2-5 times a day. Frequency and consistency are crucial for these big needs.
There is a reason Myrrh was given to Jesus and Mary upon the birth. Myrrh is an incredible oil for supporting skin and tissue during times of injury, and such a gift to new mamas. Use Myrrh in this Relaxing and Healing Bath Soak. Note - this is a great practice for the postpartum mamas.
  • To about 1/4 cup Epsom salt add,
  • 3 drops Frankincense
  • 3 drops Myrrh
  • 1 drop Helichrysum
  • Optional - 1 tbsp organic arnica oil
  • Sit and soak for 30 minutes or as long as desired
Add a drop of Myrrh to Thieves Mouthwash for excellent oral health or add a drop of Myrrh to 1 tbsp of organic coconut oil for oil pulling.

Believe Essential Oil

Believe is the perfect scent for the end of the year and the season of togetherness. 
  • It restores feelings of hope making it possible to more fully experience health, happiness, and vitality.
  • Diffuse this deep, woodsy blend with sweet notes like Tangerine, Jasmine or Joy. 
  • Diffuse it on its own or even with Christmas Spirit.
  • Note: Believe is a great substitute for blends that call for Idaho Grand Fir.
Make a daily perfume or cologne roller with Believe.
  • Believe, Tangerine, Hope
  • Believe, Lavender, Frankincense
  • Believe, Vetiver, Bergamot
  • Believe, Vanilla, Lavender
  • Believe, Joy, Tangerine
Place 1-2 drops of Believe on the crown of your head each day to focus your intention on hope and vitality.

Make a daily Gratitude Roller. To a 10 mL roller bottle, add:
  • 10 drops Joy
  • 7 drops Orange
  • 5 drops Believe
  • 5 drops Hope
  • Top with a carrier oil and roll on liberally and frequently
Add Believe to wool dryer balls and Thieves Laundry Soap for a festive twist and cozy sheets.

Make a Greenery Spray to refresh fresh wreaths and garlands all season long. You can also use this as a room or upholstery spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 25 drops Believe
  • 10 drops Tangerine or Christmas Spirit
  • a splash of witch hazel
  • Fill with filtered water
Make Scented Pinecone Fire Starters for your cozy winter home and gift to friends and neighbors.
  • Yarn or twine
  • Large, foraged pinecones from the yard
  • Thieves Household Cleaner
  • Essential oils
  • Collect pine cones and lightly spritz them with diluted Thieves Household Cleaner to get rid of any unwanted pests. Allow to dry overnight.
  • Wrap twine or yarn around the pinecones, all the way into the center, weaving between the individual scales. You can use festive, colorful yarn for a fun twist or neutral yarn or twine.
  • Drop 5 drops of essential oils onto the yarn/twine on each pinecone. Place the basket beside the fireplace and add a few to the fire whenever you build one.
Use this incredible oil blend to make DIY Beeswax Candles to fill your home with the warmth of the season.
  • Make a few for your friends and neighbors
  • Check out the November DIY for all the details

Hope Essential Oil Blend

Place 1-2 drops of Hope on the crown of your head each day to focus your intention on hope and vitality.

Diffuse this uplifting blend alone or with 
citrus oils, Believe, Gathering or Gratitude to foster an environment of love, peace and positivity all season long.

Use Hope on the DIY Scented Fire Starters (above).

Add Hope to a festive room spray or greenery spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 20 drops Hope
  • Optional: 10 drops Tangerine
  • Splash of witch hazel
  • Fill the rest with filtered water
  • Spray onto upholstery, greenery, wreaths, anything and everything all season long
Make a daily perfume or cologne roller with Hope:
  • Hope, Tangerine, Jasmine
  • Hope, Lavender, Tangerine
  • Hope, Vetiver, Bergamot
Make a daily Gratitude Roller:
  • 10 drops Joy
  • 7 drops Orange
  • 5 drops Believe
  • 5 drops Hope
  • top with a carrier oil and roll on liberally and frequently
Use this incredible oil blend to make DIY Beeswax Candles to fill your home with the warmth of the season.
  • Make a few for your friends and neighbors
  • Check out the November DIY for all the details
Now that you know how to use these Free Gifts with Purchase products and you want to get your hands on them, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Gift with Purchase! - Nov 2021

What is November's gifts with Purchase?

Basically the best way to order ever! You purchase products and YL sends you free ones! Each moth you'll have new picks for every tier.

What is a tier?

The more PV (product volume) you order, the more free products you receive.

  • Order at least 100 PV and your order ships for free!

  • Every time you increase your PV (up to 300 PV this month) and qualify for a new tier, you receive free products.

Earn points on products
Not only do you receive free goodies, but if you place a 50 PV+ order each month with the Subscribe to Save program, you'll also earn loyalty points on each purchase, which you can redeem for future products.

Earn exclusive gifts

If all those perks weren't enough, subscribers receive a free loyalty gift as a thank you each time they reach a benchmark anniversary of 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months of ordering!

Celebrate the season and give thanks for all the goodness in your life with this month's freebies. Diffuse Gratitude while you write in your journal and inhale Hope at the start of a new morning. Welcome friends and family to seasonal celebrations by diffusing the cozy scent of Gathering or Believe. Let the sacred scent of Myrrh fill your heart with thankfulness and get Gratitude on the go with car air fresheners that will make errands a breeze. And enjoy the gift of shipping on all orders of 100 PV or more.

For some of our favorite ways to use these oils and products, check out the How to Use November's Gift with Purchase blog.

Every month this generous company loads us up with free items simply for being loyal customers. We purchase items we’d be buying anyway - toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, makeup, supplements and cleaning supplies, etc - from Young Living, and we not only get amazing, high quality products that are safe for our families, we get free products, free shipping, delivered to our doorstep and product credits galore! I am ALL about boxes of safe, effective and healthy products showing up in my mailbox with fun freebies inside!

Freebies During the Month of November

With any order (Subscribe to Save or one time shop order) of 100 PV or more, you will receive FREE SHIPPING. Stock up on fall-time favorites and your order will ship for free.

190 PV Orders

With any order (Subscribe to Save or Shop) of 190 PV or more, you'll receive a free 5 mL GRATITUDE oil blend. If your order is a Subscribe to Save order (previously Essential Rewards), you'll also receive a free 5 mL GATHERING blend and a 3 pk CAR AIR FRESHENERS (so cute!).

 essential oil, 5 mL
  • Gather in goodness. Apply Gratitude in the morning and invite positive thoughts and feelings to infuse your day.
  • Gratitude essential oil blend contains nine essential oils and has a spiritual aroma that promotes gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation, fostering a positive attitude and attracting all that is good in your life.

GATHERING essential oil blend, 5 mL

  • Enhance family festivities. Diffuse this aroma during family parties to celebrate connection.
  • Gathering essential oil blend is a combination of nine essential oils that creates an aroma to gather people together on a physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual level - allowing you to rise above the chaotic energies of the world today and find a place of spiritual peace.
  • Note: for Subscribe to Save orders only.

Car Air Fresheners, 3 pk
  • Create good vibes on the go. Make errand runs a little more fun with these oil-ready air fresheners.
  • Drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil or blend onto one of these fresheners for a quick boost and a wonderful-smelling car! Peppermint + Vanilla, Thieves + Orange, or Gratitude!
  • Note: for Subscribe to Save orders only.

250 PV Orders

With any order of 250 PV, you'll receive a free 5 mL MYRRH essential oil and all the above with FREE SHIPPING!

essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Get your glow. Add Myrrh to your favorite skin care products for extra moinsture.
  • Myrrh essential oil beautifies, cleanses, and moisturizes the skin, making it a great addition to your skin care routine.
  • In addition, its sweet, earthy aroma can be used to enhance yoga, meditation, and spiritual practices.

300 PV Orders

With any order of 300 PV, you'll receive a free 5 mL BELIEVE essential oil blend, a 5 mL HOPE essential oil blend and all of the above with FREE SHIPPING!

BELIEVE, essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Set your sights high. Diffuse Believe as you create a vision board with all your dreams and goals.
  • Reconnect to your inner belief. This blend of Idaho Grand Fir, Coriander, Bergamot, Frankincense, Idaho Blue Spruce, Ylang Ylang, and Geranium can encourage feelings of faith and inner strength.

 essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Connect to calm. Apply Hope topically during a meditation session for an uplifting atmosphere.
  • Hope is a spiritual blend of Melissa, Juniper, Myrrh, and Black Spruce that helps reconnect you to feelings of strength and stability toward your compelling future.

For more details and ways to use these amazing oils, check out this YouTube video from YL Corporate. Then get diffusing with these freebies with these yummy Diffuser Recipes in November.

onder how to use your gifts with purchase? Check out this post to see all the things.

Want to get the most out of your new oils? Check out these posts on the Lavender Life Blog:
Not sure what to do to get these freebies? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Inner Defense Supplement Spotlight - Oct 2021

Inner Defense

Supplement Spotlight

Inner Defense is just what the name suggests - a defense and protection from all that today's world can through at us!

This powerhouse blend of essential oils supports the immune and respiratory systems, making it a wonderful addition to your health routine either for daily use or for when your defenses start to go down.

Why We Love Inner Defense

  • Reinforces systemic defenses
  • Promotes healthy respiratory function
  • Offers immune support
  • Creates unfriendly terrain for yeast and fungus
  • Dissolves quickly for maximum results
So much of our modern world can take a toll on our health - environmental exposure, devitalized food, lack of sleep, abundance of stress, polluted water and air. And even these in small quantities can add up to a cumulative does that leaves us needing us extra support. Sometimes we need that support acutely and other times we need it on a more consistent basis. Either way, Inner Defense is a great option for strengthening the body systems.

Key Ingredients

  • Clove essential oil - has profound immune support and is a powerful antixoidant
  • Oregano essential oil - high in carvacrol and thymol that support the immune system, also aids digestion, supports muscle and joint health and flexibility
  • Thyme essential oil - rich in thymol, supports the respiratory and immune systems
  • Lemongrass essential oil - supports digestion and proper immune function
  • Lemon essential oil - high is limonene, supports respiration and immune function, cleansing and purifying
  • Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil - known for its support of the respiratory system, also cleanses and purifies and supports the immune function
  • Rosemary essential oil - a cleansing and purifying oil, supports the immune and respiratory systems
  • Cinnamon Bark essential oil - provides immune support and antioxidants.
  • Virgin Coconut oil - supports all body systems and dilutes the essential oils
Inner Defense and Emotions

When we begin to fall below the wellness line, our emotional and mental health is also affected. All of our body systems are interconnected, so it makes sense that we often feel run down, fatigued, exhausted even on an emotional level when our defenses go down.

Sometimes the emotional and mental effects hit first. So if your feeling run down, vulnerable, easily overwhelmed or triggered, stop and take inventory of your physical health as well. The organisms that invade our cells and bring us down affect our emotions too.

Oils that can help include Oregano, Thyme and Rosemary essential oils, all of which are part of the Inner Defense capsules.

Learn More:
Inner Defense uses potent essential oils including Oregano, Thyme, and Thieves to reinforce systemic defenses, promote healthy respiratory function, and offer immune support. These liquid capsules dissolve quickly for maximum results and help the body create an unfriendly terrain for yeast and fungus.

How To Use

  • Take 1 capsule up to 3 times daily for acute needs. We suggest taking with food and at the very first sign of your defenses going down.
  • Take 1 soft gel daily for support as desired. We often take Inner Defense when traveling or other times where we feel we need extra immune support.
  • For best results, take with food and take Life 9 probiotic approximately 8 hours after taking Inner Defense. If you forget or cannot take Inner Defense with a meal, have a snack with plenty of healthy fat (nut butter, avocado, etc)
  • Parenting Hack - for children, use a safety pin or needle to create a small hole in the gelcap, then gently squeeze and apply the contents along the spine or the bottom of the feet.

Join us this month as we use Inner Defense this month and beyond to support our immune system and emotions as we head into the cooler weather!

Want to try Inner Defense, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

How to Use Oct's Gifts with Purchase - 2021

How to use
October's Gifts with Purchase

Fall is here! We are so excited for all the cool-weather activities and to make themes of this season with our lived ones. Celebrate togetherness with this month's gift with purchase.

Gathering with your favorite people becomes even sweeter with your favorite Young Living products on hand (and your wellness habits in full swing).

Patchouli, Cinnamon Bark, Clove and Nutmeg will be the stars of your favorite diffuser blends. Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea will be a great start to your morning.  And when it's time to wind down, let the evening melt away with ImmuPro chewable tablets..

Be sure to tag me @oilisliving on Instagram when you use these ideas so I can celebrate with you!

Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil

Cinnamon Bark is a staple of autumn scent. Diffuse the soil with Nutmeg, Clove, Ginger, Cardamom, Tangerine, Vanilla, Thieves or a tree oil for a warm, welcoming aroma!
  • Autumn Breeze: 3 drops Orange, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce, 1 drop Clove and 1 drop Nutmeg
  • Coffee Shop: 4 drops Stress Away, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Tangerine
  • Pumpkin Spice: 3 drops Clove, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Orange, 2 drops Nutmeg, 1 drop Ginger
Whip up a simple, festive Room Spray:
  • Add 10 drops each Cinnamon Bark and Vanilla
  • And a splash of witch hazel
  • Then fill the rest of a 2 oz glass spray bottle with filtered water.
Drop Cinnamon Bark oil onto pinecones, garlands and other seasonal decor to create a simple passive diffuser.

Add a couple of drops of Cinnamon Bark to your favorite perfume roller for a warm, spicy undertone.
  • Joy + Tangerine + Cinnamon Bark
  • Jasmine + Neroli + Stress Away + Cinnamon Bark
  • Ylang Ylang + Lavender + Tangerine + Cinnamon Bark
Make a Wellness Roller. To a 10 mL roller bottle, add:
  • 10 drops each: Cinnamon Bark, Oregano, Clove, Frankincense, Lemon, and RC or Raven
  • Fill with a carrier oil of choice
  • Roll over the spine and lymph nodes morning and evening.
Use Cinnamon Bark for emotional support!
  • Cinnamon Bark is a wonderful tool for when you feel easily annoyed or when you feel the need to act a part or fake something. Often we suppress or play a role in new situations, during holiday times and/or around family. Its not a coincidence that the fall and winter months have us gravitating towards warm aroma like Cinnamon Bark. You can use this oil to help you move out of a fake role and more into the true version of you. 
  • Simply sit in a quiet place, add a drop of Cinnamon Bark to your palms, rub in well, then cup your hands over your nose and breathe deeply. Repeat a positive affirmation, a personal truth or scripture. Sit and breathe until you feel something shift. You can repeat this process as often as necessary.
For more on this fall staple, check out the Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil Spotlight.

Clove Essential Oil

Add Clove to your Daily Wellness Roller:
  • Clove essential oil is an antioxidant powerhouse! Clove has an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of 1,078,700 μTE/100 g, meaning it provides your body with a large supply of antioxidants to support health and healing. (To give you an idea of what this means, oranges are created 750 μTE/100 g and kale is rated at 1,770 μTE/100 g.)
  • Clove is a key ingredient in the Thieves essential oil blend because of its incredible immune support properties.
Give your muscles (and immune system) some TLC with a Clove & Epsom salt bath:
  • Add 2 drops Clove to 1 cup Epsom salt and then add to your bath water (ideally, let the water run into and over a cup containing the salts) for a relaxing soak. Sit back and soak up all the health benefits of Clove essential oil.
  • Don't want the full body experience? Cut the recipe in half and add the salts to warm water to a large bin for a simple, wonderful foot soak.
Diffuse this perfect fall spice oil:
  • Fall Festival: 3 drops Thieves, 3 drops Orange, 2 drops Clove, 3 drops Grapefruit
  • Mulled Cider: 4 drops Christmas Spirit, 3 drops Clove, 3 drops Grapefruit
  • Spiced Chai: 3 drops Vanilla, 2 drops Cardamom, 2 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Clove
  • Autumn Forest: 3 drops Patchouli, 3 drops Bergamot, 3 drops Clove, 2 drops Pine
Dilute and massage Clove onto tired muscles and feet for a lovely warming sensation that also gives your body some TLC.

Nutmeg Essential Oil Blend

This oil is high in the constituent sabinene, alpha-pinene and beta-pinene, making it a wonderful option to support the digestive system, to protect your liver, to help maintain healthy circulation and provide the adrenals with the support they need on a daily basis.

Make a cozy linen spray: To an 8 oz spray bottle add:
  • 5 drops each of Nutmeg and Clove
  • 10 drops Bergamot or Orange
  • 1 cup of filtered water
  • and a splash of witch hazel
    Spray anywhere and everywhere.
Cozy up your Thieves Cleaner with a Pumpkin Spice Scent. To make a Pumpkin Spice Thieves Cleaner:
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 10 drops each of Orange and Cinnamon Bark 
  • 5 drops each of Ginger, Clove, Nutmeg
  • Fill the rest of a 16 oz glass spray bottle with water
Did someone say stress? Nutmeg is your stress response oil. Make this Stress Recovery (aka Adrenal Love) Serum:
To a 4 oz glass dropper bottle, add
25 drops Nutmeg
20 drops each of Clove, Frankincense, and Rosemary
Fill the rest up with Castor oil
Apply over the lower back every morning and before bed every day.

Diffuse this fall spice oil for a little pick me up:
  • Adrenal Love: 3 drops Nutmeg,  3 drops Frankincense, 3 drops Clove, 3 drops Orange
  • Pumpkin Spice: 4 drops Orange, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Nutmeg, 1 drop Ginger
  • Baking Pie: 4 drops Stress Away, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Nutmeg
  • Calm & Collected: 4 drops Lavender, 3 drops Nutmeg, 3 drops Frankincense

Patchouli Essential Oil

Use Patchouli as a natural alternative to conventional deodorant. Either apply directly, dilute with jojoba/V-6 oil in a roller ball and apply after using apple cider vinegar to cleanse the area.

Add Patchouli to your skincare routine - its great for winter skin with this 'Happy Hippie' Body Butter:
  • 1/2 cup solid coconut oil (use refined for less coconut scent)
  • 1/2 cup shea butter (use refined for less scent)
  • 20 drops each of Patchouli, Tangerine, and Sacred Mountain
  • Whip coconut oil and shea butter with a handheld or stand mixer until light and fluffy, slowly mix in essential oils until combined. Store in a glass jar with an airtight lid.
Diffuse this grounding, woodsy oil for the welcoming aroma of a crisp autumn walk. Patchouli pairs well with citrus, other tree oils, and Frankincense and is also great emotional tool for releasing worry.
  • Diffuse during prayer, meditation or yoga
  • Diffuse with other calming oils at bedtime to unwind
  • Happy Hippie: 3 drops Patchouli, 2 drops Tangerine, 3 drops Sacred Mountain, 2 drops Lavender
  • Autumn Forest: 4 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce, 3 drops Patchouli, 2 drops Frankincense
  • Sleep Tight: 3 drops Lavender, 3 drops Frankincense, 3 drops Patchouli, 2 drops Valor
  • Autumn Picnic: 3 drops Patchouli, 3 drops Tangerine, 1 drop Clove, 2 drops Idaho Blue Spruce, 2 drops Bergamot
  • Worry Less: 3 drops Patchouli, 3 drops Bergamot, 3 drops Valor
Add patchouli to your favorite blends for a woodsy aroma that calms and grounds:
  • Tension Melter: Patchouli + Peppermint
  • Glow Up: Patchouli + Frankincense + Blue Tansy (a skincare favorite)
  • Its a Vibe: Patchouli + Jasmine + Bergamot ( great perfume roller)
Make a cozy Autumn Room Spray with Patchouli and other tree oils. To a 2 oz glass dropper bottle add:
  • 15 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • 10 drops Patchouli
  • 10 drops Tangerine (optional)
  • 5 drops Cinnamon Bark
  • A splash of witch hazel
  • Fill the rest with water

ImmuPro Chewable Tablets

ImmuPro Chewable Tablets are one of the easiest ways to give your body a good boost. These tablets are packed full of immune-supporting herbs and essential oils that:
  • Stimulate the immune system (both cell-mediated and humoral immunity)
  • Provide necessary minerals like Zinc, Copper, and Selenium
  • Allow the body to rest by providing a small amount of melatonin. when we are stressed, our bodies need sleep even more to allow healing to occur.
  • ImmuPro combines Reishi, Mistake and Agaricus blazei organic mushrooms with NingXia Wolfberry polysaccharides and Orange essential oil to create an immune supporting supplement that is perfect for anyone 12 and older. Chew 1-2 ImmuPro tablets before bed to help your body rest and recover.
Create a daily bedtime wellness routine:
  • Make a mug of Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea in your YL Foundation mug
  • Draw a relaxing bath with 10 drops Patchouli - 5 drops Clove in 1 cup of Epsom salt
  • After your bath, apply diluted Nutmeg or the Stress Relief Serum over the adrenals
  • Roll your Wellness Blend over the spine and lymph nodes
  • Chew 1-2 ImmuPro tablets
  • Fire up your diffuser with Patchouli, Frankincense, and Lavender
  • Apply your favorite sleep supporting oils and snooze away!

Spiced Turmeric Tea
and YL Foundation Mug

Turmeric has some incredible health benefits, and the Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea is a wonderful way to add these benefits to your daily routine.

Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea combines spices including ginger, turmeric, and chai masala with organic rooibos for a warm, inviting drink. And its caffeine free!

Start your morning with a cozy cup of Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea.
  • Bring 8 oz of water to near-boiling and pour into your YL Foundation mug with a tea bag and steep covered for 5 minutes
  • Remove the tea bag and add Tangerine Vitality Oil, if you wish.
Create a super easy Golden Milk Latte:
  • Make a mug of Spiced Herbal Tea as mentioned above
  • Warm your milk of choice in a small saucepan or an electric milk frother
  • Pour warmed/frothed milk into your tea and sprinkle with ground cinnamon (optional)
Want a cool, refreshing herbal tea for your mid-day meal? Try this recipe:
  • Steep 4-5 tea bags in boring water for 10 minutes
  • While the infusion is still warm, add sweetener if desired (raw hone is a great choice)
  • While the infusion is still warm (but not boiling) add any Vitality oils if desired
  • Let the tea cool, then place it in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Enjoy a cup straight fro the fridge or over ice.
Enjoy your day with a wellness boost.
  • Enjoy a mug of Spiced Turmeric Tea before bedtime as you wind down the evening.
  • Complete the daily wellness ritual each evening to give your body some TLC and help keep you above the wellness line this season.
Cozy up with a crowd!
  • Make a large batch of this warm, spicy tea for your friends and family! Simply boil 8 oz of water per mug (boil all in a large stock pot or kettle), then add the tea bags directly to your heating vessel and steep.
  • Make it a special Autumn treat for your guests with warmed, frothed milk, a drop of Cinnamon or Orange Vitality, ground cinnamon on top and a dollop of raw honey.
Now that you know how to use these Free Gifts with Purchase products and you want to get your hands on them, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for Sept 2021

September Essentials
What should I order?

Ready, Set, Red. September is all about creating great health habits, specifically using our beloved NingXia Red. Join us this month as we use the following products daily to support our health and wellness as we head into the fall and winter.

Tangerine essential oil - to calm, focus & uplift
NingXia Red - for overall health & energy
NingXia Nitro - for energy & mental clarity
AminoWise - for muscle support & recovery
ImmuPower essential oil - to support the immune system
Clove essential oil - antioxidant support & yummy diffuser blends

Tangerine Essential Oil

Tangerine essential oil has a sweet scent that can create a happy, contented mindset when diffused. This versatile oil is wonderful for the emotions, helps purify the air of odors, promotes healthy hair and skin, and smells wonderful in so many diffuser blends.

Taken internally, it offers a fresh, sweet citrus flavor and can provide digestive, lymphatic, and immune support. This is an oil we definitely want in our homes and in our bodies.

Learn more about Tangerine essential oil in the September's Oil of the Month post.

NingXia Red

Add a daily shot of NingXia Red to your routine with this powerful, whole-body supplement. This wolfberry puree is infused with essential oils and also contain plum, arena  cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts - it is so packed with superfoods to support overall wellness.

The benefits of NingXia Red include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health.

Want to learn more about the health benefits of NingXia Red, then check out September's Product Spotlight blog.

NingXia Nitro

With ingredients specifically crafted to kick it up a notch, NingXia Nitro is the absolute perfect solution when you've started your day at the crack of dawn and need to rev your energy storage. Or when you're seriously suffering from that afternoon slump, or you simply need to tackle a to-do list a mile long - NingXia Nitro has your back.

Learn more about NingXia Nitro in this month's Ditch and Switch blog post.


AminoWise is our favorite supplement for recovery after workouts - think of this as a natural Gatorade. It is a wolfberry lemonade-flavored drink mix that contains branched-chain amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals to provide the nutrients you need to optimize your workout recovery.

AminoWise enhances muscle performance, reduces fatigue, and supports muscles during and after exercise using a triple-targeted formula that features branched-chain amino acids, premium essential oils, antioxidants, and minerals.

Learn more about AminoWise in September's Supplement Spotlight.

Essential Oil Blend

The name this blend says it all! ImmuPower is a combination of powerful essential oils, including Hyssop, Mountain Savory, Cistus, Camphor, Frankincense, Oregano, Clove, Cumin, and Dorado Azul.

This oil blend is a mainstay for you to be supported above the wellness line.

Clove Essential Oil

Clove essential oil has a warm, inviting aroma that is perfect as we head into the cooler months. Diffuse with Tangerine, Nutmeg, Cinnamon Bark, Vanilla and/or Thieves for an incredible blend that supports overall health and wellness.

Clove also provides cleansing properties and can be added to Thieves dental products to maintain oral health. When taken internally, it contains antioxidants and can provide immune and general wellness support.

Want to try the essentials for September (Tangerine essential oilNingXia RedNingXia NitroAminoWiseImmuPower essential oilClove essential oil), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

NingXia Red Product Spotlight - Sept 2021

Lets Learn More

About NingXia Red!

It's no secret that we are crazy about NingXia Red, and here are all there reasons why. NingXia Red is a powerful antioxidant supplement drink made from wolberry puree, blueberry, plum, cherry, arena  and pomegranate juices, grape seed extract, Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon and Orange essential oils, stevia and pure vanilla extract for flavor.

Besides the great taste, NingXia Red has some amazing health benefits. It has the highest known protection against the dangerous superoxide free radicals, as documented in the S-ORAC test conducted by Brunswick Laboratories.

Let's talk antioxidants. That word gets thrown around a lot as we discuss wellness, but what does it really mean? Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products), which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals.

NingXia Red is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, it has 18 animo acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and E. It is an excellent whole-food source of nutrients that gives energy and strength to the body without harmful stimulants. It also has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike the blood sugar levels.

In Short, NingXia Red:
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Helps us be proactive against all the germs coming our way
  • Energy support
  • HUGE source of antioxidants
  • Support brain and join health
  • Support healthy hormone levels
  • Support healthy blood sugar levels
  • Can help curb sugar cravings
Why do we Love it?
Why are we so huge on our NingXia Red? Because, honestly, we're better people when we drink it. Sound a little far-fetch?

Think about it...
Do cars run better when fueled by the right gas? Why do we expect our bodies to run on second-rate, pressed, non-fuel? We get work out, our digestive systems get tired, our cells get dirty, and we need something we can assimilate quickly and easily to go to work. NingXia Red gives our bodies the boost we need.

Who should use NingXia Red? Everyone!
We love 2 ounces daily for kids and 2-4 ounces daily for adults.

Yummy Recipes:
NingXia Immune Booster - Fill a glass with the following
  • 1/3 full with organic apple juice (or water)
  • 1-2 oz NingXia Red
  • 1 tsp organic elderberry syrup (make your own and infuse it with essential oils!)
NingXia Spritzer - add to a glass and stir:
  • 1 can sparkling water in your favorite flavor
  • 1/3 to 1/2 bottle of kombucha
  • 2-4 oz NingXia Red
  • 1-2 drops citrus vitality oils (Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange, Lime, etc)

NingXia Lunchbox

Freeze your NingXia packets, then pack in your kid's lunchbox. Doubles as an ice pack! Add in a cute straw and its a fun and healthy lunchtime treat.

Join us as we boost our overall wellness and develop healthy daily habits with NingXia Red everyday this month. 

Want to try NingXia Red, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Tangerine Oil Spotlight - Sept 2021


Oil Spotlight for September

Tangerine essential oil has a sweet citrus scent that can create a happy, contented mindset when diffused. This versatile oil is wonderful for emotions, helps purify the air of odors, promotes healthy hair and skin, and smells wonderful in so many diffuser blends. Taken internally, it offers a fresh, sweet, citrus flavor and can provide digestive, lymphatic, and immune support. This is an oil we definitely want in our homes and in our bodies.

Each month we focus on using an oil everyday to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in September. My goal is to use up an entire bottle for my personal use.

Tangerine AT A Glance

  • Contains the constituents limonene, gamma-terpinene, and myrcene
  • Found in Dream Catcher, Joy, and Inner Child essential oil blends, as well as Relaxation Massage Oil
  • Cold pressed from the rind of the fruit, making the oil alkaline (not acidic)
  • Pairs well with most oils and blends
  • Combining Tangerine with White Angelica (we talked about it here) or Feelings Kit oils (and here) can improve your emotional outcome.

Tangerine + Oxidative Stress

Our bodies' cells produce free radicals during normal metabolic processes. However, cells also produce antioxidants that neutralize these free radicals. In general, the body is able to maintain a balance between antioxidants and free radicals. 

Sometimes, and especially in our ever-modernizing world, the balance tips towards excess free radical production. Several things contribute to this, but include inflammatory foods, emotional and mental stress, health conditions, infection, radiation, and environmental toxins. A large body of scientific evidence suggests that long-term oxidative stress contributes to the development of a range of chronic conditions.

Enter Tangerine essential oil (and other citrus oils). Tangerine essential oil contains limonene, a potential free radical scavenger. THIS IS HUGE! We have a powerful tool in our hands for supporting our bodies and upping the antioxidant potential.

Tangerine + Emotions

We just mentioned that Tangerine essential oil contains limonene, a potential free radical scavenger. This is important for our emotional health because less oxidative stress (less free radicals = less 'negative' emotions). Limonene also helps boost the mood and calm the central nervous system, making Tangerine a wonderful oils for soothing the emotions.

Tangerine can help promote feelings of calm and happiness, supporting learning and memory and calming nervousness.

Daily Habits with Tangerine

  • Dilute with a carrier oil and apply to your soles for happy feet and circulation.
  • Add to your car vent diffuser or a cotton ball stashed under the seats for an uplifting scent while you commute 
  • Give a glass of lemonade a twist by adding 1-2 drops of Tangerine Vitality.
  • Add 1-2 drops of Tangerine Vitality to your daily NingXia Red.
  • Add a few drops each of Tangerine and Tea Tree to your daily shampoo and massage into your scalp for a sweet, tingly sensation.
  • Use its cleansing benefits in your morning skin care routine for an added boost.
  • Apply it to your temples before study time or meditation to promote feelings of calm and focus.
Note: Avoid applying to skin that will be directly exposed to sunlight or UV light to prevent risk of photosensitivity.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the soothing scent of Tangerine with us this month!

Join us in using Tangerine essential oil daily to create great daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try Tangerinebut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

KidScents KidPower Oil Spotlight - Aug 2021

KidScents KidPower

August's Oil Spotlight

Sometimes life can be big and scary for children, but they have the power to face all of life's big and little challenges! Sometimes they just need help discovering that power inside themselves.

KidPower is a unique, everyday blend formulated to help inspire feelings of confidence, courage, and positivity at home, at school, or on the playground...

But it's not just for kids! This blend is also amazing for adults and makes a wonderful perfume.

KidPower AT A Glance

  • Aroma inspires feelings of confidence and courage
  • Scent helps ease occasional feelings of doubt, fear, and worry
  • Aroma creates a comforting environment for times of daily stress, occasional anxiousness, or nervousness
  • Blended aroma helps support feelings of emotional balance, well-being and positivity
  • Pre-diluted for delicate skin
  • Recommended for children ages 2 and up


Raising confident, courageous children can be a challenge, especially with all they experience in today's world. And I am grateful to have natural tools in our parenting toolkit, like the KidPower blend.

This blend was created specifically to help arm parents with a unique mix of essential oils designed to promote feelings of courage and confidence. This exclusive blend of some of Young Living's favorite and inspiring essential oils offers a sweet, empowering aroma that will be loved by both children and parents. Diffuse it daily and as needed for an aroma boost to support feelings of positivity and confidence.

Key Ingredients
  • Back Spruce - earthy and grounding to help balance the senses
  • Blue Tansy - has a floral aroma that is uplifting to the senses and calming to the Central Nervous System
  • Frankincense - popular for meditation and promotes a comforting, grounded environment
  • Geranium - promotes peaceful, uplifted feelings
  • Ho Wood - provides a floral, relaxing aroma
  • Orange - has a sweet and energizing aroma, helps to stimulate creativity
  • Vanilla - provides a warm, sweet and comforting scent

Daily Habits with KidPower

  • Apply 2-4 drops directly to wrists, chest, neck or any other area. Dilution is not required, except for the most sensitive of skin, so you can add a roller fitment directly to the bottle or opt for the roll-on version.
  •  Create an application ritual, and get your kids involved! Grab your KidPower or KidPower Roll-on and place it beside their toothbrush, backpack, or homeschool bin - anywhere they will be able to find and easily use it daily. We love rolling on our oil and repeating a family Motta, a bible verse, or positive affirmation together.
  • Make a roller with KidPower, Vetiver, and Lavender for help calming over excited kids and promote calm, confident focus.
  • Make a simple linen spray with equal parts KidPower and Lavender, a splash of witch hazel and filtered water. Spray on sheets, loves, pajamas, or any other soft surface as desired.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the soothing scent of KidPower with us this month!

Join us in using KidPower essential oil blend daily to create great daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try KidPowerbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for August 2021

The August Essentials are Here!
What should I order?

August is all about the Little Oilers and supporting them well! Here are a few items we are using this month and beyond to support their (and our) physical, mental and emotional health everyday.

KidScents KidPower - to promote calm, confident feelings
KidScents MightyZyme - for happy, healthy bellies & bodies
KidScents Toothpaste - to make brushing a happy habit
KidScents Roll-on Collection - for anything your kids day may hold
Seedlings Calm Essential Oil Blend - for sweet calming vibes
Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream - to heal and protect any skin needs

KidScents KidPower
Essential Oil Blend

Sometimes life can be big and scary for children, but they have the power to face all of life's bit and little challenges. Sometimes they just need help discovering that power inside themselves.

KidPower is a unique, everyday blend formulated to help inspire feelings of confidence, courage, and positivity at home, at school, or on the playground... 

But it's not just for kids. This blend is also amazing for adults and makes a wonderful perfume.

Learn more about KidPower essential oil blend in the August's Oil of the Month post.

KidScents MightyZyme

KidScents MightyZyme chewable tablets contains enzymes that naturally occur in the body that support and assist the digestive needs of growing bodies and the normal digestion of foods.

When taken daily with meals, these little chewable tablets can make a big difference in our kid's overall health.

Lean more about MightyZyme in this month's Supplement Spotlight blog post.

KidScents Toothpaste

Make brushing a joy instead of a chore with KidScents Toothpaste. This advanced formula cleans children's teeth without any of the harsh additives found in most commercial toothpastes.

Flouride and GMO free, this plant-based toothpaste provides a refreshing mint taste infused with 100% pure essential oils while supporting healthy-looking gums and teeth. KidScents Toothpaste is formulated with your children and family in mind.

Learn more in this month's Ditch and Switch blog post.

KidScents Roll-On Collection

Your children go through a lot in a day, and this collection of pre-diluted oils have you covered for anything you need. This collection features six superstar blends to tackle all the ups and downs of your children's days. Each custom blend is ready for easy application and portability in a convenient roller for natural solutions anytime, anywhere.
  • GeneYus - to create an atmosphere of creativity and alertness
  • KidPower - to inspire feelings of confidence, courage, and optimism
  • Owie - naturally soothes minor ouchies and boo boo's
  • SleeyIze - to help little ones settle down at night
  • SniffleEase - for naturally soothing vapors
  • TummyGize - to help comfort tummy troubles

Seedlings Calm
Essential Oil Blend

Dreamland is only a few drops away with Seedlings Calm essential blend. This soothing, gentle scent is formulated with the littlest members of your family in mind, but is soft, relaxing, floral scent is a favorite for the whole family.

Roll-on, diffuse, use in a linen spray. However you choose to use this special blend, it will help the whole family unwind together.

Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream

Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream is made with 100% naturally derived ingredients, including 100% pure essential oils, botanicals, and non-nano zinc oxide. It helps reduce the duration and severity of diaper rash when applied at the first sign of redness.

It soothes on contact, protects delicate skin, and acts as a physical barrier to wetness. The extra gentle, mild formula - developed specially for your infant's tender skin - seals out wetness and helps balance skin moisture while reducing redness.

Don't have littles in diapers? This thick, Lavender-scented cream is a staple in our family's first aid kit.

Want to try the essentials for August (KidScents KidPowerKidScents MightyZymeKidScents ToothpasteKidScents Roll-on CollectionSeedlings Calm Essential Oil BlendSeedlings Diaper Rash Cream), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

MightyZyme Supplement Spotlight - Aug 2021


Supplement Spotlight

Enzymes are crucial to our health and digestion, and in an ideal world our foods would be rich in natural enzymes. Unfortunately the average diet and even the soil quality. Without these little workers, we are not assimilating the nutrients that we need, and we all know that growing bodies need those nutrients!

Why are enzymes important? Enzymes...
  • help your cells communicate well with each other.
  • are protein molecules that are manufactured by all plant and animal cells. All cells require enzymes to survive and function.
  • help keep cell growth, life and death under control (this is so important!).
  • are need for more than 4,000 biochemical reactions in the body.
  • are responsible for every chemical reaction in our bodies.
  • allow our cells to build up and break down molecules in our bodies!
Enzymes affect every body system
  • Digestion - Enzymes break down food so the body can digest it.
  • Metabolism - Enzymes help properly metabolize the food so the body can use the nutrients from the food.
  • Respiration - Enzymes assist in getting oxygen to where it is needed.
  • Nutrient absorption and transportation - Enzymes help the nutrient get to where they are needed.
  • Detoxification - Enzymes keep toxic sludge from building up in the body.
  • Muscle Movement - Enzymes assist in helping the brain communicate with the muscles.
  • Hormone Production - Enzymes assist in helping the body produce hormones that in turn keep the body functioning.
  • Cell Repair - Enzymes assist in repairing cells which can lead to youthful skin.
  • Cell Division - Enzymes help keep cell division at a normal, healthy rate.

MightyZymes to the rescue!

These are all the things we want for ourselves and our kids' growing bodies. KidScents MightyZyme contains enzymes that naturally occur in the body that support and assist the digestive needs of growing bodies and the normal digestion of foods.

Areas of health that enzymes can support:
  • Gut health and digestion
  • Focus and attention
  • Mood and disposition
  • Energy levels
Chewable and newly formulated for better flavor and with folate instead of folic acid, these enzymes can be key to the digestive and immune system as well as helping to support a healthy gut (which has great impact on focus and brain function). Adding MightyZymes to your kid's routine is a great way to support their overall health.

To Use
  • Take 1 tablet, three times a day prior to or with meals.
  • For relief of occasional symptoms including fullness, pressure, bloating, stuffed feeling (commonly referred to as gas), pain and/or minor cramping that may occur after eating.
  • MightlyZyme aren't just for kids! If you are looking for a chewable enzyme, this is for you too.

Join us this month as we use MightyZyme this month and beyond to support overall health and wellness and feed our children (and ourselves!) 

Want to try MightyZyme, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Little Oiler Diffuser Recipes - Aug 2021

Little Oiler Diffuser
Recipes for August

This collection of diffuser blends has some of our favorites fo rate little oilers in our lives. From sleepy time blends to immune support to focused blends for school time, these oils are essential for our children and families!

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell divine - all at the same time! Join us this month as we diffuse these favorite blends to care for ourselves this month.

Check it - many of these recipes contain the Gifts with Purchase oils in August. Get the everyday products you need and get free oils to use in the diffuser too!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend


Imagine a cool, dark room... twinkle lights in the corner.... white noise playing... and the scent of Lavender, Patchouli and Tangerine lulling you towards dream land. That's exactly what this blend evokes.

This combination is perfect for setting the stage for great sleep. Peace & Calming contains the beloved blue tansy, an oil that specifically helps calm the central nervous system.

Whether you are homeschooling, virtual schooling or in person schooling, this blend is a great one for school and work time for the adults too!

Rosemary is helpful for promoting focus, citrus oils are uplifting and help promote creativity. Try this soothing blend the next time you work, school or create.

Snuggle up with your little ones with this blend creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere. 

KidPower for calm, brave feelings
Frankincense for grounding and emotional connection
Tangerine for a little playfulness

These oils are wonderful for supporting the emotions and connecting with those you love.

Herbaceous, deep and clean, this combination of oils helps to open the airways and support the entire respiratory system. Lemon is a natural mucolytic and makes a green addition to this blend.

Diffuse at bedtime or anytime you need a little extra support.

We want the energy in our homes to be calm, loving, playful and inviting, and this combination of oils brings all those feelings.

The grounding vibes of Sacred Mountain, the woodsiness of Patchouli and the brightness of Tangerine and Lime pair perfectly for a great everyday blend. Plus, Sacred Mountain helps to release fear of the unknown, making it a powerful emotional toolbar all of us - especially our kids!

It's almost that time of year again! We want to start supporting our bodies before the winter months, and this blend is perfect for that.

Add these oils to the diffuser at bedtime, before and after school, camps and play dates to purify the air and support the immune and respiratory systems.

KidPower is a fan favorite with its vanilla creamsicle scent, so pairing it with Lavender creates a perfect calm and confident aroma.

Whether you need some help calming down to focus or settling into sleep, this combination will quickly become a favorite.

Whenever you need to find that inner magic (or help someone you love find it), this blend is perfect.

Citrus oils for creativity, Stress Away to connect to your calm center, and Joy for bringing out the inner love and light that we all carry! This blend is wonderful any time of the day, but we especially love it in the mornings.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for July 2021

The July Essentials are Here!
What should I order?

For the month of July, we are focusing on all things personal care to show ourselves some love and help us move towards our health goals. Here are a few items we are using this month and beyond to support our physical, mental and emotional health everyday.

Lavender Mint Clarifying Shampoo - for beautiful, healthy hair
Frankincense essential oil - for glowing, healthy skin
Valor Bar Soap - to add some zen to your daily routine
C-B-D Beauty Boost - the ultimate in skin
Sulfurzyme Capsules (or Powder) - for happy hair, skin, and nails
Lavender Lip Balm - the best lip balm around

Lavender Mint Clarifying Shampoo

Healthy hair depends a lot on what and how we cleanse it. The Lavender Mint Clarifying Shampoo is minty and invigorating and perfect for all hair types. The scent promotes feelings of calm and clarity, and nourishing ingredients promote beautiful, healthy hair.

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense essential oil has long been known for its incredible grounding and healing properties and carries huge historical and spiritual significance. Frankincense has been used in religious rituals for over 3,000 years. It has been know to enhance immunological function, beautify skin, and increase spiritual awareness. This oil is a must-have for every home because of its versatility. 

Lean more about Frankincense essential oil in my Oil Spotlight of the Month post.

Valor Bar Soap

Love your skin and elevate the everyday with Valor Bar Soap. Ground yourself with nature and the woodsy smell of Valor while you get ready for the day ahead or wind down at the end of the day. The nourishing formula cleanses without drying out the skin and the scent is incredible.

CBD Beauty Boost

Your skin is your largest organ, and the state of your skin can tell you a lot about your body's needs. Your skin is exposed to everything the day brings - heat, cold, sun, wind, environmental toxins, household toxins, and more. So we need to do everything we can to show our skin (and our bodies) some TLC.

CBD Beauty Boost contains a combination of pure, potent CBD, tamanu oil, grapeseed oil, and rose essential oil for a truly luxurious experience.

For more, including a great DIY Beauty Serum, check out the July's Ditch & Switch blog.


If you have skin, hair, nails, or joints (and we hope you do), you are likely not getting enough of this compound. Weak and brittle nails, hair that doesn't grow or isn't healthy, joints that are painful and skin issues can all be giant billboard signs telling you that you need more nutrition in this area. Skin that is ultra sensitive to the topical use of oils can be another telltale sign. This one supplement (capsules or powder) can do so much to help you benefit from everything else you are doing with your oils to increase your health.

To learn more, check out the July Supplement Spotlight post.

Lavender Lip Balm

A daily must have! This is our favorite lip balm, and it doubles as a carrier stick when in a pinch! Apply to lips, cheeks, noses, any part of the skin that needs a little TLC. We like to keep one in our bag, one by the bed and one in the bathroom.

Want to try the essentials for July (Lavender Mint Clarifying ShampooFrankincense essential oilValor Bar SoapC-B-D Beauty BoostSulfurzyme Capsules (or Powder), Lavender Lip Balm), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Frankincense Oil Spotlight - July 2021


July's Oil Spotlight

Frankincense essential oil has long been know for its incredible grounding and healing properties and carries huge historical and spirtual significance. This oil is a must-have for every home because of its versatility.

Frankincense AT A Glance

Frankincense has been used in religious rituals for over 3.000 years. It has been know to enhance immunological function, beautify skin, and increase spiritual awareness.

  • Promotes the appearance of healthy-looking skin
  • May help reduce the appearance of uneven skin tones
  • Has a sweet, honey-like and woody fragrance fresh, floral aroma that pairs well with many other oils

Key Constituents

Alpha-pinene, Limonene, Sabinene, Beta-caryophyllene, Alpa-thujene, Incensole


Frankincense is mentioned in one of the oldest know medical records, the Ebers Papyrus, which dates back to the the 16th century BC. It is a very versatile oil that has been used for everything under the sun and was valued even more than gold during ancient times. 

Want a little more? Go to PubMed and search for Frankincense. You can type "frankincense and ___" using whatever issue you'd like to search.

Frankincense & Emotions from Eryn Jones

Frankincense is helpful for releasing feelings of anger, entanglement, and abandonment. This sentiment in feeling form can mean you fell so dependent on or entangled with someone else's opinion or thoughts about you that anything they do makes you angry and triggered. In Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils, Dr. Mein says that the alarm point for this is the "ego-point", which is the center of your chest.

If a particular relationship is extra hard, the way out of it is to Surrender and Detach, standing your own power and security. Frankincense can help you get there.

Here's how to use it for releasing stuck emotions related to this:
  • Rub Frankincense over the center of the chest whenever you feel that deep, angry feeling, or when you chest hurts from emotional struggles.
  • Say statement like "I am grounded" or "I stand in my power".
  • Inhale Frankincense until you feel something shift and that burden in your chest gets lighter.

Daily Habits with Frankincense

  • Add Frankincense to your DIY Glow Serum or favorite moisturizer for antioxidant and anti-aging support
  • DIY Glow Up Serum
  • Roll Frankincense along the underneath and around the breasts daily to support overall health.
  • Apply a drop of Frankincense to the crown of the head before meditation or yoga.
  • And a drop of Frankincense Vitality to your daily Ningxia Red to capitalize on the incredible immune and antioxidant effects.
  • Add Frankincense to your wellness roller for immune and antioxidant support
  • DIY Wellness Roller


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the grounding scent of Frankincense this month!

Join us in using Frankincense oil daily to create daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try Frankincensebut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Self Care Summer Diffuser Recipes - July 2021

Self care Summer 
Diffuser Recipes for July

Summer has arrived and we are here for all the self care and self love. This collection of diffuser blends are full of summer favorites - bright citrus and mint and more - that are perfect for anything these summer days may bring.

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell divine - all at the same time! Join us this month as we diffuse these favorite blends to care for ourselves this month.

Check it - many of these recipes contain the Gifts with Purchase oils in July. Get the everyday products you need and get free oils to use in the diffuser too!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend


Warm summer nights call for citrus and mint! Whether you're spending the holiday with friends or in your own backyard, add these oils to your diffuser for a perfect blend reminiscent of Independence Day picnics surrounded by those you love.

Windows down, your favorite song on the radio... that's what summer road trips are all about. Whether you're hitting the road or hanging in your own backyard, this blend of herbs and citrus is the perfect summer companion - herbaceous and sweet, reminiscent of our favorite summertime ballads.

Breathe deeply, relax your tense muscles and allow your mind to LET. IT. GO. 
That's what this blend is all about. 
Sit and just be present. Allow your thoughts to shift in and out without judgement. And then place them on a cloud and let them float was and you drift off to sleep...

Taking good gentle care of ourselves is a balance in grace and hustle, hard work and rest. Add a little extra charm + confidence to any day with this blend of Valor, Frankincense and Tangerine.

While away the summertime hours with the sun on your face, your favorite people by your side, and this diffuser blend. Stress Away brings the beach feeling, Lemon adds a little freshness and PanAway adds a crisp, minty finish - perfect for a backyard BBQ feeling.

Citrus and Stress Away is our go-to combo for summer and selfceare. Whether you're in the car, on vacation, or at home, this blend is perfect for a low-key summer. Stress Away for instant beach vibes, Lemon for a hint of sunshine and Citrus Fresh for a little extra happy.

Taking time for our mental health is crucial when it comes to true self care - meditation, journaling,  prayer - all of these are practices that help us emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Add this combination of oils to your diffuser to enhance these practices and add a little extra zen to your day!

Add this blend to your diffuser when you're taking care of yourself with a little yoga, doing some meditation, taking a long, hot shower or tidying up your physical space. Raven, Lavender, and Lemon make a great blend that is herbaceous and fresh.

Salt, sand, and citrus... that's what what this blend makes us think of. Sweet summer days relaxing, playing and connecting to that inner child as well as those around us. Add this oils to your diffuser for a beautiful, uplifting blend.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Rise Above Convention 2021 Bundles & Collections

The 2021 Convention
Bundles & Collections
What should I order?

We know you're as excited as we are about these incredible new products, so make sure to bundle yours for great savings!

You can find all the information about individual products in the 2021 NEW Products blog and all the beautiful artisan items in the Foundation Products & Collections blog.

Divine Destiny Collection

Created to work together synergistically as an aromatic companion to your self-development journey, you can use these oils as you practice spiritual awareness & connection, reflect on divinity, and work to discover the truth of who you are. 
As you open your heart and your mind to experience the Divine Destiny essential oils throughout the day, take note of how they transform and interact with each other and with your body. This collection includes:

Daily Divine - rich, abundant woody-floral aroma with peppery undertones, featuring White Fir, Black Spruce, Juniper, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Palo Santo, Manuka, and Vetiver premium essential oils.

I Am Blessed - balanced, sweet floral-herbal aroma with woodsy undertones, featuring Pine, Goldenrod, Geranium, Valor, Palo Santo, Jasmine, and Patchouli premium essential oils.

I Am Creative - Layered, fresh aroma with citrus top notes and green, woodsy undertones, featuring Juniper, Eucalyptus Radiata, Hinoki, Bergamot, Cypress, Helichrysum, Grapefruit, Tangerine, and Lemongrass premium essential oils.

Young Living Foundation Collection

  • Olive Wood Kitchen Collection
  • One Heart Earrings Collection
  • One Voice Collection
  • Peppermint and Peace Oil Bag Collection
  • Woven Trivets (3 pack)

Lushious Lemon Home Collection - Limited Time Offer

We are beyond thrilled for these new items infused with the Lushious Lemon blend! Bright citrus notes of Lemon Myrtle and Lemon, the fresh floral scent of Ylang Ylang, and cool inviting Spearmint and Eucalyptus Globulus are infused in each of these products.

Lean more about Lushious Lemon Products here.

  • Lushious Lemon Essential Oil Blend
  • Lushious Lemon Foaming Hand Soap
  • Lushious Lemon Hand Lotion
  • Bamboo tray (only available at convention)

Next Level Home Collection 
Limited Time Offer

  • Thieves Household Cleaner
  • Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Refill
  • Thieves Wipes
  • Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub

Finca Botanica Farm - the Collection

Immerse yourself the lushness of the Ecuadorian tropics with Young Living Finca Botanica Farm Collection.

This exclusive collection features four rare and exotic essential oils, respectfully and sustainably cultivated at Young Living's Finca Botanica Farm in Ecuador. The collection includes the following oils in a collector's box with an informational booklet.

Incan Melissa - New Exclusive
  • This oil is distilled from a tropical pollinator-friendly shrub in the verbena family giving it a unique sweet-tart lemony aroma with green undertones similar to Lemon Verbena. 
  • Incan Melissa share an aromatic constituent profile similar to Melissa essential oil and helps neutralize unwanted odors when used aromatically.
Paicotea - New Exclusive
  • This plant grows throughout the Amazon River Basin and is sustainably harvested year-round
  • Paicotea has a fresh, softly spicy aroma reminiscent of, but more delicate than, Ocotea or Cinnamon Bark and compliments citrus and woodsy essential oils to create a warm and comforting scents for do-it-yourself diffuser, bath and body, and home cleaning recipes.
Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang
  • One of D. Gary Young's favorite oils, Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang is softer and more nuanced than Ylang Ylang grown in Madagascar and has not been available since 2013.
  • Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang complements many other essential oils, such as those with citrus, floral, and spicy notes with its rich, romantic, full-bodies floral aroma and helps enhance the appearance of skin and hair when applied topically.
Palo Santo
  • Steam distilled from the heartwood of the Bursar graveolens tree, a South American relative to frankincense and Myrrh, Palo Santo has an earthy, woodsy, warm aroma that is wonderful to diffuse during meditation for a positive, spiritual outlook.
    Finca Home Collection
    Limited Time Offer

  • Finca Botanica Farm Collection (Incan Melissa, Paicotea, Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang, and Palo Santo)
  • Haven Ceramic Diffuser

Next Level Beauty Collection - Limited Time Offer

  • Lavender Mint Clarifying Shampoo
  • Lavender Mint Clarifying Conditioner
  • Charcoal Bar Soap

Rise Above Collection
Limited Time offer

A 15 % discount on ALL new convention products (excludes Foundation items)

Want to try the new products released during the 2021 Virtual International Grand Convention, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

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