Last night while putting the big girls to bed they began talking about when they were in my belly and birth. This led to a conversation about the role of a woman and why God gave men and women different body parts. I guess they’re becoming more curious with those type of things...
We watched a short video of Addie’s birth since they asked about it & have seen it before, talked about why I was holding a baby covered in white stuff, why we want the baby to stay covered in that white stuff & how it helps the baby. Raley mentioned that she wished she was a boy because she doesn’t want to experience the pain of birth. (Lol) We chatted about the body parts God gave her and what that means (she’s a girl), and what a gift it is that women are the ones that get to give birth and how strong we are. 
I don’t know if I answered their questions properly. I feel like in today’s world it’s easier than ever to doubt how we’re suppose to teach our kids about certain topics now days. But I had recently read something that reminded me there is only one truth & all I can do is do my best at sharing what I believe to be true with them. But also at the same time let them know that we are each unique & I am always open to when they come to me with opposing questions about things. 


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