Since your gut is 1/3 of your nervous system and 1/3 of your immune system and over 90% of serotonin (ya know- think happy thoughts) is produced in the gut.... let's chat about it. The gut is a big deal. It makes sense when I heard "the brain works only as well as the gut does". This brings in the point that our food choices is very important. And let's be honest, most of us don't eat perfect so our gut doesn't function perfectly. Let's chat about a few ways we can support our gut health.
Digestion issues have become so common that people consider it normal when it is NOT normal! So let's think... Why could lead to problems to our digestive system? 
1. stress
2. dehydration
3. medications
4. toxic food (dead food or food with a label is a toxic food)
5. improper macro ratios (basically measurement of food is based on your needs)

What are some simple life style helpers?
1. movement = movement helps reduce stress
2. water
3. fresh fruits & veggies
4. consistency

Want extra digestive support made easy? Here are a few options for you.
1. OmegaGize (EFAs are crucial for gut): Helps lubricate the intestines & colon so it's easier for you to go to the bathroom. This is Young Living's fish oil and blended with COQ-10 (assist with each cell).
2. Life 9 Probiotics: is essential for helping your gut do what it was created to do. Your system cannot function well without probiotics in today's world.
3. Ningxia Red: This is key if we snack more than we should & the citrus oils help balance the PH levels in our gut to help digest food properly.
4. Essentials oil for support include peppermint vitality oil (supports the acid in the stomach), ,digize vitality oil (can put in a capsule as it supports digestion in general), and citrus oils (help eat up the petrochemicals so think if you eat or drink out of plastics... Also a good support with PH balance.)

And if you have been trying to support your gut health or overall health for a long time and haven't seem improvements or see improvements just for the symptoms to return 3-6 months later, you may give a parasite cleanse a try.  


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