Last year me and the girls made the cutest santa ornaments and I quickly became obsessed! We are making this a yearly tradition. I mean how can I not when it was such a simple craft, looks cute on the tree + I get to see how much they've grown each year. Have you tried making saltdough ornaments yet? If not, I am sharing this easy recipe with you.
4 cups all purpose flour
1 cup salt
1.5 cups warm water

Simply mix the ingredients and knead the dough. I press their hand firmly into the kneaded dough and use a butter knife to cut out their imprint. I had seen thinner and thicker versions of this ornament. I decided to go with a thicker version and I am glad I did. After you cut it out, make a hole at the top to string ribbon through. Then you simply place on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven for 2 hours at 200F. You can rotate the ornaments half way through the baking time. Let your ornaments cool over night and then enjoy painting with acrylic paints the next day. String the ribbon and enjoy your beauty on your tree.


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