En-R-Gee Essential Oil Spotlight - Oct 2023

En-R-Gee Essential Oil Spotlight

En-R-Gee in a bottle! This stimulating blend combines Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Balsam Fir, Clove, and Black Pepper to keep you invigorated and energized throughout your day.

Just a Drop of En-R-Gee

  • Has a lively, inspiring, powerful aroma that's a great way to start the day
  • The spicy-pine aroma hat can give you that natural boost when you need it most
  • Works as an aromatic pick-me-up in the afternoon
  • Helps pull us up from emotional exhaustion
  • Works well with other adrenal supporting oils like Nutmeg
En-R-Gee is a daily favorite for many reasons, but it is especially a favorite during times of stress. (Because stress and energy just might be related…) En-R-Gee has oils that are alerting and stimulating, help the physical body rebalance our adrenals, and help us release emotions that are weighing us down!

En-R-Gee & the Adrenals

The adrenal glands are small organs that sit on top of the kidneys. They maintain and boost our energy, kind of like a car shifting into first, second, and third gear as we go about our day. They also help our body survive during times of stress. Since many of us live in a state of constant stress, they wear down quickly.

Our adrenal glands aren't meant to always be firing. They are there to jump in when needed and not be running the whole show. But excessive caffeine, lack of sleep, emotional stress, demanding schedules, hormonal imbalance, diet, alcohol abuse, and always pushing ourselves to the max can damage the adrenals to cause them to fatigue. This pushes us into a ‘survival mode' both physically and emotionally.

  • Are you in survival mode?
  • Are you only giving yourself the leftovers?
  • Do you put off taking care of your body and mind?
  • Do you only pour out without nourishing yourself?
So many people are in survival mode. Hormones are out of whack and emotions are bottled up. Despite caring for those around them, they feel isolated. En-R-Gee can help us physically restore and nourish our adrenal system, release the emotion of isolation, and help instill a sense of connectedness.

  • Put some En-R-Gee on your wrists and in the diffuser while you journal or internally process. Write about what seems to zap the energy right out of you. Can you pinpoint the roots of what makes you exhausted, overwhelmed, full of dread, or frustrated about your day?
  • Next, start to write about the kind of person you dream of being. The attitudes, the priorities, the joy, whatever it is. Visualize it. 
  • Continue daily, even if you don't get to journal. You can process this internally 24/7, the body knows how to work with whatever you give it!
We use these oils daily and in conjunction with supplements and good health habits. Oils are not a one time "quick fix"! Using them daily and consistently is when you will be able to see support and results!

At a Glance Usage Guide
Want the cliff notes version of which eucalyptus oil to use? We've got you covered!

  • Wanting some respiratory TLC → Any of them!
  • Cleaning and laundry needs → Any variety, though we like Eucalyptus Radiata for its crisp, clean aroma
  • Creating a spa-like atmosphere → Eucalyptus Blue
  • Little ones need some help → SniffleEase or Eucalyptus Blue
  • Soothing muscles and joints → Eucalyptus Globulus
  • Needing a little immune support → Eucalyptus Radiata
En-R-Gee & Emotions

En-R-Gee is also great for the emotion of Exhaustion – for feeling like you just don't have the oomph to do the things you really want to do. En-R-Gee can be a wonderful tool for helping our bodies catch up with what our minds and hearts want to do!

Every single one of the oils in this blend contain stimulating compounds to help energize our cells and wake them up! AND a couple are high in sesquiterpenes, which help with focus and clarity. So if you are a go-getter, need more balance and energy, En-R-Gee can help you stay emotionally on track! 

Key Ingredients

  • Idaho Balsam Fir - This woodsy, grounding oil has an empowering aroma that calms the mind and body to help us focus on what truly matters and work towards our goals
  • Nutmeg, Clove and Black Pepper - These spice oils have an energizing aroma that helps us stay alert and focused, plus these oils are helpful to the adrenal system which is often on overload when we are exhausted! Clove is especially high in antioxidants, which help to decrease physical damage to cells that often leaves us with no energy reserves.
  • Rosemary - This herbaceous oil is soothing to our emotions and stimulating to our minds and bodies so that we can stay on track emotionally and find balance when we need that extra get-up-and-go. Rosemary is also very soothing to the cardiovascular system!
Full Ingredients List

Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) leaf oil, Juniperus osteosperma (Juniper) oil, Cymbopogon flexuosus (Lemongrass) oil, Myristica fragrans (Nutmeg) kernel oil, Abies balsamea (Balsam Canada) needle oil, Eugenia caryophyllus (Clove) bud oil, Piper nigrum (Pepper) fruit oil

Key Constituents
Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties

  • Alpha-pinene - a powerful antioxidant, some studies have shown alpha-pinene to support the body through inflammation and to help calm the mind.
  • Eucalyptol - eucalyptol has a distinctive, fresh aroma that has a calming effect on the user when applied in aromatherapy. Research shows that eucalyptol may have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and neuroprotective effects. It may also act as a bronchodilator, supporting airway opening. 
  • Camphor - known for its medicinal aroma, camphor has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries for its cleansing properties and was used as a fumigant during the plague era. This constituent may provide antibacterial anti-inflammatory and skin supporting properties.
Daily Habits with En-R-Gee

Rub En-R-Gee over the adrenals (low-mid back, near the spine) to support them daily. This is an especially great habit during the winter months, and can be SUPER helpful for that extra get-up-and-go.

Try this Adrenal Love Roller:
  • 20 drops each Nutmeg, Rosemary, Clove, En-R-Gee
  • Castor oil or carrier of choice
  • Roll over the adrenals in the morning and evening
Make the Adrenal Love Serum to apply nightly before bed:
  • 20 drops each Nutmeg, Rosemary, Clove, Frankincense, & En-R-Gee
  • Castor oil or carrier of choice
Make this Get Up and Go Roller:
  • 25 drops each Peppermint & Lemon
  • 20 drops En-R-Gee
  • Apply to wrists, neck, bottom of the feet as desired
Try this Go Getter Roller for daily use:
  • 20 drops En-R-Gee
  • 30 drops each Grapefruit, Bergamot, & Tangerine
  • Carrier oil of choice and/or a few pumps of RelaxationMassage Oil
Diffuse En-R-Gee during your morning routine to jump-start your day, while focusing on work or studies, and/or during long drives or late-night study sessions for an invigorating aroma that will help you push through.

Add a couple drops to V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and massage it into temples, bottoms of feet, or the back of the neck before a challenging activity for an exhilarating scent.

Whip up an Energizing Massage Oil:
  • 4 oz pump bottle 
  • 30 drops En-R-Gee
  • 20 drops each Nutmeg, Peppermint, & Copaiba
  • Carrier oil of choice and/or a few pumps of OrthoEase Massage Oil
Make a Soothe-It Roller for tense areas:
  • 20 drops En-R-Gee, Copaiba, Peppermint, & Wintergreen
  • Carrier oil of choice and/or a few pumps of OrthoEase Massage Oil
  • Apply to tense areas to soothe
Add 5 drops to a large handful of massage oil and apply to relax tired muscles. Or whip up a DIY Soothe It Massage Oil:
  • 4 oz pump bottle 
  • 20 drops each Rosemary & En-R-Gee
  • 10 drops each Peppermint & Cypress
  • Carrier oil of choice and/or a few pumps of OrthoEase Massage Oil
Take an invigorating epsom salt bath with En-R-Gee. Add 10 drops to 1 cup epsom salt and soak in warm water.

Give your tired feet some love with this Invigorating Foot Scrub
  • 2 Tbsp Organic Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 2 Tbsp of Honey
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice 
  • 3 drops En-R-Gee
  • 2 drops Peppermint (optional)
    Mix ingredients well then rub onto feet. Wrap feet with warm damp towels and let sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes remove the towel and wipe off the scrub. Follow with moisturizer if desired.

Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Ditch the toxin-filled scented candles and wall plugs and fill up our diffuser instead. Diffuse En-R-Gee anytime you need a little boost!

  • Up and At Em - 5 drops Lemon, 4 drops Peppermint, 3 drops En-R-Gee
  • Adrenal Love - 4 drops Nutmeg, 3 drops Rosemary, 4 drops En-R-Gee, 2 drops Frankincense
  • Afternoon Pick Me Up - 5 drops Grapefruit, 3 drops Rosemary, 3 drops En-R-Gee
  • Autumn Breeze - 4 drops Idaho Grand Fir, 3 drops Tangerine, 3 drops En-R-Gee, 2 drops Bergamot
  • I have En-R-Gee on my nightstand and when the alarm goes off, I open it and take a whiff. It helps me wake up every morning! - Kris K.
  • I've had my bottle of En-R-Gee for at least a year and would rarely use it. I recently started applying it on my back and feet and I've noticed I have more energy throughout the day. No afternoon slumps or the need for a nap or extra coffee! - Katie F.
  • En-R-Gee really does give me energy. It also helps motivate me when I don't feel like working. - Wendy S.
  • I don't feel like this oil is talked about enough! I've started applying En-R-Gee to my feet, or inhaling it, when I'm feeling distracted or tired.  It helps me maintain focus and I really do notice a difference in my energy levels.  - Whitney F.
  • I love using En-R-Gee over my adrenals daily with endoflex on my neck. - Sabrina Y.
Want to try En-R-Gee but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Spotlight - Oct 2023

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Spotlight

Eucalyptus is a household staple for sure! This oil has a fresh, invigorating scent that is wonderful for respiratory support and also promotes health, well-being, and purification. Eucalyptus oil is also a great choice for sore muscles and is found in the OrthoEase and OrthoSport massage oils. It is also a cleansing oil and is great for laundry + cleaning and is a component of the Inner Defense capsules (amazing for immune support!)  and the Thieves essential oil blend (our favorite for just about everything).

Just a Drop of Eucalyptus

  • Has a bold, invigorating aroma that supports the airways
  • Creates a refreshing breathing experience when inhaled
  • Promotes a peaceful environment at bedtime
  • Wonderful for supporting airways during cold weather and before/during exercise
  • Great for tense and tired muscles
  • Cleansing and refreshing, wonderful addition to cleaning DIYs 
  • Creates a spa-like experience when used aromatically
  • Creates a cooling and soothing sensation when applied topically
What's the Difference?

There are different Eucalyptus oils because there are many different varieties of the Eucalyptus plant, more than 700 species! There are three varieties of eucalyptus essential oil available, and each variety is steam distilled individually, using the leaves of the plant. These are Eucalyptus BlueEucalyptus Globulus, and Eucalyptus Radiata, and while interchangeable for most needs, they are actually quite different from each other.

  • Eucalyptus Blue is grown in Ecuador and is used by natives for repelling insects and covering wounds. It has a very balanced chemistry and is the only Eucalyptus variety that does not cause an allergic reaction in individuals who have a eucalyptol allergy. Eucalyptus blue has a very herbaceous and spicy aroma which is great for respiratory support. It is found in the Breathe Again roll-on.
  • Eucalyptus Globulus is grown in China and is wonderful for respiratory support and soothing sore muscles. This variety of eucalyptus has the highest amount of 1.8 cineole (eucalyptol), making it wonderful for respiratory support. It has a bold and rich aroma and is found in the OrthoEase and OrthoSport massage oils, the Breathe Again roll-on, and the oil blend RC (which stands for Respiratory Congestion).
  • Eucalyptus Radiata is grown in Australia and has a striking, citrusy scent. This species of Eucalyptus has been treasured in folk medicine for centuries and used by natives for many immune supporting purposes. A very large flowering tree in the myrtle family, Eucalyptus radiata produces fragrant leaves and is also known informally as narrow-leaved peppermint. Eucalyptol is the constituent that gives Eucalyptus Radiata its camphorous aroma and incredible respiratory support properties!
At a Glance Usage Guide
Want the cliff notes version of which eucalyptus oil to use? We've got you covered!

  • Wanting some respiratory TLC → Any of them!
  • Cleaning and laundry needs → Any variety, though we like Eucalyptus Radiata for its crisp, clean aroma
  • Creating a spa-like atmosphere → Eucalyptus Blue
  • Little ones need some help → SniffleEase or Eucalyptus Blue
  • Soothing muscles and joints → Eucalyptus Globulus
  • Needing a little immune support → Eucalyptus Radiata
Using Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus is wonderful to diffuse and pairs well with Lavender, Cedarwood, Copaiba, and Pine oils (it's great with Lavender to create an at-home spa!). You can also add Eucalyptus to your laundry, wool dryer balls, and linen sprays. Eucalyptus is wonderful for DIY chest rubs and epsom salts baths when your immune or respiratory systems need a little TLC. 

Eucalyptus and Children

Eucalyptus in all its varieties, like Peppermint, can be a warming oil with a strong or "spicy" smell. So with little ones, we like to start using it on their feet diluted with your favorite carrier oil. The reflex point on the bottom of the feet to support the lungs is the large pad up under their toes. This is a great way to support their little respiratory systems!

If you want a great, ready-to-go Eucalyptus product for littles, Young Living also carries a special pre-diluted blend of coconut oil and Eucalyptus Blue along with other beneficial oils called SniffleEase that we love.

Daily Habits with Eucalyptus (any variety)

Use this oil to help support the airways during the cold weather! Dilute with coconut oil or V-6 Vegetable Complex and apply to the chest as desired. This is a great thing to do before a winter workout!

Soothe tired muscles with a simple massage oil - mix a few drops of Eucalyptus Radiata with carrier and massage onto tense areas. You can also add Rosemary and/or Lavender!

Make this Eucalyptus Lavender Soak for a little self care and to give tense or tired muscles some TLC: 
Soothe irritated airways with a simple DIY Chest Rub:
  • Small glass jar
  • ¼ cup coconut oil 
  • 30 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
  • 20 drops Lemon
    Mix well. Apply to chest, back, throat and bottom of feet as desired.
Whenever you feel your defenses going down, try this Immune Boost Bath Soak:
Make a refreshing room spray:
  • 2 oz glass spray bottle
  • 20 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
  • 10 drops Lemon or Grapefruit (optional)
  • Splash of witch hazel
  • Fill with filtered water
Make a DIY Mattress & Upholstery Spray for refreshing linens and mattresses with each sheet change or every time you make the bed. Switch up the oils as you like:
  • 8 oz glass spray bottle
  • 2 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 10 drops each Tea Tree, Rosemary, Eucalyptus Radiata, & Lavender
  • Fill with filtered water
Whip up this simple DIY Linen Spray for linens and upholstered surfaces:
  • 2 oz glass spray bottle
  • Splash witch hazel
  • 20 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
  • Filtered water 
Add 20 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata to your Thieves Cleaner for a fresh twist. Pair with Rosemary and Grapefruit for an even more refreshing take on our favorite plant-based cleaner: Freshen Up Thieves Cleaner
  • 16 oz glass spray bottle
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 10 drops each Eucalyptus Radiata & Rosemary 
  • 20 drops Grapefruit
  • Filtered water
Add Eucalyptus Radiata to wool dryer balls and Thieves Laundry Soap for fresh, clean smelling laundry.

Spray lightly onto surfaces to remove unwanted odors. 

Use Eucalyptus Radiata to make DIY Oil-Infused Shower Melts
  • 1 Cup Baking Soda 
  • 1/2 Cup High Quality Epsom Salt  
  • 30 Drops Of Essential Oil(s)
  • Water (about 2-3 teaspoons)
  • Silicone mold 
    Step 1 - Pour the baking soda and epsom salt into a mixing bowl. Slowly add water, about 2 teaspoons, and mix well. If the mixture is not holding, add another teaspoon of water.
    Step 2 - Add essential oil(s) of your choice and mix well.
    Step 3 - Scoop into silicone molds and let sit overnight. Remove and store in an airtight container.
    To use, simply place a shower melt on the floor of the shower near the water but not directly in the stream. Enjoy!
Diffuse this fresh, crisp oil with herbaceous oils like Rosemary and Lavender, citrus oils like Grapefruit and Lemon or cleansing oils like Peppermint and Lemongrass: 

Aveda - Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, Rosemary
Spa Treatment - Eucalyptus Radiata, Grapefruit, Tangerine
Fresh & Clean - Eucalyptus Radiata, Tea Tree, Lemon 
Resolutions - Eucalyptus Radiata, Peppermint, Lavender

Want to try Eucalyptus BlueEucalyptus Globulus, and Eucalyptus Radiata but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Fall Spice Diffuser Blends - October 2023

Fall Spice Diffuser Blends

Citrus and spruce and spice - all the things that Autumn needs - are right here at your fingertips! Grab some of these favorite festive blends and fill your home with the aroma of the season all while supporting your immune systems and cleansing the air!

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell happy and inviting all at the same time. 

Join us this month as we diffuse these favorite blends to celebrate the autumn.

LIFE HACK - You can easily transform these blends into roller recipes and sprays!

To make a 10 mL roller from any recipe - triple the number of drops to make a total of 35-45 total drops, add a carrier of choice (we love V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex) and you're good to go.

To make a 2 oz spray from any recipe - double the number of drops to a total of about 25 drops, ad a splash of witch hazel and fill with filtered water. Spray on upholstered surfaces, bedding, rugs, anywhere you want to freshen!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend

Easy Button

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

How to Use Oct's Gifts with Purchase - 2023

How to use October's
Gifts with Purchase

October ushers in the fullness of cozy season and the height of all things fall! We are welcoming this new month with open arms and are ready to fill our homes with the scents of the autumn, give our overworked adrenals some TLC, and make the most of this beautiful time of year. Join us for it all!

Get ready for the coziest cozy season, and stock up on your fall favorites while getting even more goodies for free! This month's gift with purchase includes some of our autumn must-haves – ImmuPro, Eucalyptus, Stress Away, Acceptance blend and MORE!

NOTE: If you're looking for any DIY supplies, check out the DIY Supplies List blog post for the exact items we use and recommend.

And don't forget to round up your order with the 'Dollar Up' option to donate to the Young Living Foundation. A few cents can go a long way!

Be sure to tag me @oilisliving on Instagram when you use these ideas so I can celebrate with you!

Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil

Up your laundry game. Add this oil to dryer balls for fresh crisp laundry.

Make a DIY Washing Machine Cleaner. Did you know you are supposed to clean your washing machine regularly to avoid mildew buildup? These recipes are perfect for that.

For a Front Loading Washing Machine
  • 2 tbs borax or natural oxygen bleach
  • 2 tbs washing soda
  • 2 cups white vinegar
  • 20 drops Eucalyptus Globulus and Tea Tree each
Remove the tray dispenser and allow it to soak, fully submerged in hot water. Once the residues are softened, scrub them off with an old toothbrush. Rinse the tray with fresh water, and put it back into the machine. If the tray doesn't have a release button, then pour some vinegar in the tray and scrub with a toothbrush.

Put washing soda and borax into the empty drum. Put the washing machine on the hottest setting, and use the most about of water. If the machine has a cleaning cycle, then use that setting. Check the manufacturer's instructions for the machine to see if your model recommends putting the powder in a certain dispenser instead.

After the cycle is finished, pour the vinegar, and the essential oils into the liquid dispenser on the tray. Run another cycle on hot, or cleaning cycle if that machine has that option.

Use a microfiber cloth with vinegar solution to wipe the outside of the machine, the inside of the door, and the seal around the door.

For a Top Loading Washing Machine
  • 1/2 cup borax or natural oxygen bleach
  • 1/2 cup washing soda
  • 1 quart white vinegar
  • 20 drops Eucalyptus Globulus and Tea Tree each
Add borax and washing soda to a full drop of hot water and wash on a heavy duty or cleaning cycle. When the cycle is done, add vinegar and essential oils to the drum. Run another hot water cycle. Let it agitate for a few minutes, let the vinegar water solution sit for 30-60 minutes before finishing the cycle.

While the vinegar is sitting in the machine, dip a clean microfiber cloth into the water and use it to clean the outside of the machine. Also, be sure to clean under the lip where the drum is Clean the dispensers to remove hair, dirt, soap, and other grime. An old toothbrush can help for stubborn areas. Remove and clean the filter in the bottom with hot, soapy water or vinegar.

DIY Mattress & Upholstery Spray
Make a mattress and upholstery spray to freshen all the things - carpets, furniture, dog beds, mattresses, anything really!
  • 1 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 15 drops each: Lavender, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus
  • 5 drops Peppermint
  • Filtered water in an 8 ounce glass spray bottle
Freshen up your space. For a sunshine scent in the kitchen or bathroom, place a few drops on a cotton ball and put it int he bottom of the trash can before replacing the liner.

Diffuser blends - Using Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil for a scent that will remind you of a summer day in the garden.
  • Wildflowers: Eucalyptus Globulus + Lavender + Joy
  • Spa Day: Eucalyptus Globulus + Rosemary + Lemon
  • Aveda: Eucalyptus Globulus + Rosemary + Tangerine
See the Eucalyptus Oil Spotlight for TONS more ways to use this oil!

Stress Away Essential Oil Blend

Stress Away is like a beach vacation in a bottle - warm and sweet and calming - and is the perfect companion for the summer months. Lime, Vanilla, Copaiba, and Lavender - OH MY!

Use Stress Away in DIY Cleaning products for a warm, inviting scent. Add 20 drops to Thieves Household Cleaner (optional to add 20 drops of Lemon as well).

Make a DIY Mattress & Linen Spray to use every time you make the bed or change the sheets. To a 8 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 1 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 20 drops each Stress Away & Lavender
  • 10 drops each Tangerine & Grapefruit
  • Fill with distilled water and invert to gently mix
Make a summer inspired room spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 25 drops Stress Away
  • 10 drops Grapefruit
  • splash of witch hazel
  • Fill with filtered with water
Take a relaxing Epsom Salt bath with Stress Away. Add 20 drops to 1 cup Epsom Salt and soak in warm water.

Try this Summer Vacation Sugar Scrub.
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 15 drops Stress Away
    Combine all the ingredients in a metal or glass container, use in the shower to exfoliate & moisturize.
Make this DIY Whipped Body Butter recipe (great after using the sugar scrub listed above):
  • 1/2 cup unrefined extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup shea butter
  • 1/8 cup cocoa butter
  • 1 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 20 drops Stress Away
  • 15 drops Tangerine & Grapefruit
    Step 1 - Melt together coconut oil, shea butter and coconut butter, then add in Vitamin E oil and whisk.
    Step 2 - Refrigerate until almost half solidified, then use a mixer to whip for 1 to 2 minutes until a fluffy consistency is achieved.
    Step 3 - Add in essential oils then place in a glass jar.
Up your summer vibes with this DIY Mermaid Locks Spray. To a 4 oz spray bottle, add:
  • 3 tbsp witch hazel
  • 1 tsp hemp seed oil
  • 5 drops each Stress Away & Grapefruit
  • filtered or distilled water
    before use, and spritz then comb through to deeply nourish wet hair.
Make a Sweet Dreams sleep roller:
  • 20 drops each Stress Away & Lavender
  • 10 drops each Frankincense & Valor
  • fill with a carrier oil of choice
    Apply over the big toe, bottom of the feet, neck and behind ears before bed or more frequently as desired.
Make this Floral Bath Soak for a little self care and to give tense or tired muscles some TLC:
Make this Ultimate Skin Healing Balm.
  • To about 1/4 jar of Rose Ointment, add:
  • 10 drops Stress Away
  • 8 drops Helichrysum
  • 8 drops Vanilla
  • 6 drops Frankincense
    Apply to needed area(s) 2-5 times a day. Frequency and consistency are crucial for these big needs.
Make a simple DIY Roll-on Cuticle Oil. This also makes a great gift and pairs well with the Gardener's Hand Salve. To an empty 15 mL essential oil bottle with an AromaGlide Roller Fitment, add:
Diffuse this warm, happy oil all month long.
  • Simmer Down - 5 drops Stress Away, 3 drops each Valor & Tangerine
  • Warm Hug - 4 drops each Grapefuit, Stress Away, & Lavender
  • Bakery Treats - 4 drops Stress Away, 3 drops each Cinnamon & Vanilla, 2 drops Nutmeg
  • Refreshed - 4 drops Stress Away, 6 drops Thieves
There's even more about Stress Away on this Spotlight blog post.

Olive Wood Massage Tool

This handmade olive wood massaging tool was sustainably crafted by local artisans using olive tree branches in Bethlehem. Use it with Eucalyptus Globulus (another freebie) and V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, then use the handheld massage tool to pinpoint pressure points and soothe those tired muscles. This is also wonderful with Ortho Ease Massage Oil.

The Holy Land Handicraft Cooperative in Bethlehem provides fair-trade wages and stable employment to those in economically unstable circumstances. But as travel restrictions began to take place in 2020, many artisan groups shut down due to the lack of work.

These orders from Young Living provided much-needed relief in the mist of the economic downturn. Many workshops have reopened, reviving the area and its artisans. Creating and selling unique olive wood products enables these families to stay in their homeland, earn a living, and provide opportunities for their children.

ImmuPro Chewable Tablets

ImmuPro Chewable Tablets are one of the easiest ways to give your body a good boost. These tablets are packed full of immune-supporting herbs and essential oils that:
  • Stimulate the immune system (both cell-mediated and humoral immunity)
  • Provide necessary minerals like Zinc, Copper, and Selenium
  • Allow the body to rest by providing a small amount of melatonin. when we are stressed, our bodies need sleep even more to allow healing to occur.
  • ImmuPro combines Reishi, Mistake and Agaricus blazei organic mushrooms with NingXia Wolfberry polysaccharides and Orange essential oil to create an immune supporting supplement that is perfect for anyone 12 and older. Chew 1-2 ImmuPro tablets before bed to help your body rest and recover.
Create a daily bedtime wellness routine:
  • Make a mug of Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea in your YL Foundation mug
  • Draw a relaxing bath with 10 drops Patchouli - 5 drops Clove in 1 cup of Epsom salt
  • After your bath, apply diluted Nutmeg or the Stress Relief Serum over the adrenals
  • Roll your Wellness Blend over the spine and lymph nodes
  • Chew 1-2 ImmuPro tablets
  • Fire up your diffuser with Patchouli, Frankincense, and Lavender
  • Apply your favorite sleep supporting oils and snooze away!
Read more about ImmuPro in this Supplement Spotlight blog post.

Acceptance Essential Oil Blend

Enjoy an intentional “me” moment with Acceptance essential oil blend's floral, woodsy, citrusy aroma while you adapt to new changes in life— whether physical or emotional. Combine its uplifting aroma with your affirmation practice or morning routine.

  • Diffuse or dilute and apply Acceptance blend to tackle your new goals with an open and positive mindset.
  • Dab Acceptance onto the bottom of your feet at night as you more forward to greatness tomorrow
  • Take the highs with the lows. Add a drop of this blend to a washcloth, place it right outside the stream of water as you shower, and let this inviting aroma inspire feelings of acceptance.
  • Work hard, play hard. Work isn't everything. Diffuse the bouquet-like scent of Acceptance, then take a break and rush outside to enjoy the sunlight.
  • Create a mantra. Apply Acceptance over your heart as you mediate or before a yoga practice

Now that you know how to use these Free Gifts with Purchase products and you want to get your hands on them, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Stress Away Essential Oil Spotlight - Sept 2023

Stress Away Essential Oil 

Blend Spotlight

Stress Away is your vacation in a bottle - convenient and ready to go with you to the grocery store, school, work, or wherever you need to pretend you're in a beach chair sipping something cold and watching the waves!

Studies show that stress is at the root of more health problems and diseases than we realize and learning to use tools that help us to relax and release negative emotions increases our daily quality of life. Our relationships, future, and health depend on it.

Stress Away at a Glance
  • Has a soothing, exotic aroma
  • Can be diffused or enjoyed aromatically to create a luxurious, spa-like ambiance at home
  • Makes a great addition to your favorite skin, hair, and body care products
  • Has a well-rounded and relaxing aroma, making it great to use as a personal fragrance

Stress Away, a D. Gary Young proprietary blend, brings aromas from around the world to create an on-the-go getaway just for you. It's this distinct mix of vanilla and lime that gives Stress Away its unique and exotic aroma. Stress Away also includes Copaiba, which has a history of beneficial properties in topical application when applied to tired muscles; Lavender, with its peaceful, and calming scent that comes from a few of Young Living's farms located in Utah, Idaho, and France; and Cedarwood, known for its comforting, calming aroma.

Stress Away essential oil blend features Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, and Lavender for an exotic aroma used for exactly for what the name says and for achieving a happy and positive day.

  • Copaiba - an oleoresin like Frankincense, this oil has been used in folk medicine for years for its ability to support the body's response to inflammation and injury, to soothe and protect the skin, and to calm the nervous system.
  • Lime - known in folklore for its ability to cleanse and renew the spirit, Lime is stimulating to the mind and supports the immune system.
  • Cedarwood - high in sesquiterpenes, this oil helps stipulate the limbic center of the brain (where emotions and memory are processed and stored), supports focus, cognition and memory, stabilizing and grounding. 
  • Vanilla - an oleoresin like Frankincense and Copaiba, Vanilla supports a calm, serene environment, helps elevate mood and stimulate joyful memories, and may help relieve nervous tension.
  • Ocotea - an oil from the cinnamon family, Ocotea supports feelings of completeness, peace and tranquility.
  • Lavender - well known for its ability to calm and soothe, Lavender also helps support focus and mental clarity.
Key Consituents

Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them sprecic health-supporting properties.

  • Beta-caryophyllene - has a unique ability to bind with CB2 receptors which may allow it to support the body's response to inflammation and infection as well as calm the nervous system during times of anxiety and pain. 
  • Alpha-humulene - a versatile terpene constituent that may have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor effects
  • Limonene - known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress support, this is a powerful constituent with many health benefits
  • Linalool - may support the body during injury and/or sickness and help relieve stress 
Stress Away & Emotions

Stress Away has such a gentle, loving aroma that can be used anytime you need a little extra peace and tranquility. Copaiba and Cedarwood specifically are supportive for releasing stress and tension, and the other oils in this blend have very specific ways to support the body physically and emotionally during times of stress!

Info from Courtney Crtiz: 
  • Lime - Known for its ability to uplift, calm, relieve anxious feelings, and even cleanse the liver...which just might be struggling with lots of, you guessed it, stress, anger, criticism.
  • Copaiba - Powerful in its strength to reduce inflammation. What does stress cause? Inflammation. The root of boatloads of our illness and pain.
  • Cedarwood - Grounding and promoting rest and peace, this is one we can use to reset our patterns and ruts. Maybe the ones causing us stress because the same repeated actions won't change the situation?
  • Ocotea - What do we do when we're stressed? Eat, compensate, raise our blood sugar levels so we feel a high? But our friend here helps us to keep that balanced and in check for a more even response.
  • Lavender - We've discussed this Wonder Woman disguised in Grandma's cap. She is literally doing it all, working on that blood pressure, the self-loathing, the anxiousness.
  • Vanilla - Just yum. And also known for its own ability to support mental health!
Product Options
Daily Habits with Stress Away

  • Apply to wrists and neck as a daily perfume
  • Add to your palms and breathe deeply to increase confidence and calm (or breathe directly from the bottle!)
  • Add to epsom salts in a hot bath
  • Apply it to your wrists while at work or school to enjoy this blend's soothing, fresh scent
  • Apply Stress Away topically or diffuse it to enjoy a calming and peaceful aroma
  • Diffuse Stress Away in your home after a long day for a fresh, soothing aroma that helps you find a moment of calm
  • Add a few drops to a cotton ball and place it in the vent of your car to create a calming environment during a long drive or rush-hour traffic
  • Use Stress Away in DIY recipes for a lovely, uplifting scent!
DIYs with Stress Away

Grapefruit & Stress Away Sugar Scrub:
  • ½ cup sugar or coconut sugar
  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • 10 drops Stress Away
  • 10 drops Grapefruit 
  • Optional: 1 tsp Hibiscus powder for a lovely pretty pink color (https://amzn.to/3hwvqNa)
    Mix everything together and store in an airtight jar. You can adjust the coconut oil/sugar ratio or use different grains of sugar to make it more or less abrasive (more coarse raw sugar versus fine grain).
Magic Blue Roller
This is for all of the scared of the dark, don't wanna go to school, hate flying, hate crowds, can't stop worrying about all of the things type of feelings!
  • 10 mL roller bottle
  • 10 drops each: Valor, Bergamot, Frankincense & Stress Away
  • Top with V-6 Carrier oil or other carrier oil
    Roll on wrists or over heart and inhale deeply.
Sunshine Roller:
  • 10 mL roller bottle
  • 15 drops Stress Away
  • 10 drops each Lemon, Grapefruit, Bergamot, & Orange
  • Top with V-6 Carrier oil or other carrier oil
  • Roll on liberally and frequently for a little dose of sunshine!
After Shave Moisturizer:
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • 10 drops Stress Away
  • Optional: 5 pumps Mirah Shave Oil
    Add to a glass jar with an airtight lid and mix well. Apply after shaving for smooth, happy skin!
DIY Scented Hand Soap:
  • Recycled Thieves or Lavender foaming hand soap bottle (or a new one)
  • 2 Tbsp Liquid Castile Soap
  • 20-30 drops essential oils*
  • Top with water leaving approximately 1" so you can add the pump top.
  • Optional: 1 Tbl Vitamin E oil to help soften the skin.

Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Our diffusers are running 24/7 with blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Stress Away pairs well with any other citrus oil, cleansing oils like Lemongrass and Purification, and calming oils like Lavender, Valor and Patchouli. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the calming, uplifting scent of Stress Away!

  • Apple Orchard - 2 drops Clove + 3 drops Christmas Spirit + 3 drops Stress Away + 3 drops Thieves or Cinnamon Bark
  • Windows Open - 3 drops Lavender + 3 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce + 4 drops Stress Away + 2 drops Tangerine
  • Baking Cookies - 4 drops Stress Away + 3 drops Cinnamon Bark + 3 drops Vanilla
  • Frosted Cranberry - 4 drops Cinnamon Bark + 4 drops Stress Away + 3 drops Ylang Ylang
  • Peppermint Forest - 4 drops Peppermint + 3 drops Idaho Balsam Fir + 3 drops Stress Away
  • Marshmallow Mint Latte - 4 drops Stress Away + 2 drops Clove + 2 drops Nutmeg + 2 drops Peppermint
  • Fall Breeze - 8 drops Stress Away, 4 drops each Clove, Nutmeg, Lemon Peppermint
  • Sunny Days - 10 drops Stress Away, 5 drops each Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit
  • Clean Hands - 10 drops Stress Away, 5 drops each Lemongrass, Lemon
Companion Products

Want to try Stress Away essential oil blend, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Raven Essential Oil Spotlight - Sept 2023

Raven Essential Oil Spotlight

Raven essential oil blend is like a deep breath. Ravintsara (Camphor), Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, Peppermint, and Wintergreen oils combine for a scent that is crisp and refreshing! Raven contains ravintsara aka camphor - the active ingredient in over the counter chest rubs. (Sadly the OTC rubs contain synthetic camphor. We however have the good stuff - real and natural!). This oil is our go-to for when we need to breathe easy.

Just a Drop of Raven

  • Has a cool, minty, eucalyptus aroma reminiscent of a spa
  • Smells uplifting and refreshing
  • Helps soothe when applied to the chest and throat
  • Helps open airways when inhaled or diffused
  • Contains ravintsara - camphor - a well known herb for respiratory congestion
One of the easiest ways to use Raven is in place of OTC chest rubs or creams. This is as simple as mixing one drop of Raven with a pump of V-6 Carrier oil! You can apply it over the throat, chest and back as well as the bottom of the feet. Raven is also great to diffuse (we love it with Thieves when things get crazy!) or add to an epsom salt bath when needed. You can also make a hot compress to place over the nasal passages, throat or chest with a hot rag and a drop of Raven. It's so easy to use!

Raven background

Ravintsara is found within the leaves and wood of the camphor tree, a large evergreen tree native to regions in southern China and Japan, as well as Taiwan, Korea, and Vietnam. Ravintsara's slightly woodsy aroma pairs perfectly with other essential oils in the mint family, including Peppermint and Wintergreen. The whole experience of the blend is sweetened with a sprinkle of Lemon, creating the sensation of walking through a crisp, quiet winter forest.

Ingredients in Raven

  • Ravintsara (camphor) - an ancient herb that has been used for centuries for respiratory needs, known in Madagascar as the 'oil that heals'.
  • Lemon - a cleansing oil high in limonene and wonderful for immune support that is also a natural mucolytic.
  • Wintergreen (methyl salicylate) - in the same family as the plant from which aspirin was derived, this oil is great for the respiratory system. Wintergreen is a key ingredient in the Thieves cough drops too!
  • Peppermint - amazing for respiratory support, lungs, and sinuses, this mint oil can help open and soothe the respiratory tract.
  • Eucalyptus Radiata - long used for respiratory and sinus support, eucalyptus is a wellness cabinet must-have.
Key Constituents

*Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties

  • Menthol - has been studied for its use to support healing and relief of minor aches and pains as well as airway support.
  • Eucalyptol - this constituent has far-reaching positive effects on the respiratory system, memory, and more.
  • Methyl salicylate - a naturally-occurring compound that may have analgesic properties; synthetic methyl-salicylate is commonly used in many over the counter preparations for minor aches and pains. 
Raven & Emotions

Did you know that ancient Chinese and Greek medicine practices point to the lungs as being the place where Sadness and Grief are stored? Everyday life is full of highs and lows, and whether chronic or acute, grief can create physical feelings in our chests. And let's face it - there is a lot to grieve as we go through life! When we are grieving we both physically and emotionally feel like we have very little "room to breathe". Conversely, when we feel excited, self-assured, and happy our chest feels light and puffed up.

Raven supports our every-day lung function while also creating the feeling of having more breathing room! Wintergreen, Ravintsara, & Eucalyptus open up our airways and help us to feel like we have more space to breathe and let go of the grief! Here are a few ideas for using Raven in this way:

  • Diffuse with citrus oils as you process through your emotions. To release our motions we need physical movement so consider yoga, walking or even stretching.
  • Rub a little behind the ears and over the chest while repeating the mantra: "I see clearly" or "I let it go".
Daily Habits with Raven

Use Raven in your daily health & wellness routines.

Add a few drops of Raven to the shower floor while you shower. Steam + heat + Raven = magic!

Make a simple DIY Chest Rub
  • Apply to the chest and throat, back, or even the bottom of your feet before bed!
  • Add a few drops of Raven to a carrier oil or to OrthoEase Massage oil and rub on your chest or feet before you exercise.
Whip up a simple DIY Massage Oil for tired legs, feet or other muscles as needed.
  • 4 oz pump bottle 
  • 20 drops Raven essential oil
  • 10 drops Copaiba essential oil
  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil
  • Carrier of choice
Make a Breathe Roller to use before/after exercise or whenever you need to breathe more deeply: 
  • 10 mL roller bottle
  • 15-20 drops each Raven, Lavender, Lemon, & Frankincense
  • Fill with carrier oil
Diffuse for respiratory support! Pair with Lemon, Lavender, Thieves or Idaho Balsam Fir.

Add it to your bath with some Epsom salts. For 1 cup of epsom salt add up to 10 drops Raven.

When things really start to go south, try this Flu Bath recipe!
  • 10 drops Raven
  • 6 drops Frankincense
  • 6 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
  • 3 drops Dorado Azul
Make a hot compress with a washcloth and a drop of Raven and place over your nasal passages, throat, or chest.

Give your tired feet some love with this Spa Day Foot Scrub
  • 2 Tbsp Organic Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 2 Tbsp of Honey
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice 
  • 5 drops Raven
    Mix ingredients well then rub onto feet. Wrap feet with warm damp towels and let sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes remove the towel and wipe off the scrub. Follow with moisturizer if desired.
Add Raven to your natural home care routine

Add a few drops to dryer balls for the fresh smelling laundry.

Use Raven in your DIY Laundry Scent Booster:
  • To a large glass jar with airtight lid, add
  • 1 1/2 cup epsom salt 
  • 1/2 cup baking soda 
  • 30 drops Raven
    Whisk together until all ingredients are well combined.
    To use: add 1-2 Tbl into the washer before adding any laundry. Add laundry and the normal amount of laundry detergent.
Make a Mattress & Upholstery Spray to use when you change the sheets or anytime a surface needs a little freshening:
Make a simple linen and upholstery spray - these are great for when the seasons change and air quality lowers!
Make these DIY Cleaning Fizzies for the bathroom or kitchen:
  • 1 cup Baking Soda
  • ½ cup Citric acid 
  • ½ cup Cornstarch 
  • 4 teaspoons water
  • 30-40 drops Raven
  • 3 teaspoons V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex or other carrier
  • Ice cube tray or candy mold
    Step 1 - In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients and mix evenly.
    Step 2 - In a separate bowl, combine water, essential oils or blends, and V-6.
    Step 3 - Pour liquids into the large bowl and mix together until combined.
    Step 4 - Use the mixture to fill an ice cube tray or candy mold about three fourths full. If the mixture expands and spills over the mold, gently repack into the mold.
    Step 5 - Let sit overnight to dry in a room temperature area. When dry, pop tablets out and store in a glass jar.
    To Use - When needed, put a tablet in the toilet bowl, hard-to-clean bottles, or sink full of dishes to help clean and deodorize. Let sit in the bowl, bottle, or sink for 20–30 minutes to fizz and dissolve. Once dissolved, flush or rinse out.
Make DIY Scented Sachets to bring a fresh, spa-inspired aroma to any area of your home.
  • ½ cup Organic uncooked rice 
  • ¼ cup Epsom Salt
  • 1 cup Dried lavender buds 
  • Muslin cotton drawstring pouches, approximately 5 inches long by 4 inches wide
  • 40 drops Raven or a mix of Raven, Lemon and Lavender
    In a medium bowl, mix rice, Epsom salt, flower buds, and essential oil to thoroughly scent the mixture. Spoon mixture into your muslin pouch.
    Place anywhere you want to add a fresh lavender scent. Refresh your pouch every 2-3 weeks by opening it up and adding more drops of essential oil
Make an Herbal Deodorizing Spray for pet beds, upholstered surfaces, car upholstery, etc!
  • To a 4 oz glass spray bottle add
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • 40 drops Raven (can add Lemon too!)
  • Pinch sea salt or splash of witch hazel
  • Filtered water
  • Spray lightly onto surfaces to remove unwanted odors.
Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations with Raven!

Autumn Breeze - 5 drops of Thieves + 3 drops of Lavender + 2 drops each Raven & Vanilla
Aveda - 4 drops each Lavender, Rosemary, & Raven
Deep Breath - 5 drops Raven + 3 drops each Lemon & Frankincense
Back to School - 4 drops each Raven & Lemon + 3 drops Thieves
Spa Day - 4 drops Raven + 3 drops each Rosemary & Lavender + 2 drops Stress Away
Fresh Laundry - 4 drops Lavender + 3 drops each Tangerine & Lemon + 2 drops Raven

Want to try Raven essential oil, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Simplified Fall Collection Spotlight

Simplified Fall Collection

Say a big welcome hello to fall with these fan favorites -- Orange Creamsicle, Gingersnap & Cozy Cabin!! While many fall-scented candles and air fresheners contain harmful chemicals that can pollute your home, these blends are made exclusively with good, clean ingredients straight from nature. All the goodness of an autumn candle with none of the toxins! Curl up with these three autumn-inspired essential oil blends (and a free diffuser while supplies last!!!) reminiscent of crisp fall days and all the things that cozy season needs.

Want to stock up on one of these favorites? These fall blends are now available as singles!

Cozy Cabin essential oil blend:
  • Has a woodsy, smoky aroma inspired by a cozy cabin getaway
  • Creates a comforting, tranquil environment for family gatherings
  • Transforms your space into a snug, intimate escape in the mountains
  • Features Hong Kuai essential oil from our farm in Taitung, Taiwan
Gingersnaps essential oil blend:
  • Has a delectable, spicy-sweet scent you can almost taste
  • Brings a homey, cheerful vibe to any space
  • Makes your home smell like a warm, sweet-smelling bakeshop
  • Made with real Madagascar Vanilla oleoresin
Orange Spiced Cider essential oil blend:
  • Has a rich, citrus, cinnamony aroma just like your favorite chilly-weather drink
  • Creates a cozy, uplifting nook for curling up with a good book
  • Transports your senses to a festive fall evening by the fireplace
  • Includes Cassia essential oil for a hint of soft spice
More Details
  • The Simplified by Jacob + Kait Fall Collection Includes a free Dewdrop Diffuser while supplies last!
  • These blends are available in a collection or individually 
  • Blends are avialable on one-time or loyalty orders with no order limits. Get yours while supplies last!
Favorite Ways to Use
  • Diffuse any of these fall-scented essential oil blends to get into the cheerful, sweater-weather spirit.
  • Use these blends in place of unhealthy synthetic-scented candles or multi-oil diffuser blend recipes.
  • Make a room spray by filling a 4-ounce spray bottle with distilled water, a dash of salt, and 30 drops of oil.
  • Create cozy, autumn-inspired bath salts with 5 drops of your chosen blend, 1 tablespoon bath gel, and 1 cup Epsom salt. (Always mix the oil thoroughly into the bath gel before adding to bath water.)
A Few Notes on Fragrance...

If you turn over your favorite good smelling products, you'll often find the word ‘fragrance' in the ingredients. But what is fragrance??

Fragrance chemicals are organic compounds that volatilize, or vaporize into the air, which is why we can smell them. They are added to household and personal care products to give them a scent or to mask the odor of other ingredients. Unfortunately, the volatile organic chemicals (VOCs - think the smell of paint or paint thinner) emitted by fragrance products can contribute to poor indoor air quality and are associated with a variety of adverse health effects. They are pretty much the last thing you want in a product for ambiance and aroma.

But it gets a little bit worse…. Did you know that to protect trade secrets, makers are allowed to withhold fragrance ingredients, so consumers can't rely on labels to know what hazards may lurk inside those festive scented candles (and room sprays.. and wall plugs… and perfumes.. and cosmetics…). This is called the “fragrance loophole” in federal labeling law. Although all other ingredients in your scented household and personal care products must be disclosed on the label by their specific name, this loophole means that ingredients added to provide a pleasant scent, or to mask a bad one, need only be listed under the generic term “fragrance.” 

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) reports that, while many popular candles and room sprays contain trace amounts of natural essences, they also typically contain a dozen or more potentially hazardous synthetic chemicals, some of which are derived from petroleum. According to the EWG, 

“Exposure to fragrance chemicals can cause headaches; eye, nose, and throat irritation; nausea; forgetfulness; loss of coordination; and other respiratory and/or neurotoxic symptoms. Many fragrance ingredients are respiratory irritants and sensitizers, which can trigger asthma attacks and aggravate sinus conditions.” 

One example of a harmful ingredient (there are many!) when it comes to fragrance, is styrene, an ingredient added to a wide variety of consumer products. A 2011 finding by the National Toxicology Program (endorsed by the Academy's National Research Council) found that styrene is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.”

We know only that styrene might be an ingredient in any given fragrance because the International Fragrance Association, an industry trade group, publishes an online “Transparency List” of ingredients that perfumers say they use in formulas for consumer products. Styrene is one of the 3,000-odd ingredients on the list.

When you add up the number of products in your bathroom cabinets and under your kitchen sink that contain “fragrance” – and may contain styrene – the total could be many exposures to a substance we now know is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.”

THIS is why we are so passionate about ditching conventional products and switching to Young Living's clean, effective and safe options! Young Living NEVER uses fragrance in their products - they don't even need to because of the incredible essential oils. All the Young Living products are infused with the highest quality, therapeutic grade essential oils which not only make fragrance unnecessary, they actually improve our health! 

Want to capture these warm notes of fall designed to warm your home and heart, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Sweet, Sweet Sleep Challenge Essentials for August 2023

Sweet, Sweet Sleep Challenge Essentials

I have a question for you. How are you sleeping?
  • Is it restful?
  • Do you toss and turn?
  • Do you wake up ready for the day?
  • Do you worry your way through the night?
  • Are you relying on sleep aids that leave you groggy and affect your health?
Are you ready to truly rest?
  • According to estimates, 50 million to 70 million people in the U.S. have ongoing sleep disorders.
  • Women are 40% more likely to have insomnia than men are. 
  • 40% of people with insomnia may have a diagnosable mental-health condition.
  • 79.4% of adults who take prescription sleep medication experience a residual effect such as oversleeping, feeling groggy, or having a hard time concentrating the next day.
  • 94.8% of adults lose at least an hour of sleep to pain in a given week.
  • 57.8% of middle schoolers and 72.7% of high school students get less than the recommended amount of sleep for their age.
  • 30.8% of parents and guardians say their school-age children are not getting enough sleep with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have mild to severe sleeping problems.
We would love to guide you on a journey of restorative sleep throughout the month of August so you can work, handle back to school schedules, prepare for the holidays, and do all the things you dream of doing from a rested state.

We're going to grab two oils. 
Inexpensive. Simple. Life changing.

Each day you will do the following three things:
  • Diffuse Peace & Calming and Cedarwood Oil every day in your home.
  • Take at least one full minute to slow down and breathe it in.
  • Put your phone in another room before going to bed each night. *
So easy!

Are you ready to join us? Simply click here to add these oils to your cart. If you don't have an account or a diffuser yet, we've popped our favorite kit in this Sleep Well Wellness Box so you can be ready to learn and use oils with us! Make sure you add the code SHAREYL at checkout for a 10% discount if it's your first time to order!

Then text SLEEP to 408-401-1478 for an exclusive text-based Master Class on all things sleep and start getting the rest our bodies and minds need!

We definitely recommend ordering these favorites on your Loyalty Rewards order. I mean, is there anything better than your favorite, healthy products showing up on your doorstep each month? What about getting free products and product credits just for ordering things you're already using? Sounds like a winning situation to us! Which is why we love ordering using the Loyalty Rewards. We ditch conventional, toxic products for safe, clean Young Living versions, save money, save time, create a natural home, and get freebies all at the same time! 

To set up a Loyalty order, search for the products on the ‘Essentials' list, then click ‘Add to Loyalty Order.' You can manage your subscriptions by going to ‘My Account' and ‘Loyalty Order'. You can edit your order each month to reflect what you need (hello easy button!), change the order date and shipping options. Just make sure to order 50 PV minimum each month in order to maintain and increase your percentage back in points! Every time you hit a qualifying PV threshold (100 PV, 190 PV, 250 PV and 300 PV), you will automatically add free oils or products to your order!

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Back to School Handbook 2023

The 2023 Back to School Handbook

It's hard to believe that school time is already here, but there is something soothing about the routine of backpacks and books and pencils, don't you think?! As always, we want to do everything we can to make this a healthy, happy school year. Here are a few of our best tips for doing just that!

Keeping Everyone Healthy

Thieves is our go-to germ-busting blend, and we love having it around us in multiple forms throughout the day! Thieves essential oil and roll-on, Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer and Spray, Thieves Foaming Hand Soap – give us all the Thieves!

Supplement Daily

  • Super C Chewables and Immugummies for everyone in the family! Vitamin C and immune health are synonymous, and adding the elderberry and elderflower Immugummies to your routine is a great daily habit for the entire family.
  • KidScents MightyVites is a perfect option for a wholesome daily vitamin for kids of all ages.
  • Ningxia Red is our favorite supplement for ALL the things. It is an antioxidant and nutrient powerhouse that helps us sleep better, get and keep glowing skin, keep a healthy immune system, have healthy energy levels, and much much more. 

Keeping Things Clean

Thieves Household Cleaner is our absolute favorite for green, plant-based cleaning. You know we use this in our homes, but did you know that a lot of teachers will use it in their classrooms as well?! So many people have gifted it along with a glass spray bottle to their kids' teachers to use daily in their classrooms. Spice it up with one of these recipes!

School Days Thieves Cleaner
  • 16 oz glass spray bottle 
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner 
  • 10 drops each Orange & Cinnamon Bark essential oils
  • 5 drops each Ginger, Clove, & Nutmeg essential oils
  • Fill with distilled water
Falling Leaves Thieves Cleaner
  • 16 oz glass spray bottle 
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner 
  • 10 drops each Tangerine, Northern Lights Black Spruce, & Bergamot essential oils
  • 5 drops Patchouli essential oil
  • Fill with distilled water
Caramel Apple Thieves Cleaner
  • 16 oz glass spray bottle 
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner 
  • 10 drops each Bergamot, Cinnamon Bark, & Stress Away essential oils
  • 5 drops each Nutmeg & Tangerine essential oils
  • Fill with distilled water

Staying Focused

Whether you're helping your little ones with homework, helping older kids stay focused in class, or needing some help yourself, these are some of our favorite oils for staying focused and alert!

Why these? A study on essential oils and focus by Dr. Terry Friedmann found a 32% improvement in mental focus in children inhaling Vetiver, with similar results in the group inhaling Cedarwood.

They realized this is because of a specific constituent (a component of the oils). Vetiver and Cedarwood are extremely high in sesquiterpenes - molecules that deliver oxygen molecules to cells, just like hemoglobin does to the blood! More oxygen to the brain = better focus. These oils also help our brain waves calm from an overactive state to a focused one.

  • Cedarwood 98% sesquiterpenes
  • Vetiver 97% sesquiterpenes
  • Spikenard 93% sesquiterpenes
  • Sandalwood 90% sesquiterpenes

School Day Butterflies

One way to help calm those first day (or test day!) jitters is diffusing a calming, grounding & uplifting blend! Prep your diffuser the night before with this blend and have it going as you eat breakfast and make sure everything is ready to go before you head out the door. 

This also makes a great roller! Multiply the drops by 5, add a carrier and go. Pop it in your child's backpack (or your own bag.. parents can feel those butterflies too!) or apply it to a diffuser bracelet to bring those calming vibes along with you!

Jittery Butterflies Blend
  • 3 drops Peace & Calming
  • 2 drops Tangerine
  • 2 drops Valor
  • 2 drops Stress Away
  • 1 drop Vetiver

Sweet, Sweet Sleep

A good night of sleep always makes you feel amazing, but did you know that sleep has even more effects than just having energy? It is a huge part of our ability to focus, our immune systems, and our ability to retain information! Sleep is crucial for us and for our little ones, especially during the school year. Try some of these tips for helping everyone in the home get some sweet sweet sleep!

Sleepytime oils - Peace & Calming, Cedarwood, Valor, Lavender, SleepyIze, Seedlings Calm, Tranquil. Choose a few and keep them on hand to diffuse every evening at bedtime.

Nighttime Linen Spray - Spray this onto sheets, blankets, pjs and stuffed animals before bed.
  • Glass spray bottle
  • 30 drops Peace & Calming
  • 15 drops Lavender
  • Splash of witch hazel
  • Water
KidScents Unwind - This magnesium-based supplement is our go-to for unwinding before bed. It also includes tryptophan and essential oils that help promote a calm state. Because it can help with restlessness and sleeplessness, it can also improve focus and concentration in the classroom! 

KidScents MightyPro - It may seem a little bizarre to put a gut health supplement in the sleep category, but more and more research shows us that a healthy gut is crucial for all things – including sleep!

School Day Blends

These are some of our favorites for immune support, focus, calming, and soothing! You can also make these into roller blends! Strong Defenses is a favorite everyday wellness roller in our house. To do this, multiply the drops by 5-7, add a carrier, and go!

  • After School Pep Talk - 5 drops Thieves, 5 drops Peppermint, 2 drops Tangerine
  • Sniffle Ease - 4 drops each Lemon, Lavender, Raven or R.C.
  • Homework Helpers - 4 drops Cedarwood, 5 drops Vetiver, 2 drops Peppermint
  • Settle Down - 5 drops Peace & Calming, 4 drops Lavender, 2 drops Tangerine
  • Strong Defenses - 4 drops each Thieves, Frankincense, & Lemon
  • First Day Butterflies - 4 drops Valor, 3 drops each Bergamot, & Tangerine

After School Fun

Pumpkin Pie Play Dough

An activity for the kids with the option of being free of harmful dyes and ingredients and leaves the house and their little hands smelling AMAZING plus it has immune boosting properties! You can make this together, super easy, then let them play the crisp, fall day away!!

  • 2 cups cornstarch
  • 1 cup Kidscents Lotion
  • 4 drops Cardamom
  • 2 drops Orange
  • 1 drop Cinnamon bark
  • 1 drop Clove
  • Mix all the ingredients together and let their imaginations run wild!
DIY Clay Leaf Tray

This DIY tray is a fun craft for the little ones to make and gift! Before the clay hardens, you can drop essential oils onto it. Choose stronger scents like Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Thieves or Peppermint to ensure more scent.

First, explore around your yard and gather your leaves! Cut out a piece of air dry clay, then roll it out about 1/2 inch thick, making sure your leaf will fit fully onto the clay. Then, press your leaf (vein side down) onto the clay. Make sure all parts of the leaf press in so that you get all the pretty nuances of the leaf!

Remove the leaf from the clay, and cut around the outline with a knife (have adults do this part), then remove the excess air dry clay from around your imprint. Go around the perimeter of the leaf and gently press the sides up and in to create a small edge. If adding oils, do so now. 
Allow the clay to air dry and harden. We set ours on a baking rack so that both sides were exposed to air. After 24 hours they had hardened and were ready to paint!

Paint! Once the paint is dry, cover with a coat of Modge Podge gloss, then let that dry for 24 hours. After the coating is dry, have your children sign the back and write the year.

We hope you enjoy this Back to School Handbook.

Want to try these ideas, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Cedarwood Essential Oil Spotlight - July 2023

Cedarwood Spotlight

Cedarwood essential oil feels like a walk through a beautiful forest - warm, welcoming and calming to the senses. This oil is great for everything from focus to skincare to sleep and is one we always have on hand. 

Just a Drop of Cedarwood

  • Has a grounding, soothing, woodsy aroma
  • Creates a tranquil environment when diffused
  • Supports a calm, focused mental state
  • Wonderful to help wind down at the end of the day
  • Helps maintain the appearance of youthful skin and healthy-looking hair
  • Can be used to help fend off outdoor annoyances (pairs well with Citronella!)
  • Has natural skin-cleansing and deodorizing properties
  • High in sesquiterpenes

Young Living's Cedarwood essential oil is steam distilled from the bark of Cedrus atlantica, a close relative to the biblical Cedars of Lebanon, or Cedrus libani. Historically used by the ancient Egyptians in ceremonial rites, this variety of cedarwood is now grown primarily in Morocco. 
Cedarwood was traditionally used for cleansing rituals, both physical and emotional. The Chinese, Sumerians and Egyptians used oil of cedarwood for embalming, disinfecting, hygienic, and other purposes more than 5,000 years ago and it was mentioned on a Babylonian tablet dated 1800 B.C. for multiple uses.

Key Constituents

Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them sprecic health-supporting properties.

All three of the key constituents found in Cedarwood are sesquiterpenes. In fact Cedarwood is 98% sesquiterpenes, the oil with the highest amount! Alpha-himachalene, Beta-himachalene, Gamma-himachalene: These compounds stimulate the limbic system of the brain, help lower brain waves from overly active to focused or from focused to meditative, help elevate the mood and calm the body.

Sesquiterpenes are a powerful tool! They help with oxygenating the pineal and pituitary glands, which are responsible for producing hormones related to sleep and stress. Sesquiterpenes also stimulate Beta Wave production in the brain, which helps with focus. When we are performing a difficult task or working on a problem, our brain increases the amount of beta waves.

Sesquiterpenes stimulate and support that natural production and therefore ability to focus. These compounds also help delete negative information in the cellular memory, making them extremely helpful tools when experiencing or processing trauma of any kind (chemical, medical, physical, emotional, relational).

Cedarwood & Focus

Because Cedarwood is extremely high in sesquiterpenes, it is a great tool for focus. Remember, sesquiterpenes are naturally occurring molecules in essential oils that deliver oxygen molecules to cells, just like hemoglobin does to the blood.  Sesquiterpene compounds stimulate the limbic system of the brain, in turn elevating our mood and calming the body. A simple way to maximize this effect is to apply Cedarwood to the brainstem to support focus.

A study on essential oils and focus by Dr. Terry Friedmann found a 32% improvement in mental focus in children inhaling Vetiver, similar results in the Cedarwood group, and no changes in the Lavender group. The study was done using EGG testing of brain waves while administering the TOVA mental focus test. He had an unmedicated “low focus” group and a control group and administered the oils Vetiver, Cedarwood, and Lavender by having children inhale the oil deeply three times separately over the course of 30 days.

Other sesquiterpene rich oils:
  • Vetiver 97%
  • Spikenard 93%
  • Sandalwood 90%
Cedarwood & Emotions

Some essential oils are especially good for opening up the emotional centers of our brain. This is an opening to address subconscious memories and unresolved feelings that affect our health! Cedarwood helps us deal with these repetitive program glitches in our nervous system while also calming the mind and making our thinking more productive. Like the sprawling evergreen tree that this oil comes from, Cedarwood's scent helps us to mentally and emotionally branch out, connecting and expanding our thoughts.

Product Options
Daily Habits with Cedarwood

Cedarwood makes a great cologne when paired with spruce oils:
  • 10 mL roller
  • 15 drops Cedarwood
  • 10 drops each Idaho Blue Spruce, Bergamot, Tangerine
  • Fill with carrier
Apply to the base of the brain stem for promoting focus and make a special roller for homework time.

Combine with Lavender Lotion for nighttime leg troubles.

Make this incredible DIY Hand Salve for soothing winter skin (not just hands!)
  • ½ cup cold pressed organic olive oil (or 1 cup if not using arnica oil)
  • ½ cup organic arnica oil 
  • 1 Tbsp shea butter 
  • 2 Tbsp unrefined extra virgin coconut oil 
  • 3-4 Tbsp beeswax pastilles 
  • 30 drops essential oils: Cedarwood, Frankincense, Lavender, Patchouli
  • Essential oils to add for a masculine scent: Sandalwood, Vetiver, Idaho Blue Spruce
    Step 1 - Using a double boiler, place several inches of water in the bottom and place a bowl or pan on top. Turn the heat to low-medium and add the olive oil, shea butter, coconut oil & beeswax and allow it to melt, stirring gently.
    Step 2 - Remove the bowl from the double boiler. Add Vitamin E oil and essential oils.
    Step 3 - Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes to cool but not harden, then pour into the small containers.
Make this Winter Skin Bath Soak! Adding oatmeal to the bath is helpful for more acute skin needs, especially for children.Make this nourishing DIY Goat Milk Soap:
  • 2lb melt and pour soap base 
  • ½ cup powdered goat milk 
  • 2 Tbsp organic raw honey 
  • 1 Tbsp sweet almond oil
  • 60 drops essential oils (Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosemary is a great combo!)
  • Soap molds
    Chop soap base into cubes and melt using a double boiler. Whisk in all remaining ingredients and pour into soap molds. Option to add dried flowers. Let sit overnight 
Give your skin and your joints some love with this Soothing ACV Bath Soak:
  • ¼ cup magnesium flakes
  • ¼ cup organic oats, ground
  • 2 Tbsp sweet almond oil
  • 10 drops each Cedarwood, Lavender
    Mix together and add to bath water. Then add ¼ cup ACV to the water and gently mix. 
Make your own (effective) deodorant with this Natural Deodorant Spray recipe: 
  • 4 oz glass mister bottle 
  • 3 Tbsp grain alcohol
  • 1 Tbsp witch hazel 
  • 1 Tbsp water
  • ½ tsp glycerin 
  • 20 drops Cedarwood (or other essential oil)
  • Optional: 10 drops Tea Tree
    Combine all ingredients and shake well.
    To use, spritz two sprays under arms as desired. 
Create mermaid-inspired waves in your hair with this Leave In Mermaid Hair Spritz:
  • 3 Tbsp alcohol free witch hazel
  • 1 tsp hemp seed oil (this is a veggie oil not an essential oil!)
  • 5 drops each: Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosemary
    Add ingredients in a 4 oz spray bottle. Fill the rest (mostly!) with distilled water
    Shake before use, and spritz then comb through to deeply nourish wet hair
Make a simple DIY Cuticle Oil! This also makes a great gift and pairs well with the Gardener's Hand Salve:
  • 1½ teaspoons V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
  • 10 drops Cedarwood essential oil
  • 5 drops Frankincense essential oil
  • Add all the above to an empty 15 ml essential oil bottle and add an AromaGlide Roller Fitment. Roll onto your cuticles anytime, anywhere.
Make a Focus Roller to use during work, homework, school, meetings or anytime to help focus the mind:
  • To a 10 mL roller bottle add:
  • 15 drops Frankincense
  • 10 drops Cedarwood
  • 5 drops Peppermint
  • Fill with a carrier of choice. Apply over the heart, back of the neck, on the wrists liberally and frequently. 
Make a Sweet Dreams Sleep roller:
  • 20 drops each Lavender, Cedarwood
  • Optional: 10 drops Frankincense
  • Fill with carrier oil of choice
    Apply over to the big toe, bottom of the feet, neck and behind ears before bed or more frequently as desired.
Make these Sweet Dreams Bath Salts to use before bedtime (great for helping kids wind down as well!)
  • 1 cup magnesium flakes
  • ½ cup epsom salts
  • 10 drops Cedarwood essential oil
  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil
  • Add to a glass jar and mix well.

Diffuse this woodsy oil to support focus, calm the atmosphere and bring a sense of serenity to your home:
  • Sweet Dreams - 5 drops Cedarwood, 4 drops Lavender, 3 drops Frankincense
  • Calm & Collected - 4 drops each Cedarwood, Peppermint, Lemon
  • Enchanted Forest - 4 drops Cedarwood, 3 drops Ylang Ylang, 3 drops Vanilla, 2 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
  • Grounded & Grateful - 3 drops each Cedarwood, Patchouli, Tangerine, Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • Let it Go - 4 drops each Cedarwood, Lavender, Vetiver
  • Summer Camp - 4 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce, 3 drops Cedarwood, 4 drops Tangerine

  • This oil has really helped to support our son with sensory and speech difficulties. - Alicia D.
  • This is one I won't be without... Diffuse almost daily, use a drop or two in my shampoo, I've made a Mirah oil to spray on hair, and there's more uses I didn't know about above. Love, love, love it. - Judy D.
  • I diffuse it every night with lavender and it's been a game changer for sleep! I also put it in my DIY dry shampoo. - Olivia M.
  • I have used this oil alone in a pillow spray. I also diffuse it with several other oils in the bedroom to help me sleep - Cedarwood, Peace and Calming, Stress away, Lavender, Sandalwood.  - Gail V.
  • One of our favorites for hair and sleep! - Marie V.
  • L O V E this oil. I sleep so soundly with it! - Robin C.
  • I use this oil in a spray bottle mixed with water and spray it on my scalp after my shower. I have also started applying it to my forehead for emotional balance. - Tami S.

Want to try Cedarwood essential oil, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Carefree Diffuser Blends - August 2023

Carefree Diffuser Blends

This collection of diffuser blends are our favorites for the young and the young at heart, so whether you're looking for something to help the little ones (or yourself!) wind down for the day or something to diffuse for overall wellness, we have you covered. These recipes are our tried and true go-tos for everyday use!

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell happy and inviting all at the same time.

Join us as we diffuse (and apply) these favorite blends to wrap up summer and get ready for school.

LIFE HACK - You can easily transform these blends into roller recipes and sprays!

To make a 10 mL roller from any recipe - triple the number of drops to make a total of 35-45 total drops, add a carrier of choice (we love V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex) and you're good to go.

To make a 2 oz spray from any recipe - double the number of drops to a total of about 25 drops, ad a splash of witch hazel and fill with filtered water. Spray on upholstered surfaces, bedding, rugs, anywhere you want to freshen!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend

Easy Button

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Simplified Summer Collection Spotlight

Simplified Summer Collection

Capture the spirit of summer with these three sun-sational blends designed to whisk you away to where the living is easy. Ditch the chemical-laden candles and wall plugs for these delicious, summer-y blends. These blends are also now available to purchase individually! Check out the 'Related Resources' section below for more information on each blend!

Simplified Summer Collection at a Glance
  • Make your home smell sun-sationally fresh with three summertime blends.
  • Skip the harsh chemicals in candles, room sprays, and air fresheners for naturally derived essential oil goodness.
  • Transform your space into an easy, breezy summer getaway in minutes.
  • Whip up a signature summer scent without the toxins in conventional perfumes.
  • Switch out fragrance-filled reed diffusers for these summery scents or DIY a reed diffuser of your own!
Simplified Summer Collection

Tropical Tango essential oil blend
Take a trip to the tropics with the scents of ripe coconuts, juicy oranges, and fresh-picked florals with the Tropical Tango essential oil blend! This bright, blissful blend will have you feeling like you're living on island time no matter where you are. This blend can be incredibly helpful for times of stress to transport your emotions to a tropical paradise - relaxed, calm and grounded. Diffuse, apply and add this oil to DIYs all summer (or all year!) long!

Orange Creamsicle essential oil blend
When you want to relive the nostalgia of cool summertime sweets, count on the Orange Creamsicle blend. Made with real Madagascar vanilla, this creamy, citrusy scent will bring back memories of simpler times and summer days spent outdoors with friends. It's amazing diffused, worn as a perfume or used in summer-y DIYs!

Seaside essential oil blend
Treat your senses to the crisp, luxurious smell of Seaside! Inspired by the salty ocean air and warm summer nights, this blend is a vacation in a bottle. Made with Neroli from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree near the Mediterranean ocean, herbaceous Cypress and Sage, plus citrus notes of Orange and Lime, this blend is definitely one you will want to bask in all summer long!

How to Use the Simplified Summer Collection

For your home…
Diffuse any of these summer-scented essential oil blends to turn your home into a summertime getaway.

Whip up a simple room or linen spray with any of the blends:
Place a few drops of one of the blends on a cloth or cotton ball and place in the bottom of a trash can, a drawer, a closet or any other small space that needs to be refreshed.

Make a lovely DIY Reed Diffuser
  • Glass bottle of choice (check thrift stores for lovely vintage ones!)
  • Bamboo skewers or uncoated chopsticks
  • 1/4 cup carrier oil of choice
  • 1 teaspoon rubbing alcohol
  • 40-60 drops essential oil of choice
Add 20-25 drops of one of the blends to your Thieves Cleaner for a summery twist.

Add 3-5 drops of your chosen blend to dryer balls to infuse your laundry with a little sunshine.

Add one of these summery blends to your DIY Laundry Scent BoosterMake this carpet deodorizing powder. To a 4 oz glass jar add:
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup fine sea salt
  • 20 drops blend of choice
    Add baking soda and salt to a jar, and mix well. Add essential oils, stir, then place the top on the jar and shake well. Optional: use a small knife or drill to make small holes in the top of the jar. Sprinkle onto carpets and let sit 10-15 minutes before vacuuming! 
Add a few drops of Tropical Tango in your diffuser to fill your space with the island-inspired scents of exotic flowers, creamy coconuts, and juicy fruits.

Put a few drops of Orange Creamsicle in a USB car diffuser to cheer up your morning commute with the nostalgic scents of summer.

For personal care…

Dilute your favorite Summer Simplified essential oil blend with a carrier oil and add it to your evening shower gel, body oil, or DIY bath bomb recipes for a burst of sunshine.

Use your favorite blend to make some of the simple DIYs. (Summer shimmer body oil anyone?!?)

Use one of these blends in DIY sugar and salt scrubs for a fresh summery burst.

Put 1 drop of Tropical Tango diluted with 2–4 drops of V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex into the palm of your hand; then cup your hands around your nose and breathe deeply to transport yourself to an island paradise.

Breathe in Orange Creamsicle's uplifting aroma straight from the bottle for an aromatic pick-me-up when your day overwhelms you.

Place a couple drops of Seaside and V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex onto a diffuser bracelet to carry the fresh, soothing scent wherever your day takes you. Since this blend may cause photosensitivity, keep your wrist out of direct sunlight for up to 24 hours.

A Few Notes on Fragrance...

If you turn over your favorite good smelling products, you'll often find the word ‘fragrance' in the ingredients. But what is fragrance??

Fragrance chemicals are organic compounds that volatilize, or vaporize into the air, which is why we can smell them. They are added to household and personal care products to give them a scent or to mask the odor of other ingredients. Unfortunately, the volatile organic chemicals (VOCs - think the smell of paint or paint thinner) emitted by fragrance products can contribute to poor indoor air quality and are associated with a variety of adverse health effects. They are pretty much the last thing you want in a product for ambiance and aroma.

But it gets a little bit worse…. Did you know that to protect trade secrets, makers are allowed to withhold fragrance ingredients, so consumers can't rely on labels to know what hazards may lurk inside those festive scented candles (and room sprays.. and wall plugs… and perfumes.. and cosmetics…). This is called the “fragrance loophole” in federal labeling law. Although all other ingredients in your scented household and personal care products must be disclosed on the label by their specific name, this loophole means that ingredients added to provide a pleasant scent, or to mask a bad one, need only be listed under the generic term “fragrance.” 

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) reports that, while many popular candles and room sprays contain trace amounts of natural essences, they also typically contain a dozen or more potentially hazardous synthetic chemicals, some of which are derived from petroleum. According to the EWG, 

“Exposure to fragrance chemicals can cause headaches; eye, nose, and throat irritation; nausea; forgetfulness; loss of coordination; and other respiratory and/or neurotoxic symptoms. Many fragrance ingredients are respiratory irritants and sensitizers, which can trigger asthma attacks and aggravate sinus conditions.” 

One example of a harmful ingredient (there are many!) when it comes to fragrance, is styrene, an ingredient added to a wide variety of consumer products. A 2011 finding by the National Toxicology Program (endorsed by the Academy's National Research Council) found that styrene is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.”

We know only that styrene might be an ingredient in any given fragrance because the International Fragrance Association, an industry trade group, publishes an online “Transparency List” of ingredients that perfumers say they use in formulas for consumer products. Styrene is one of the 3,000-odd ingredients on the list.

When you add up the number of products in your bathroom cabinets and under your kitchen sink that contain “fragrance” – and may contain styrene – the total could be many exposures to a substance we now know is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.”

THIS is why we are so passionate about ditching conventional products and switching to Young Living's clean, effective and safe options! Young Living NEVER uses fragrance in their products - they don't even need to because of the incredible essential oils. All the Young Living products are infused with the highest quality, therapeutic grade essential oils which not only make fragrance unnecessary, they actually improve our health! 

Want to capture the spirit of summer with these three sun-sational blends designed to whisk you away to where the living is easy, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Make a Shift - Essential Solutions Kit

Make a Shift
Essential Solutions Kit

If you're looking for an easy way to make the switch to greener solutions for your home and health, then look no further! Make a shift with the Essential Solutions Kit! This curated collection includes some of the most popular products for replacing harsh chemicals, freshening your home, or enhancing your daily wellness routines.

The Make a Shift Essential Solutions Kit comes with everything you need to take the next step in your everyday wellness journey!

Thieves essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • This powerful blend of immune boosting oils works with the body's natural defense systems, making it one we reach for every day. 
  • Dilute Thieves 1:4 (1 part Thieves, 4 part carrier oil) and apply to the spine, over the lymph nodes, and/or to the bottoms of the feet.
  • Add Thieves to your cleaning DIYs. (There's a reason Young Living has an entire line of household products infused with this blend!)
  • Add a drop to honey, then pour warm water over for a Thieves Tea (you can also add your favorite herbal tea) OR add a drop or two to coffee grounds before brewing, or mix into your favorite latte recipe.
  • Diffuse! Studies have shown that the Thieves blend can blast 96% of airborne germs. Pair with Peppermint for a pick-me-up or with Lavender for a bedtime blend that supports the immune system. 
Purification essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Purification is our favorite way to keep our homes smelling fresh and clean - even if they aren't! It has a crisp, fresh aroma, and unlike many harsh chemical-based sprays it truly eliminates odors and doesn't simply mask them. It's a bright, cleansing blend of Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, and Tea Tree that we use in so many different ways!
  • Add Purification to wool dryer balls to give your laundry a bright-smelling boost.
  • Drop Purification directly into areas that need some freshening - rain boots, forgotten laundry, diaper pails, etc.
  • Use Purification to support healthy airways! Simply mix a few drops with coconut oil and rub onto the chest, neck and back. (This blend is full of wonderful purifying oils for the immune & respiratory systems!)
  • Apply Purification topically to calm everyday skin irritations or use to spot-treat blemishes.
Lavender essential oil, 5 mL
  • Considered the panacea of aromatherapy, Lavender essential oil has endless uses – it is truly our Swiss Army Knife! In addition to its tranquil aroma, Lavender provides many skin care benefits, from beauty routines to first aid needs! It is also one we reach for to calm our systems when the air quality lowers.
  • Apply Lavender topically following sun exposure or add it to your facial essence, serum, or moisturizer.
  • Add 4 drops of Lavender and 1 cup of Epsom salt to a bath to create a relaxing environment.
  • Use it as a spot treatment for minor bumps and blemishes.
  • Unwind in the evening with a calming Lavender-infused neck or back massage.
  • Use Lavender to help cleanse and soothe minor skin irritations. Pair with Frankincense and coconut oil. 
Peppermint essential oil, 5 mL
  • Peppermint essential oil has a fresh, minty aroma that is invigorating whenever you need a pick me up! This crisp oil can be diffused to create a focused environment for work or study, or it can be applied topically to soothe & cool muscles following activity. 
  • Diffuse Peppermint while working or during homework time to create a focused environment.
  • Sprinkle a few drops in your shower for an awakening shower steam in the morning.
  • Apply it to your neck and shoulders or to tired muscles following physical activity for a cooling sensation.
Deep Relief Roll-On, 10 mL
  • Deep Relief Roll-On is one of Young Living's most popular blends and will be your new tension-melting best friend! This pre-diluted blend combines Peppermint, Wintergreen, Copaiba, Clove, and Fir essential oils (plus more!) provide icy cool relief wherever you need it! Ditch the store-bought creams and grab your Deep Relief Roll-on!
  • Apply onto the temples, back of neck, and shoulders and gently massage to relieve stress and tension.
  • Apply generously to any sore or tense muscles or onto legs and feet after standing or walking all day. 
Stress Away Roll-On, 10 mL
  • We call this beachy blend a “vacation in a bottle.” Stress Away is your stress buster! It smells lovely with hints of vanilla and makes a great addition to DIY body butter, bath salts and more. 
  • Apply to the neck, chest and shoulders and feel the tension melt away. Apply liberally and frequently
  • Use on the chest and feet before bedtime – alone or with Lavender – to promote relaxation.
  • Use as a daily perfume or personal fragrance!
Fresh Start Diffuser (exclusive to this kit!)
  • This beautiful diffuser is streamlined and elegant and will be the perfect companion to any space! Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Not only does it make your entire space feel like a spa, you get all the benefits of inhaling the pure essential oils you are diffusing – immune support, respiratory soothing, calming and relaxing, focus and attention – win win! 
Product insert with simple tips for using every drop of these incredible oils

Make a Shift Essential Solutions Kit

Here are some of our favorite recipes, DIYs, and ways to use the oils in this kit! These oils were hand selected because they are some of the most versatile.

Make a Glow Up Skin Serum to use before bed:
  • 20 drops Lavender
  • Fill with carrier of choice (jojoba oil, argan oil)
  • Optional: 15 drops Frankincense for oil-prone skin
  • Other great add-ins: Manuka, Blue Tansy, Myrrh
Make a T-Zone Roller to use on oily areas or as a spot-treatment for blemishes:
  • 20 drops Purification
  • Jojoba oil
Make a Daily Wellness Roller (10mL) to use morning and evening, then use more frequently when needs arise: 
  • 30 drops each Thieves,
  • 10 drops each Lavender, Peppermint
  • V-6 Vegetable oil carrier
  • Other great add-ins: Geranium, Pine, Frankincense
Try this Tension Melter Roller for tense heads, shoulders, necks or other muscles. (This one feels soooo good on the temples and forehead when you're carrying stress or tension!)
  • 25 drops each Lavender,
  • 20 drops Peppermint
  • Optional: 10 drops Deep  Relief (pop the roller out and use a dropper to get the essential oil out!)
  • V-6 Vegetable oil carrier
Make Ultimate Relaxation Bath Salts:
  • 1 cup Epsom salt
  • ½ cup Himalayan salt
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • Optional: 8 drops Stress Away (pop the roller out and use a dropper to get the essential oil out!)
Make a DIY Carpet & Rug Freshener to freshen up your space whenever you vacuum.
  • To an airtight glass jar add:
  • 1 cup Baking Soda
  • ½ cup Fine Sea Salt
  • 20 drops Purification
  • 20 drops Lavender
  • Mix well. When ready to use, sprinkle over carpets and let sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming.
Make a Linen & Upholstery Spray to use when you change the sheets or anytime a surface needs a little freshening:
  • 8 oz glass spray bottle   
  • 20 drops each Peppermint, Lavender, Purification
  • Filtered water
  • Shake to mix and spray on linens, upholstery, mattresses, anything really!
Make a DIY Laundry Scent Booster to make your laundry smell divine with zero harsh chemicals:
  • To a large glass jar with a lid add:
  • 1 cup Epsom Salt
  • ½ cup Fine Sea Salt
  • ½ cup Baking Soda
  • 30 drops Purification (or a mix of desired oils)
  • To use, add 2-3 Tbsp directly to the laundry.
  • Lemon Cookies - 6 drops each Lemon, Peppermint
  • Be Well - 5 drops Thieves, 4 drops Lavender, 3 doors Purification
  • Spring Breeze - 5 drops Thieves, 3 drops each Lavender, Peppermint
  • Fresh Linens - 6 drops Lavender, 4 drops Purification
Want to grab your Essential Solutions Kit but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Stress-Free Diffuser Blends - July 2023

Stress-Free Diffuser Blends

Finding ways to release stress in our lives is essential to our overall health, and essential oils can help us do that on a daily basis! Create a calm, stress-free atmosphere in your home, car, office or anywhere you wish with a diffuser and a few calming oils. Diffusing is a great way to create a peaceful, uplifting environment, and these blends below are perfect for that.

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell happy and inviting all at the same time.

Join us as we diffuse (and apply) these favorite blends to take a moment to rest and reset this summer.

LIFE HACK - You can easily transform these blends into roller recipes and sprays!

To make a 10 mL roller from any recipe - triple the number of drops to make a total of 35-45 total drops, add a carrier of choice (we love V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex) and you're good to go.

To make a 2 oz spray from any recipe - double the number of drops to a total of about 25 drops, ad a splash of witch hazel and fill with filtered water. Spray on upholstered surfaces, bedding, rugs, anywhere you want to freshen!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend

Easy Button

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Peace & Calming Essential Oil Spotlight - July 2023

Peace & Calming Spotlight

Peace and Calming is one of Young Living's most popular blends, and for good reason! Peace and Calming is a unique blend of Tangerine, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, and Blue Tansy that will surely become a favorite in your family to relax and calm emotions. This oil can signal overtired and overworked body systems that it is a safe space to release stress and defenses and allow blocks in relationships to come down. 

Have trouble sleeping? Try this blend as part of your bedtime routine to create those important rest cycles and rhythms so crucial to our health. Peace & Calming is great to diffuse to create a positive, peaceful atmosphere. This Young Living exclusive is made with five essential oils, including Tangerine and Orange, which contain some of the highest naturally occurring levels of the constituent limonene. This blend also has Ylang Ylang essential oil, another crowd favorite! 

Just a Drop of Peace & Calming

  • Contains Blue Tansy essential oil
  • Has a comforting, fresh, citrus aroma
  • Helps freshen the air when diffused
  • Creates a peaceful environment for yoga and meditation
  • May be supportive to children and animals during an overactive day

Each essential oil in Peace & Calming was carefully selected for its unique benefits:

  • Tangerine - contains esters and aldehydes that are supportive of calming the nervous system and releasing anxious thoughts and nerves
  • Orange - uplifting to the mind, helps bring a sense of joy and peace; commonly used in aromatherapy to help release anxious feelings
  • Ylang ylang - supports relaxation, balances male and female energies to restore confidence and equilibrium
  • Patchouli - high in sesquiterpenes, this oil stimulates the limbic center of the brain to support grounding and centering, helps clarify the thoughts, allowing the mind to relax and release insecurities
  • Blue Tansy - helps cleanse the liver and lymphatic system, combats anger and negative emotions
Key Constituents

Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties
  • Sesquiterpenes - known for their ability to calm and focus the mind and central nervous system
  • Limonene - known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress support, this is a powerful constituent with many health benefits
Peace & Calming & Emotions

Peace and Calming is an incredible tool when it comes to emotional health! The Blue Tansy in this blend is specifically supportive of calming the Central Nervous System! Here are two ways to use this oil blend to shift your thoughts and emotions from counselor Eryn Jones:

  • For when you feel out of control and out of your depth. Balance and healthy boundaries can be the opposite of out of control. Using Peace & Calming on your stomach, focusing on the mantra "I am content" can really help quell strong desires to be in control. Control is something we often seek subconsciously and don't notice until we feel, well "out of it!". Thus out of control. Peace & Calming can be a huge help in this area!
  • For when you feel unwanted or unlovable. Often, feelings of deep unease, instability, and moodiness are born from this deep false belief about ourselves. Just smelling Peace & Calming can help support our hormones too. Often our hormones can get out of whack when we feel deep sadness and unease AND hormones being out of whack can cause these sad feelings and beliefs - everything is connected! Peace & Calming can help both the feelings and hormonal balance!
Daily Habits with Peace & Calming

  • Add a drop to your palms, then breathe with your hands over your nose to promote feelings of courage and confidence
  • Diffuse in all bedrooms at night to promote restful sleep
  • Rub drops on wrists or back of neck to calm anxious thoughts and feelings
  • Help tired children wind down busy bodies and minds after active days
  • Breathe deeply when situations seem overwhelming
  • Apply Peace & Calming to the bottoms of feet at night as part of a bedtime ritual for your whole family
  • Dilute it with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex for a calming back massage before naps or bed
  • Add 4–5 drops to 1 cup of Epsom salt for a centering bath at the start of the day or as part of a calming evening routine
  • Add it to Young Living Bath and Shower Gel Base for a cleanser your entire family will love
  • Combine it with Citrus Fresh™ essential oil blend for a bright, invigorating scent that's perfect for mornings before school or practice.

Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Our diffusers are running 24/7 with blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the calming scent of Peace & Calming!
  • Calm Seas - Peace & Calming, Lavender
  • Fresh Air - Citrus Fresh, Peace & Calming, Orange
  • Meditation Space - Peace & Calming, Frankincense, Orange
  • Peace, Be Still - Valor, Peace & Calming
  • Fresh Breeze - Bergamot, Peace & Calming, Jade Lemon
  • Holiday - Peace & Calming, Lime, Tangerine, Lavender

Want to try Peace & Calming essential oil, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Harmony Blend Spotlight - June 2023

Harmony Essential
Oil Blend Spotlight

Harmony is a beautiful oil  blend that you definitely need in our life! This oil blend has an amazing way of amplifying the best in everyone and promoting feelings of balance. Harmony consists of some really incredible, valuable oils like Rose, Sacred Sandalwood, Jasmine and more, and smells so lovely and inviting!

Just a Drop of Harmony

  • Has a harmonizing and balancing aroma that is lightly floral with hints of citrus and herb
  • Encourages feelings of well-being, confidence and clarity
  • Makes a wonderful perfume or after-shave as its aroma is slightly different on every individual
  • Can be used alone or with other emotional support oils to release trauma, inspire forgiveness, and allow us to move forward in our full potential.
  • Includes high-frequency oils like Rose, Jasmine, and Sacred Sandalwood promote peaceful thoughts and spiritual harmony.
Harmony essential oil blend contains Sacred Sandalwood, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Orange, Angelica, Geranium, Hyssop, Spanish Sage, Black Spruce, Coriander, Bergamot, Lemon, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa, and Rose essential oils. It is a beautiful blend of high-frequency oils that is lightly floral with herbs and citrus, making it a wonderful choice for a daily personal fragrance!


The Harmony blend was formulated by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young as a spiritual and emotional blend that may help promote harmony in all areas in life. Intrigued at how different it smells on everyone, men have enjoyed it as an aftershave and women as a perfume for many years, and it is a main blend in Gary's Great Day Protocol.

The oils in the Harmony blend work together to help us promote harmony within our minds and bodies through releasing the past, finding peace in the present and looking forward to the future.

Harmony & Emotions

Why use these essential oils for this process? Because of the power of aromatherapy and the limbic system.

Our sense of smell is directly related to our emotions and mood. The cranial nerve associated with smell sits next to the hypothalamus - the area of the brain responsible for mood, feelings and emotional processing. This means we can connect these two things on a physical level!

Essential oils are also high in compounds that can cross the blood brain barrier to reprogram bad coding from the cells. Then other compounds rewrite that code to restore the original perfect copy, one that will not keep us pulled into the physical and emotional effects of stress. This is a process, but the great thing about essential oils is that we have a CHOICE to embrace that process instead of loading our bodies up with lots of toxins and other things that create more confusion in the cells.
So how do we do this? What does it look like practically?

Harmony helps to release toxic beliefs and thought patterns related to feeling ignored, crushed, hostile, afraid of punishment, beating ourselves up, sarcasm, and stubbornness. When we feel ignored, our perception is that we are not a part of the big picture. We aren't good enough, worthy enough, or able to play our part. When we are crushed, we are collapsing inwardly. Who we are has been forced down and suppressed. We stop seeing our part. When we are hostile, we are quick to see others as the enemy, and everything in life as an opposition to our part. We are trying to play alone, because we can't trust the other parts.

When there are situations where you are experiencing some of the emotions listed above, sit or stand still until you feel where that emotion is causing a sensation in your body. It might feel like pain, twitching, tingling, aching, nausea, heat, cold, or a general tension. Rub Harmony over the area (or just nearby if it's sensitive), and hold your hand over the spot. Take several deep breaths. This is a simple step to become aware of the mind-body connection. It's okay if you don't know how to fix all of these issues right this minute. Begin embracing the idea that you have a part to play, a harmony that only you can add to the relationships and opportunities in your life!

Key Ingredients

  • Sacred Sandalwood & Frankincense - high frequency grounding oils that are earthy and calming, soothing to the mind and body; high in sesquiterpene compounds that can help calm nervous energy and balance the body.
  • Rose - a valuable oil with high-frequency notes that help create a peaceful, loving, and nurturing environment as you work through forgiving yourself and others; helps facilitate connection and open the emotions towards relationship
  • Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Jasmine, & Palmarosa - feminine, floral oils that promote connection to self and others, calm and soothe the mind and body, and balance the emotions.
  • Lavender & Roman Chamomile - calming and soothing floral oils with a hint of herbaceous aroma that help bring resolution to the mind and body; support the body's natural response to stress and inflammation
  • Bergamot, Orange, & Lemon - bright, uplifting citrus oils that help stimulate creativity and joy, help release anxieties and frustrations, and are high in limonene, which is supportive of the immune system
  • Hyssop, Coriander, & Sage - cleansing, herbaceous oils that help release and remove unwanted negative emotions and energies, opening up the environment to positivity and harmony
The Feelings Kit

Harmony is a key component of the Feelings Kit Collection - a collection of powerful emotional tools that we can use daily to align our minds, release stored emotions, and bring balance to our lives. Learn more about the Feelings Kit Protocol here.

  • Valor is renowned for its strengthening qualities and ability to align energy centers in the body.
  • Harmony brings a harmonic balance to the energy centers of the body.
  • Forgiveness allows the release of harmful memories and promotes a willingness to move forward.
  • Present Time allows you to see your life's future with an open mind for new possibilities.
  • Release promotes feelings of harmony and balance of the mind and body.
  • Inner Child brings feelings of stimulating memory responses and helps you reconnect with your innocence.
Daily Habits with Harmony

Diffuse Harmony as you process emotions and trauma, while you sleep or as you meditate or journal. Diffuse with Lavender and Release at bedtime to release daily worries and anxieties and promote restful sleep.

Wear this oil as a daily perfume and remind yourself of truths and affirmations for the emotions you are processing.

Use the protocol above to truly process through past or current trauma and emotions, breathing deeply from your bottle of Harmony and applying it over your heart and abdomen. Journal, meditate or even stretch to move the emotions through your body.

Make a roller with 40 drops of Harmony and carrier oil. 
  • Option to add in other emotionally supportive oils: Joy, White Angelica, Tangerine, Lavender, Valor, Inner Child, & Hope. Apply liberally and frequently.
Apply topically to wrists, over the heart, to the edge of ears and feet. 

Try this Harmony Bath Soak or simply add a few drops to your bath with a cup of Epsom salt and take a relaxing bath:
  • 1/2 cup magnesium flakes
  • 1/4 cup organic oats, ground
  • 2 Tbsp sweet almond oil
  • 5-10 drops Harmony or a mix of Harmony, Lavender, & Bergamot
    Mix together well, then place under warm running water and allow to flow into the tub. Soak as long as possible.
Make a nightly massage oil to use before bed:
  • 4 oz pump bottle
  • 20 drops Harmony essential oil
  • 15 drops Bergamot essential oil
  • 10 drops Release or Lavender essential oil
  • Relaxation Massage Oil
Add a few drops to some Relaxation Massage Oil for a trauma or emotional release massage or simply to help your mind let go at the end of the day.

Remember to USE IT EVERY DAY! Repeat a positive affirmation that rings true to you for your situation.


Diffuse throughout the day, but especially when journaling, meditating, reading, or doing yoga.

  • Calm & Collected - 4 drops Harmony, 3 drops each Bergamot & Tangerine, 2 drops Vanilla
  • Peaceful Feelings - 4 drops Harmony, 3 drops each Lime & Lemon, 2 drops Orange
  • Harmony of Life - 3 drops each Harmony, Valor, & Frankincense
Want to try Harmony Essential Oil blend, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Present Time Blend Spotlight - June 2023

Present Time Essential
Oil Blend Spotlight

Say hello to your new daily personal fragrance - Present Time essential oil blend! This lightly sweet, grounded oil blend is uplifting and helps you find full presence in the moment at hand! Neroli, Spruce and Ylang Ylang combine for a perfectly balanced blend that smells amazing and helps you find your full potential.

Just a Drop of Present Time

  • Has a floral, uplifting aroma that makes a wonderful personal fragrance
  • Helps you find presence in the current moment so you can create the life you desire
  • A featured oil blend in the Feelings Kit Collection
  • Contains Neroli, a valuable oil that is uplifting and promotes feelings of peace and confidence
Present Time was created to help you be in the moment. This blend of Neroli, Black Spruce, Ylang Ylang, and sweet almond oil helps reduce psychological stress to create a feeling of being fully present. Being in the present time is the key to progressing and moving forward, helping to create the life you desire! If you feel you are living in the past or focusing on the future, this oil encourages you to be in the now.

Present Time & Emotions

Present Time helps you focus on the here and now, so you can get beyond the past and move forward. When paired with other emotional support oils, this is a powerful tool for truly being present with your current experiences and releasing the pain of the past.

Neroli is steam distilled from orange blossoms and is the most lovely, uplifting aroma. Neroli was used by the ancient Egyptians for the healing of mind, body and spirit. It is stabilizing and strengthening to the emotions, promotes peace, confidence and awareness, and brings mental awareness to alleviate anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Spruce is a powerful emotional tool. This oil helps us to open and release emotional blocks and helps foster a sense of balance and grounding.

Ylang Ylang essential oil promotes relaxation, balances male and female energies, restores confidence and equilibrium, and alleviates insomnia, which often occurs when we are repressing emotions. 

This blend of oils creates a strong, encouraging scent to increase the ability to focus on the present moment. As busy men and women, parents, care givers, employees, etc. we can become so focused on the next deadline, task or responsibility, and it becomes very easy to lose sight of what is directly in front of us. The stack of papers or dishes or laundry seems so time sensitive that we rush through the people in front of us - children, spouses, partners, friends, even ourselves.

Present Time helps us to allow ourselves to give and receive in the present even when we have been hurt in the past.
  • Wear this oil as a perfume each day. Apply over the wrists, chest and throat. You can even place a drop on the crown of the head!
  • Diffuse Present Time as you walk through visualizations, journal or simply sit quietly and think through your feelings.
  • Apply or diffuse Present Time during intentional time with family, significant other and other relationships you want to cultivate.
Key Ingredients

  • Neroli - has been used for centuries for healing the mind, body and spirit and is wonderful for promoting feelings of peace, confidence and awareness, helping you be present in the moment.
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce - has a grounding, earth-connecting aroma that enhances and uplifts the spirit
  • Ylang Ylang - known to combat anger, filter negative energy and restore equilibrium; helps to promote feelings of calm and connection
The Feelings Kit

Present Time is a key component of the Feelings Kit Collection - a collection of powerful emotional tools that we can use daily to align our minds, release stored emotions, and bring balance to our lives. Learn more about the Feelings Kit Protocol here.

  • Valor is renowned for its strengthening qualities and ability to align energy centers in the body.
  • Harmony brings a harmonic balance to the energy centers of the body.
  • Forgiveness allows the release of harmful memories and promotes a willingness to move forward.
  • Present Time allows you to see your life's future with an open mind for new possibilities.
  • Release promotes feelings of harmony and balance of the mind and body.
  • Inner Child brings feelings of stimulating memory responses and helps you reconnect with your innocence.
Daily Habits with Present Time

Apply topically over the heart, on the wrists and back of the neck, and to the edge of ears frequently.

Pair with journaling, meditation, prayer, counseling and any other emotionally supportive practice that you find beneficial.

Diffuse as you process emotions and trauma, while you sleep or as you meditate or journal.

Wear this oil as a daily perfume and remind yourself of truths and affirmations for the emotions you are processing.

Make a roller with 40 drops of Present Time or simply add a roller top to the bottle itself!
  • Option to add in other emotionally supportive oils: Joy, White Angelica, Tangerine, Lavender, Valor, Harmony, & Hope. Apply liberally and frequently.
Diffuse with Lavender and Vetiver at bedtime to release daily worries and anxieties and promote restful sleep.

Try this Present Time Bath Soak or simply add a few drops to your bath with a cup of Epsom salt and take a relaxing bath:
  • 1/2 cup magnesium flakes
  • 1/4 cup organic oats, ground
  • 2 Tbsp sweet almond oil
  • 5-10 drops Present Time or a mix of Present Time, Lavender, Bergamot
  • Mix together well, then place under warm running water and allow to flow into the tub. Soak as long as possible.
Make a nightly massage oil to use before bed:
  • 4 oz pump bottle
  • 20 drops Present Time essential oil
  • 15 drops Bergamot essential oil
  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil
  • Relaxation Massage Oil
Add a few drops to some Relaxation Massage Oil for a trauma or emotional release massage or simply to help your mind let go at the end of the day.

Remember to USE IT EVERY DAY! Repeat a positive affirmation that rings true to you for your situation


Diffuse throughout the day, but especially when journaling, meditating, reading, or doing yoga.

  • Empowered - 4 drops Inner Child, 3 drops each Bergamot & Tangerine, 2 drops Vanilla
  • Fully Present - 4 drops Present Time, 3 drops each Idaho Blue Spruce & Lemon, 2 drops Orange
  • Daily Zen - 3 drops each Present Time, Tangerine, & Lavender
Want to try Forgiveness Essential Oil blend, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Inner Child Blend Spotlight - June 2023

Inner Child Essential
Oil Blend Spotlight

Inner Child is a beautiful blend of oils that are incredibly powerful when combined. The fragrance of this blend can help you reconnect with the inner self or identity, which is one of the first steps to finding emotional balance, remembering the playfulness and innocence of your small child!

Just a Drop of Inner Child

  • Has a citrusy, sweet, soothing, floral aroma that makes a wonderful perfume
  • Perfect to use while you're working on connecting with your inner child - meditating, journaling, etc.
  • Helps inspire you to live life with a childlike optimism and outlook
  • A featured oil blend in the Feelings Kit Collection
  • Also called “The Therapist” for its deep emotional support and ability help release stored trauma
Inner Child essential oil blend combines Orange, Tangerine, Ylang Ylang, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Jasmine, Lemongrass and Spruce essential oils. This blend helps release the emotions that distort memories in our cells. Think of this like a picture or video of past events where little edits were made to present something threatening, even if that was not the case.

Inner Child & Emotions

Inner Child blend is sometimes referred to as ‘The Therapist'. When you visit a therapist, they do their work, not by talking, but through listening. They encourage you to share the feelings, past, and thoughts that make up your inner workings. To process through how you came to your patterns, actions, and current beliefs.

Trauma (defined as any situation where you got less than you needed and were not equipped to process it) of our childhood often disconnects us from our true selves, and this can manifest in many different ways in adulthood. Many times there were situations where someone as a child felt unseen, unheard, or unvalued. In order to move forward, it is important to look back and allow that inner child to speak out.

From emotions expert Carissa Sherman:

“Inner Child essential oil blend helps release emotions that distort memories in our cells.  It's a combination high in compounds that can cross the blood brain barrier to reprogram bad coding from the cells. Then other compounds rewrite that code to restore the original perfect copy, one that will not keep us pulled into the physical and emotional effects of stress. Think of this like a picture or video of past events where little edits were made to present something threatening, even if that was not the case. The symptoms of this vary widely, but we might notice some patterns: 

  • When someone tries to be honest, especially friends/family, we continually hear their voice criticizing us for months afterward.
  • We find ourselves revisiting the same short list of past hurts on a regular basis, telling stories about what someone did or said to us, thinking each time that if we just vent... the pressure of that pain or offense will let up.
  • We create an image of ourselves (typically a bad one) and no matter what we do to take care of ourselves, that recording makes sure we stay ashamed, disappointed, and hopeless, or...
  • We finally start feeling better about ourselves because we have fulfilled an imaginary list of “things that will make us feel accomplished” - only to find that the stress of keeping up with that list starts to slowly steal from our relationships and our sanity.
This is a process, but the great thing about our essential oils is that we have a CHOICE to embrace that process instead of loading our bodies up with lots of toxins and other things that create more confusion in the cells. When it comes to this cycle of what is distorted in our cellular memory, we have straightforward options - to become aware and to receive love that can cover all the ugly stuff that vulnerability brings up, or to keep the door closed, saving the consequences for a later time when our body is too compromised to hide it anymore.

As you peel back the layers, don't be concerned if you don't have all the answers! Part of the release is allowing yourself to ask questions again.
  • Place several drops of Inner Child in your diffuser. You can also apply some around the navel and rub a drop into your palms to inhale directly.
  • Think about some of the patterns that came to mind as you read through this, and ask yourself:
    • What else is possible?
    • How does this old memory/pattern benefit me?
    • Can I release this?
    • Don't push too hard to answer the questions yet. Sit with them, because this tape has probably been on repeat in your cells for a long time.”
Key Ingredients

  • Orange & Tangerine - helpful for elevating the mind and body, facilitating inner peace, and calming the spirit; also high in limonene which is supportive of the immune system
  • Ylang Ylang - known to combat anger, filter negative energy and restore equilibrium
  • Jasmine - stimulates the mind and supports concentration while uplifting the spirit to relief indifference
  • Sandalwood - wonderful for supporting the pineal gland, a part of the limbic system of the brain where memory and emotion are stored
  • Lemongrass - cleansing, purifying and uplifting; promotes spiritual awareness
  • Spruce - helps to open emotional blocks, fostering a sense of balance and grounding
  • Neroli - has been used for centuries for healing the mind, body and spirit and is wonderful for promoting feelings of peace, confidence and awareness
The Feelings Kit

Inner Child is a key component of the Feelings Kit Collection - a collection of powerful emotional tools that we can use daily to align our minds, release stored emotions, and bring balance to our lives. Learn more about the Feelings Kit Protocol here.

  • Valor is renowned for its strengthening qualities and ability to align energy centers in the body.
  • Harmony brings a harmonic balance to the energy centers of the body.
  • Forgiveness allows the release of harmful memories and promotes a willingness to move forward.
  • Present Time allows you to see your life's future with an open mind for new possibilities.
  • Release promotes feelings of harmony and balance of the mind and body.
  • Inner Child brings feelings of stimulating memory responses and helps you reconnect with your innocence.
Daily Habits with Inner Child

Apply topically over the heart, on the wrists and back of the neck, and to the edge of ears and feet frequently.

Pair with journaling, meditation, prayer, counseling and any other emotionally supportive practice that you find beneficial.

Diffuse as you process emotions and trauma, while you sleep or as you meditate or journal.

Wear this oil as a daily perfume and remind yourself of truths and affirmations for the emotions you are processing.

Make a roller with 40 drops of Inner Child and carrier oil.
  • Option to add in other emotionally supportive oils: Joy, White Angelica, Tangerine, Lavender, Valor, Harmony, & Hope. Apply liberally and frequently.
Diffuse with Lavender and Vetiver at bedtime to release daily worries and anxieties and promote restful sleep.

Try this Inner Peace Bath Soak or simply add a few drops to your bath with a cup of Epsom salt and take a relaxing bath:
  • 1/2 cup magnesium flakes
  • 1/4 cup organic oats, ground
  • 2 Tbsp sweet almond oil
  • 5-10 drops Inner Child or a mix of Inner Child, Lavender, Bergamot
    Mix together well, then place under warm running water and allow to flow into the tub. Soak as long as possible.
Make a nightly massage oil to use before bed:
  • 4 oz pump bottle
  • 20 drops Inner Child essential oil
  • 15 drops Bergamot essential oil
  • 10 drops Release or Lavender essential oil
  • Relaxation Massage Oil
Add a few drops to some Relaxation Massage Oil for a trauma or emotional release massage or simply to help your mind let go at the end of the day.

Remember to USE IT EVERY DAY! Repeat a positive affirmation that rings true to you for your situation.


Diffuse throughout the day, but especially when journaling, meditating, reading, or doing  yoga.

  • Empowered - 4 drops Inner Child, 3 drops each Bergamot & Tangerine, 2 drops Vanilla
  • Peaceful & Present - 4 drops Inner Child, 3 drops each Lime & Lemon, 2 drops Orange
  • Tranquil Thoughts - 3 drops each Inner Child, Cedarwood, & Frankincense
Want to try Forgiveness Essential Oil blend, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Forgiveness Blend Spotlight - June 2023

Forgiveness Essential
Oil Blend Spotlight

Forgiveness is a beautiful oil blend that is a favorite for emotional wellbeing and releasing emotions. This blend can help you move from self-denial, so you can forgive, and let go of patterning of the past without harboring resentment. It can also help us release the stagnant, toxic thoughts that get stuck and help us move forward!

Just a Drop of Forgiveness

  • Has a comforting floral aroma with subtle citrus notes
  • Helps facilitate feelings of grace and ease towards yourself and others
  • Contains Rose, which evokes a sense of love and compassion and is one of the highest frequency oils
  • Makes a lovely daily perfume
  • Can be used alone or with other emotional support oils to release trauma, inspire forgiveness, and allow us to move forward in our full potential.
You've heard it said that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die, and while a harsh comparison, it is also true. Harboring unforgiveness and vengeful thoughts can bring on stress, anxiety, and even physical symptoms like stomach ulcers, headaches, fatigue, and panic attacks. Releasing those emotions is key to your health, and we can use oils in that process in a beautiful way.


Forgiveness is a lovely floral blend of Melissa, Geranium, Frankincense, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Coriander, Angelica, Bergamot, Lemon, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa and Rose essential oils. Many of these oils are high frequency, meaning that they can actually raise our own frequency to a place where we can find better emotional and physical health.
Every living thing has an ideal frequency. As humans, we are living electromagnets! Our hearts use electromagnetic energy to push blood through our bodies, so we have an ideal frequency for maintaining balance. 

Maintaining a high frequency in your body is key to staying healthy – this is actual science! As your frequency drops, your immune system lowers its guard. This opens the door to disease and illness taking hold of your body. And one of the biggest causes of low frequency? STRESS. The good news is that essential oils can raise your inner frequency and help you process those toxic emotions.

Forgiveness & Emotions

Why use these essential oils for this process? Because of the power of aromatherapy and the limbic system. 

Our sense of smell is directly related to our emotions and mood. The cranial nerve associated with smell sits next to the hypothalamus - the area of the brain responsible for mood, feelings and emotional processing. This means we can connect these two things on a physical level!

Essential oils are also high in compounds that can cross the blood brain barrier to reprogram bad coding from the cells. Then other compounds rewrite that code to restore the original perfect copy, one that will not keep us pulled into the physical and emotional effects of stress. This is a process, but the great thing about essential oils is that we have a CHOICE to embrace that process instead of loading our bodies up with lots of toxins and other things that create more confusion in the cells.
So how do we do this? What does it look like practically?

Look at the emotion you're dealing with. Then look at the “other side” – where you want to be instead of feeling the way you currently feel. Then, use the “way out” as a speak-aloud affirmation while inhaling, diffusing, and/or applying the oil to help rewire those thought pathways.

With the Forgiveness blend, we can process feelings of betrayal, wanting revenge, and deep hurts that we have experienced:

  • Emotion - Betrayal // Other Side - Trust // Way Out: “I have the courage to accept the truth.”
  • Emotion - Distrust // Other Side - Integrity // Way Out: “I honor truth.”
  • Emotion - Repeating The Past // Other Side - Awareness // Way Out: “I learn from all of life's experiences.”
  • Emotion - Revenge // Other Side - Detachment // Way Out: “I forgive.”
When using the Forgiveness blend, meditate on the opposite of the above emotions - supporting yourself, finding awareness to honor your experiences, detaching from allowing someone else to have a say over your worth and value. Use the mantras below as you apply the oil, sit with the feelings until you feel a shift.

Daily affirmations to pair with the Forgiveness blend:
  • I Have Courage to Honor my Story
  • I Learn from All Experiences
  • I Forgive (others or myself)
  • I Support Myself
Key Ingredients

  • Melissa - a rare, valuable oil with a fresh, lemony-herbal aroma that helps to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere; referred to as "the elixir of life” in ancient Greece & Rome and has immune supporting properties
  • Rose - a valuable oil with high-frequency notes that help create a peaceful, loving, and nurturing environment as you work through forgiving yourself and others; helps facilitate connection and open the emotions towards relationship
  • Frankincense & Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood - high frequency grounding oils that are earthy and calming, soothing to the mind and body; high in sesquiterpene compounds that can help calm nervous energy and balance the body.
  • Lavender & Roman Chamomile - calming and soothing floral oils with a hint of herbaceous aroma that help bring res to the mind and body; support the body's natural response to stress and inflammation
  • Geranium, Jasmine, Ylang ylang, & Palamrosa - feminine, floral oils that promote connection to self and others, calm and soothe the mind and body, and balance the emotions.
The Feelings Kit

Forgiveness is a key component of the Feelings Kit Collection - a collection of powerful emotional tools that we can use daily to align our minds, release stored emotions, and bring balance to our lives. Learn more about the Feelings Kit Protocol here.

  • Valor is renowned for its strengthening qualities and ability to align energy centers in the body.
  • Harmony brings a harmonic balance to the energy centers of the body.
  • Forgiveness allows the release of harmful memories and promotes a willingness to move forward.
  • Present Time allows you to see your life's future with an open mind for new possibilities.
  • Release promotes feelings of harmony and balance of the mind and body.
  • Inner Child brings feelings of stimulating memory responses and helps you reconnect with your innocence.
Daily Habits with Forgiveness

Use the protocol above to truly process through past or current trauma and emotions, breathing deeply from your bottle of Forgiveness and applying it over your heart and abdomen. Journal, meditate or even stretch to move the emotions through your body.

Make a roller with 40 drops of Forgiveness and carrier oil. Option to add in other emotionally supportive oils: Joy, White Angelica, Tangerine, Lavender, Valor, Inner Child, Hope. Apply liberally and frequently.

Diffuse with Lavender and Vetiver at bedtime to release daily worries and anxieties and promote restful sleep.

Apply topically to wrists, over the heart, to the edge of ears and feet. 

Try this Let it Go Bath Soak or simply add a few drops to your bath with a cup of Epsom salt and take a relaxing bath:
  • 1/2 cup magnesium flakes
  • 1/4 cup organic oats, ground
  • 2 Tbsp sweet almond oil
  • 5-10 drops Forgiveness or a mix of Forgiveness, Lavender, & Tangerine
    Mix together well, then place under warm running water and allow to flow into the tub. Soak as long as possible.
Make a nightly massage oil to use before bed:
  • 4 oz pump bottle
  • 20 drops Forgiveness essential oil
  • 15 drops Bergamot essential oil
  • 10 drops Release or Lavender essential oil
  • Relaxation Massage Oil
Add a few drops to some Relaxation Massage Oil for a trauma or emotional release massage or simply to help your mind let go at the end of the day.

Remember to USE IT EVERY DAY! Repeat a positive affirmation that rings true to you for your situation.


Diffuse throughout the day, but especially when journaling, meditating, reading, or doing  yoga.

  • Forgive, Don't Forget - 4 drops Forgiveness, 3 drops each Bergamot, Tangerine, 2 drops Vetiver
  • Bless & Release - 4 drops each Forgiveness, Valor, &b Frankincense
  • Inner Calm - 3 drops each Forgiveness, Release, Tangerine, & Lavender
Want to try Forgiveness Essential Oil blend, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Valor Blend Spotlight - June 2023

Valor Essential
Oil Blend Spotlight

Valor essential oil features Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, and Geranium and was formulated based on historical writings about Roman soldiers who were said to apply plant extracts and botanicals to instill feelings of courage and confidence before going into battle. It is an incredible blend and one of Young Living's most popular oils!! If I had to sum up Valor's benefits in one word, it would be: Balance.

Using Valor for support can be as simple as applying some to your shoulders, the bottoms of your feet, the back of your neck, or anywhere that you're experiencing tension or a stressful tightness in your body. It's the ultimate diffuser oil with its deep, grounding fragrance.

One great technique is to place a drop or two of Valor between your wrists (palm-up side), and then hold them together for a few minutes. If you're taking time to relax, meditate, or work on your spiritual and emotional health, you can just hold your wrists together while you're sitting quietly. I do this on airplanes, before I go to large social events, and any time that I'm feeling scattered or worried instead of grounded and at peace. Another great way to use Valor is in Gary's Great Day Protocol.

When you're using Valor for balance, you can focus on instilling these new thoughts: Peace. Respect. Growth.

Give your body permission to be at peace. Respect that people are powerful to make their own choices, and let go. Give your good habits a chance to grow instead of letting the seeds you plant be uprooted by stress.

Just a Drop of Valor

  • Contains Blue Tansy essential oil
  • May enhance the appearance of healthy-looking skin
  • Enhances massage for a rejuvenating experience
  • A foundational daily blend that features a positive aroma to inspire confidence and courage
  • A key component of the Raindrop Technique
  • Creates a grounded environment for yoga and meditation

Each essential oil in Valor was carefully selected for its unique benefits: 
  • Frankincense for its uplifting, earthy aroma and skin-smoothing properties as well as its ability to stimulate the limbic center of the brain, elevating the mind and mood and helping center the emotions
  • Black Spruce for its grounded, woodsy aroma, ability to help release emotional blocks and foster a sense of balance
  • Blue Tansy for its inspiring aromatic profile that helps overcome anger, release negative emotions and promote a feeling of self-control
  • Geranium for its sweet, floral aroma that is uplifting and calming, strengthening the emotions
  • Camphor Wood for its skin-benefiting properties and strong, herbaceous scent that is grounding and strengthening. 
This powerful, synergistic blend with a transformative aroma has contributed to its strong legacy as a key part of Young Living's proprietary Raindrop Technique®.

Key Constituents
Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them sprecic health-supporting properties

  • Sesquiterpenes - known for their ability to calm and focus the mind and central nervous system
  • Monoterpenes - help to support the respiratory system, are responsible for many immune system support properties of essential oils.
  • Limonene - known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress support, this is a powerful constituent with many health benefits
Valor & Emotions

Valor essential oil blend contains blue tansy essential oil, an oil that specifically helps to calm the Central Nervous System. Valor essential oil blend releases the emotions of:
  • Losing a battle
  • Inability to cope
  • Fear of conflict
  • Aggression/passive aggression
  • Defensiveness
  • Feeling persecuted
This list practically spells out “Fight or Flight.” These are the core issues of chronic stress: needing to protect ourselves, or face conflict head on. These extremes of trying to stay alive cause our body to tell certain organs or processes, “Wait - we don't have time - we just have to run. There's no time to digest, reproduce, or sleep.”

That's really not a program we want to have switched on 24/7.

When your body receives the message for years on end that there isn't time to process your own thoughts and emotions, you slowly lose connection with yourself. You can begin to feel like you're not quite sure that you know who you are anymore outside of what you “get done” in your various roles or titles.

The passion in your life begins to dim because of being starved during this survival process. Emotions like happiness, joy, laughter, curiosity, passion, and compassion are essential to a healthy, balanced life. Fight or Flight doesn't shut down the bad emotions, it begins to block them all - except for fear and anger. And whatever triggers we haven't dealt with become survival instincts.

Valor has properties that get to the core control centers of these programs. When we're ready to make a change, to start challenging that survival mode with a better way of thinking and living, this is the perfect oil.

The Feelings Kit

Valor is a key component of the Feelings Kit Collection - a collection of powerful emotional tools that we can use daily to align our minds, release stored emotions, and bring balance to our lives. Learn more about the Feelings Kit Protocol here.

  • Valor is renowned for its strengthening qualities and ability to align energy centers in the body.
  • Harmony brings a harmonic balance to the energy centers of the body.
  • Forgiveness allows the release of harmful memories and promotes a willingness to move forward.
  • Present Time allows you to see your life's future with an open mind for new possibilities.
  • Release promotes feelings of harmony and balance of the mind and body.
  • Inner Child brings feelings of stimulating memory responses and helps you reconnect with your innocence.
Daily Habits with Valor

  • Add a drop to your palms, then breathe with your hands over your nose to promote feelings of courage and confidence.
  • Diffuse for a grounded environment when relaxing or meditating
  • Apply over the back and muscles to enhance massage or chiropractic adjustments
  • Diffuse and/or wear Valor as a perfume or cologne during work, school, or stressful moments.
  • Add to diffuser jewelry to provide emotional support throughout the day. This is a great practice for kids with school day or other butterflies! 
  • Keep your Valor Roll-on in your bag and apply it liberally and frequently.

Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Our diffusers are running 24/7 with blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the uplifting scent of Valor! 
  • Inspired - Valor, Lime, Envision
  • Goodnight Moon - Valor, Tangerine, Frankincense
  • Moon & Stars - Valor, Patchouli, Lavender, Tangerine
  • Calm & Collected - Valor, Stress Away
  • Blueberry Pie - Valor, Cinnamon Bark, Vanilla
  • Winter Sleep - Valor, Cedarwood, Lavender
  • Focused - Valor, Peppermint, Cedarwood
Companion Products

Want to try Valor Essential Oil blend, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

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