While our family has done pretty good reducing the toxins in our home over the last 7 years, there are still many areas that I would like to improve on. Here are my 2024 goals of items I would like to add to our home in our journey of reducing the toxins in our home (items linked here). 
I'll break down what's on my wishlist and why....
The number one on my 2024 'clean home' wishlist would be a water filter. I have been wanting a water filter for YEARS. Like what feels like forever!

Here is why - 
the EWG (Environmental Working Group) reported that 250 million Americans in all 50 states are exposed to unsafe levels of hexavalent chromium. Hexavalent chromium is the chemical contaminant for which Erin Brokovich procured 333 million dollars in a massive direct action arbitration settlement from PG&E. I immediately get a flashback from the movie when Erin sits down to have a chat with a momma who had cancer and felt comfortable with what PG&E told her about her drinking water, but when Erin tells her some data she discovered she quickly runs to her girls playing in their backyard pools and gets them out of the water. As mommas we will do anything to protect our children.
And as it stands the U.S. does not set any national drinking water standards for hexavalent chromium. Hexavalent chromium is used in small cottage industries that use pigments & dyes, leather tanning and chrome-plating. and it linked to cancer.
In animal studies, it also causes liver, reproductive and developmental effects.
I also recently listened to Robert F Kennedy Jr (known for his accomplishments as an enviromental lawyer) on the Joe Roegan podcast where he chats about atrazine in our water. Arazine is a pesticide. As a test study they took atrazine and put it in the tank with 40 frogs at 30 times less the exposure levelsthat EPA considers  acceptable to humans. They were all male frogs and 30 of those frogs were chemically castrated, 4 of them turned into females and produced fertile eggs.

The wireless remote control for outlet plugs is something I would like use for our WiFi router so that I can easily turn it off before bed every night. Why you might ask... to reduce the amount of EMF (elctric & magnetic frequency- aka radiation) exposure. I've read mixed reviews on the health risks that could possibly be associated with EMF exposure from things like cell phones, ipads, computers and other devices. Most state that there has not been enough long term research. But I also figured that it couldn't hurt to turn the WiFi off at night while asleep. 

Lastly and more of something new I am beginning to look into is red light therapy... from improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (ummm yes please!) to helping children with the size of their tonsils for better sleep (looking into that for our middle child), I am quiet intrigued about this whole red light therapy stuff. I still don't know enough about it but I am a "try it out and report back on my findings" kinda girl. Have you heard anything about the benefits of red light therapy too recently? 

Are any of the above items on your wishlist for better options as you work towards a ‘cleaner’ home? View the items here via Amazon.


  1. Brittany Weidlich  01/05/2024 07:37 AM Central
  2. How do i get the links to the products ?

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