becoming the gatekeeper of your home

I am so excited for you and your family. I will be honest with you... When a kinder parent first mentioned essential oils to me I had no clue what they were. I didn't even realize that our home was filled with toxic products that could potentially cause so much harm to our family. I did not realize it at the time but nearly four years ago we made of the best decisions by saying "yes". When we said "yes" that meant we were also saying yes to a healthier family, a healthier lifestyle and a better version of ourselves. We took is one step at a time and made small but simple changes to make this happen. I cannot wait for this to happen to you and those that you love. Like myself, I am sure your little fam jam means the most to you. You are about to give them more than you even realize right now and that's worth celebrating! We cannot wait to celebrate with YOU!!!

why young living


We cannot just take any ole bottle of essential oil to diffuse in our home and expect results, the same goes for when we put a few drops on our wrist or in our drinking water. But we can and do use our Young Living products to support our health and wellness, and because of that we see results. The Seed to Seal standard is unique and because of that, we use and trust their essential oils and nontoxic products. I don't know about you but I'm a busy momma that doesn't want to have to look up every single little ingredient on every single little thing in our home. That is another reason we choose Young Living. We enjoy visiting their farms and seeing their process from the Seed until the Seal. You can experience this too!

Our community is here for you every step of the way. We are made up of a diverse community of women and men, mamas and dads, friends and cousins, and the list goes on. We are excited to connect with you in our exclusive online community, as well as our online and in person events. These are created to help you get the most out of this wellness journey. 

Most likely you have seen those little bottled labelled essential oils while strolling through your favorite home goods store or grocery store isle. They are pretty much every where... but what exactly are they?

They are just as they say they are- oils. Essential oils are what is known as the "life blood of the plant", which in simple terms to me is like what flows through the "veins" of the plant to help support the plant so that it can thrive. When these plants are grown in the right conditions, harvested at the right time, and distilled with care they can aid in supporting our bodies be healthy, happy and well- ya know, like our bodies were intended to do. You can head over to Young Living to learn more about their Seed to Seal process as well. What I find most interesting is that the itty bitty molecules that essential oils are composed of are so tiny that they can pass through the "blood - brain barrier". This means they can pass directly into our cells and travel throughout our body within minutes. Isn't that cool?!

Important side note- Not all oils are created equal. If a brand or essential oil company states that you cannot apply their oils topically or internally than I stay clear of those. It's even more important to remember that just because a bottle is labeled "100% therapeutic" does not mean it is. Companies are unfortunately able to put this on their bottle even though it may be full of synthetic chemicals & fragrance.

Essential oils are rapidly absorbed into your bloodstream when applied topically and can be very effective at helping your body do what it's meant to do.
  • Apply to the area on the body you need support.
  • Bottom of the feet is a great place to start. 
  • Dilute with a carrier oil for hot oils or when applying to little ones.
  • Add essential oils to roller bottles for easy use.

When we inhale or diffuse, it takes 22 seconds for the oil to reach the limbic portion of your brain- hello emotions! Diffusing oils can help us experience less stress, more relaxation, focus, the list goes on.
  • Add 4-6 drops of oil to your diffuser.
  • Start low & add slow- I began with just diffusing 2 drops at first.
  • Add oils to diffuser jewellery. 
  • Diffusing purifies the air, makes your home smell amazing without scary chemicals found in candles & air fresheners.
Young Living has the purest oils on the planet. Because of this, we can safely ingest Vitality oils & use them to support our health.

  • Add 1-2 drops of citrus oils to your water.
  • Add oils to empty vegetable capsules with a carrier oil.
  • Use a drop under the tongue.
  • Add them to your favorite foods.


The premium starter kit:
  • Twelve everyday essential oils
    • peppermint
    • citrus fresh
    • lemon
    • thieves
    • digize
    • lavender
    • raven
    • panaway
    • frankincense
    • stress away
    • valor
    • peace & calming
  • Diffuser of your choice
  • Ningxia Red health drinks
  • Thieves hand sanitizer
  • Lifetime wholesale membership (24% discount)  
  • No annual fees or commitments!
  • Access to our exclusive community!


All Starter Bundles come with a lifetime membership, 24% off whole sale prices, access to our exclusive community, team support and more!

The Thieves Starter Bundle
Are you ready to clean up your cabinets and make the switch to Thieves household products?  I was amazed how the Thieves product line really did simplify my life and make me feel more confident about cleaning my home. If you are ready to embrace this clean-living lifestyle then you should totally hook yourself up with the Thieves Premium Starter Kit! Members can benefit from this kit through a one-time quick order in their Virtual Office. For those who aren't members yet, this kit will provide you with a wholesale membership allowing you to save 24% off future purchases, and get you started with the following essential core items to fill your home:
Young Living is proud to offer a complete line of home and personal care products infused with the pleasant, spicy aroma of our proprietary Thieves® essential oil blend! This starter kit is ideal for those wishing to replace harmful chemicals in the home with powerful, natural alternatives.
Everything we need for our homes, safe, and clean with the power of Thieves!!

The Ningxia Starter Bundle
Power your life with a delicious blend of nutrient-rich wolfberry puree, superfruit juices, and pure essential oils. Formulated to support wellness for every lifestyle, NingXia Red® is a unique, powerful drink that will help you make the most of every day. This starter kit includes favorite NingXia Red® products, including our top-selling cognitive fitness booster, NingXia Nitro™!
Your NingXia Premium Starter Kit includes:
NingXia Red 2-pack 30 NingXia Red Singles (2 fl. oz. ea.) NingXia Nitro Essential Oil Magazine


Essential Oil Starter Bundle
Thieves Starter Bundle
Ningxia Red Starter Bundle


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