Three years ago I was a proud Momma to a high spirited one year old & expecting our second daughter to grace us with her presence in just a short 2 months. I thought I was doing my best as a Momma & making the right choices for our family.

It was right at this time when I was introduced to the Think Dirty app & the EWG app. I was curious so I did what any curious mom would do and scanned every single baby item in our daughter’s bathroom and bedroom. I was shocked!

My husband was wondering why I was throwing out every single baby product in our home. He saw it as a waste at first, that was until I showed him what I discovered through those apps. He then saw what I saw in that trash can- poison!

That’s what sparked my interest in learning about toxin free products that serve as a way better alternative for our family. Ever since that day I have never looked back & am so proud at the baby steps we’ve made. The impact toxic products can have on our bodies is no joke. Discovering this app and the changes we made is a good reason for jumping on the bed!


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