Would you rather live with your parasites or get rid of them? 
I was so shocked when I discovered a few months ago that we all have parasites. Like what the...?! I was skeptical & didn't know anything about human parasites, but I had to see if this was real. Unfortunately, but fortunately I discovered this fact is very much TRUE! Yikes! I saw the things from my body... Yes, things as in plural- with my own eyes!!! I am sharing some simple info that I have picked up with you.
Most people don't even need to how or what when they discover we all have parasites. They just want the answer of "How do I get rid of them?!" That was me so I'll start with that. I took 3 Young Living ParaFree supplements in the morning & 3 more before I went to bed for 30 days. That's it. We take them for 30 days so that we can ensure we cleanse our body of the eggs as well. It was as early as the second day that I began to see parasites cleanse from my body. I'll spare you from the pictures I sent my husband. But these results made me want to do another 30 day Parasite cleanse in the new year and offer this same challenge to you. 
Learn more about the supplement I took to detox from parasites --> here

Why are we experiencing a parasite epidemic? The over exposure to toxins in the environment can causes a down regulation in the immune system, creating a hospitable environment for parasites and infections to continue to thrive. And unfortunately for us parasites promote the rise in chronic infections.

While parasites can cause LOADS of unusual symptoms some of the most common ones include:
  • insomnia or restless sleep
  • grinding teeth at night
  • acne or other skin rashes, eczema
  • itchy bum
  • muscle/ joint pain
  • nausea, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, gas, belching, reflux
  • constant hunger
  • allergies
  • chronic fatigue
  • chronic anxiety
  • weak immune system
So if you've been working on your gut health or overall health for a long time and haven't seem improvements or see improvements just for the symptoms to return 3-6 months later, you may give a parasite cleanse a try. 

I also found it interesting that parasites don't just live in our intestines. They can travel to the lungs causing pneumonia and into the joints, brain, muscles, esophagus and skin where they cause hyper inflammatory process. 

Like I said, as we head into the New Year I will be doing another 30 day parasite cleanse but this time am inviting you along with me! 


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