Welcome to one of the most popular classes around – the Sex and Intimacy Class! 

This is a topic that everyone has questions about, but so many are scared, worried, or even ashamed to talk about the things no one has ever explained to them. We are going to leave all those negative thoughts behind, friend. Sex is a beautiful gift of life, and you are worthy of connection and true intimacy!

Spoiler alert… while there are definitely things we can do to make the physical part of intimacy better, a lot of our struggles in this area are emotional. So join us as we tear down the walls we’ve built, find ways to support ourselves physically and emotionally, and begin to experience true intimacy!
Worthy of Connection
You are worth pursuit, worth protection, and worth prizing. If your past (or present!) involves individuals who have invaded the intimacy of your life with abuse and betrayal, this may be a hard truth for you to embrace, but it IS a truth.
Try one of these oils to help you process that abuse and betrayal and find your inner worthiness:
  • SARA: a blend formulating for processing and releasing abuse and trauma 
  • Lemon: a good choice if you struggle with self-blame or regret
  • Peace & Calming: a wonderful oil for those who have felt betrayed or felt a victim of someone or of circumstances
Choose an oil above, apply it and diffuse it daily throughout your day and as you sit and journal, meditate, seek counseling, or rewire your thinking around this topic.
You are a treasure. It is a gift and an honor for others to connect with you. And there is true intimacy out there for you as you tear down the walls between you and those worthy of your heart and physical connection!
What is Intimacy
When we think of intimacy, we often only consider the physical, but true intimacy is much more than that.
Intimacy is a mind ruled by unconditional love, self-control, and the soundness that comes by choosing faith over fear.
Intimacy is when emotions are not in charge but are allowed to fuel our passions under the leadership of our innermost spirit.
Intimacy is a body that is well cared for and nourished so that it is free to serve and enjoy, and is not weighed down and unable to perform. 
Intimacy involves tearing down the walls that we have around us, allowing ourselves to feel worthy despite our past, and acknowledging the steps we can take to invite closeness into our lives.
Tearing Down the Walls

Are you ready for a piece of really great news??

YOU can choose intimacy in your life. 

Take a second and read that again. 


 can choose intimacy in your life. 

Even if another does not, you can choose to pursue closeness and unwalled, unconditional love. Often this involves a mental shift and a deep sense of where your love is rooted. We can choose to bring the belonging. To bring ourselves wholeheartedly with openness. 

Here are a few of our favorite essential oils that can help you process and open your heart to unconditional love: 
  • Rose and Orange: great for processing and moving past a fear of intimacy
  • En-R-Gee: wonderful for guiding you through feelings of isolation
  • White Angelica the friend of those walking the path of loneliness
Choose an oil above, apply it and diffuse it daily throughout your day and as you sit and journal, meditate, seek counseling, or rewire your thinking around this topic
Maintaining Your Equipment 
Our hormones run the show for the vast majority of our lives, affecting every aspect of health, including sex and intimacy!
The thyroid gland regulates metabolism, energy, and body temperature, and also dramatically impacts libido! 
Two easy ways to support the thyroid: 
  • EndoFlex: the oils in this blend support the endocrine system with thyroid function, hormone balance, healthy metabolism, and adrenal health.
  • Thyromin capsules: A blend of porcine glandular extracts, herbs, amino acids, and essential oils to support the thyroid's healthy function.
Never in the mood? No energy at the end of the day for sex? The problem may be your adrenals! Two easy ways to support adrenals:
  • Nutmeg Essential Oil: wonderful during times of stress. High in the constituents sabinene, alpha-pinene and beta-pinene, it helps give the adrenals (and thyroid!!) the support they need on a daily basis. 
  • NingXia Red: a powerful antioxidant drink that helps energy levels, stress reduction, immune and hormone health. It’s a must!

Hormones Hold the Key
The thyroid and adrenals are key when it comes to feeling good and managing stress (who wants sex when you feel bad?!). But we can’t ignore the other players – testosterone and progesterone!

Ladies, did you know that progesterone is CRUCIAL, even outside of pregnancy?
Progesterone levels affect plenty of other body systems, so when the ovaries don't make as much, you can experience migraines, mood instability, bone density decline, skin issues, or changes in bleeding. AND a decrease in libido!
Meet Progessence Plus. A pure progesterone serum from wild yam, infused with Sacred Frankincense and other essential oils with added benefits for supporting and stabilizing mood. 

Let’s talk healthy testosterone levels for him…

Shutran is your go-to. This serum smells amazing (hello daily cologne!), AND supports the body’s ability to produce testosterone. The blend of EOs promotes hormonal balance and feelings of confidence. Add some PowerGize and your exhausted man may seem like a teenager again!

Intimacy Stealers for Men 
When it comes to things that can steal your intimacy, stress (both physical and emotional) is at the top of the list! 

Other things that can steal the desire for intimacy include feelings of physical and emotional fatigue, feeling not enough or not good enough, a lack of respect for self or others, or a lack of confidence.
Like any other physical or emotional need, we can support our minds and bodies through processing these emotions with essential oils! 
- Physical stress and fatigue: Eucalyptus Radiata and Shutran
- Emotional stress: Reach for Harmony and Orange
- Feeling Not Enough: Try Abundance and Shutran
- Lack of Respect: Hope and Ylang ylang (great for fostering open connection!)
- Lack of Confidence: Shutran used daily to inspire confidence for men!
Choose an oil or oils, apply and diffuse daily throughout your day and as you sit and journal, meditate, seek counseling, or rewire your thinking around this topic.
Intimacy Stealers for Women
For women, the emotions that can hijack feelings of intimacy and openness are similar, but often manifest differently.
Physical and emotional exhaustion, feelings of resentment and anxiety, feelings of needing control or feeling a lack of it, and expectations around intimacy and connection are the most common for women!
Some oils that can support you through processing these emotions:
- Exhaustion: Reach for PanAway and apply and diffuse it
- Resentment: Purifying oils like Lemongrass can be beneficial here
- Control: Peace & Calming is amazing for struggles with the idea of control because it contains Blue Tansy - an oil that is specifically calming to the Central Nervous System
- Anxiety: Citrus oils like Orange are wonderful for supporting anxiety of any kind, including that surrounding intimacy!
Choose an oil or oils, apply and diffuse daily throughout your day and as you sit and journal, meditate, seek counseling, or rewire your thinking around this topic.
Prepping for Great Sex
Now that you’re emotionally and hormonally ready for intimacy, let’s talk about the “in the moment” experience with simple ways to support great sex for both partners.

Blood Flow Besties – Cypress & Nutmeg
Grab a bottle of Cypress and a bottle of Nutmeg to help support healthy blood flow. This is key for the guys! Apply to the inner thighs and higher as desired. Both oils can feel a little tingly on the skin, so diluting with Sensation Massage Oil is great. Women can also apply to the inner thigh area. Blood flow is key to the sensations you want to feel! 

Ditch the toxin-laden lubricants from the store and reach for Sensation Massage Oil instead! This diluted blend of Geranium, Jasmine and Ylang ylang has a beautiful scent that encourages an atmosphere of love, excitement, and affection. 

Libido Lifters – Progessence Plus for the ladies and Shutran for the guys
These two serums are the MVPs for intimacy, helping balance our key sex hormones and promoting healthy libido!

Get Started Today with the Intimacy Bundle
If you are ready to release emotional blocks and invite true intimacy (and great sex!!) into your life, get started today with our exclusive Intimacy Bundle!

This bundle includes much of what we covered in this class and sets you up for true intimacy:
Shutran: a daily confidence and testosterone-supporting serum for the guys.
Progessence Plus: a daily serum for the ladies to support hormone balance, libido, and more.
Sensation Massage Oil: your new favorite lubricant and massage oil for promoting intimacy.
Cypress Essential Oil: for encouraging healthy blood flow daily and during sex.
Orange Essential Oil: for emotional processing, diffusing during times of connection, and even for extra fun during sex (it tastes great!!)
Nutmeg Essential Oil: for healthy adrenals, thyroid and blood flow.
Loyalty Rewards
If you like making life simpler, saving money, getting free products and a good discount, then say hello to Loyalty Rewards! When you order your YL favorites via the Loyalty Rewards program, you can earn reward points that work like product credits, gain access to exclusive oils, save money and have it all show up at your doorstep whenever you want. If that isn’t an easy button, we don’t know what is!

Let’s walk through the what, why and how of Loyalty Rewards…

: a customizable monthly auto-ship option for ordering Young Living products (simple one stop shopping!)
: makes life easier, 50PV+ orders get points to use like product credits, and orders of 100PV+ earn free Gifts with Purchase! 
: edit the items in your cart each month, change the processing date and shipping options as needed!

Learn how to get started here! (your link to the “Loyalty Rewards Spotlight” from the Life Steps App) or 
Learn More with Us 
One of the most beautiful things about natural health is that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution, but many tools and resources to help you customize YOUR unique health routine.

 Isn’t that wonderful?

And, you never have to feel lost or overwhelmed about what to do, where to start, or how to use these products. Why? We have you covered with the Life Steps app!

The free version is perfect for YL Customers. It provides information, education, videos, and more, ensuring you know how to purchase, use, and benefit from your products!

Try our free Wellness Assessment and join us for monthly challenges - both in the app and in our free challenge Facebook group! Community, connection, and true life change are our cornerstones, and we would love to learn and grow with you.
There is a beautiful community here to help you every step of the way. Keep learning with us as we all grow forward in our health journey!


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