Happy Wednesday, sweet friends! Here are some of our favorite oils for keeping bedtime quiet more and less snore ❤

+ "My husband and I slept in different rooms for a year because of snoring. Now he puts a blend of lavender, cedar wood, thyme, peppermint and eucalyptus across his cheekbones, neck and chest every night and we share a bed again. all the praise hands for essential oils. Also RC is great. And the breathe again roller."
+ "RC on the chest and the in the diffuser, Cedarwood on the big toe."
+ "Valor, put one drop on each big toe..it works wonders for my husband..it's the only way we can sleep in the same room together!"
+ "Cedarwood and Valor are huge helpers for my husband!"
What are your favorites for kicking snoring to the curb?


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