International Convention Announcement

International Convention Announcement
I remember winning my adventure to the US Convention in 2017. I loved being a Diamond for the day and visiting the Diamonds only area. The YL treats that they had were amazing.
I will always be grateful to visit the Mona farm and the opportunity to meet so many like-minded health conscious people. The friends I made in the US was incredible.
I won a Rose oil (valued at more than $400) for the best photo taken of the event. Can you guess which one was the winning photo from the collage below?
I love listening and learning at these events. Who is going to attend this virtual event?
Important 2021 Convention Announcement 
16 – 18 June: Our best convention yet!
Challenges posed by COVID-19 continue to complicate our ability to offer an in-person experience for our events. Due to restrictions such as aggressive gathering limitations at the Salt Palace Convention Center, global travel restrictions, testing requirements, and post-travel quarantine requirements, we have decided to offer an entirely virtual convention for 2021. Although we are disappointed to not be able to connect in person, we’re excited by the opportunity to reach even more people who may not have been able to attend an in-person event. In addition to the greater accessibility the virtual convention offers, we’ve also added some extra perks to sweeten the deal for our members!
Because the 2021 VIGC will take place virtually, there’s no registration limit. However, if you register today, you’ll receive the early-bird pricing of US$49, so snag your spot now to this unforgettable event.
The 2021 convention is virtually irresistible!