½ c raw cashews
1 c coconut milk
2 Tb maple syrup
½ tsp vanilla paste
1 whole green coconut – remove flesh
½ tsp spirulina powder
100 gr grated dark chocolate
20 drops of young living peppermint essential oil. (I like it quite minty so I put in a little more) 😊
Take the first 4 ingredients and blend together in a blender like a bullet/thermomix until smooth and creamy. Heat on stove until about 50 degrees (this keeps it from going icy, once frozen) you don’t have to do this if you want to stay raw.
Blend the green coconut flesh until smooth, set aside.
Place the heated coconut/cashew mix, blended green coconut flesh, spirulina and Young Living peppermint into blender and give a quick blend until mixed.
Pour into ice cream machine until frozen (put the grated dark chocolate in once cold).
Once frozen pour into moulds and place in freezer overnight…….. These will make around 8 depending upon the size of your mold.
These are so refreshing on a hot summer's day.😀
Note: You could include fresh peppermint leaves as well in the blender with the other ingredients.
Thanks Jenni Rogers for the recipe.