IlluminEyes was launched this year to support healthy eye function.

Young Living Chief Science Officer, Dr. Mike Buch, sheds light on our NEW dietary supplement, IlluminEyes™ that helps reduce eye strain, maintains healthy eyesight and enhances skin health.
Check out this great video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68o0-XCctxw
Look at all the incredible benefits:
* Antioxidant - Reduce free radicals formed in the body
* Helps reduce free radical damage to body cells
* Maintain healthy eye function
* Decrease eye strain
* Helps support healthy vision development
* Relieve visual fatigue
* Maintain healthy vision
* Helps enhance skin health
* Support skin elasticity
* Helps improve skin strength
Find out more: https://www.youngliving.com/en_AU/products/illumineyes