Protection from negative influences has been in my prayers lately. To enhance the power of my prayers, I have discovered that applying an essential oil prior to prayer and intuitively throughout the day helps me to move closer to God and truly hear what He is saying. In addition, fasting is another way to enhance communication with God.
Therefore, I believe prayer, Young Living essential oils and fasting are the three crucial components to hearing God’s word.

Oh, the mess! Yes, my physical home is in a bit of a mess at the moment and I am in the process of doing a huge clean up and getting ready for the huge changes that are coming. My life has taken a massive change in direction in the last few months, and I have taken the boxes stored in the garage and am in the process of finding a home for them for easy access. There are boxes down the hallway, and work resources scattered throughout as I work my way through the clutter and put it all back in its place. At the moment, it feels like chaos, but I know in the coming weeks, my home will be organised again, and the feeling of joy and relaxation with having everything easily accessible and back in its place will feel incredible.
Over the last year, I have been purposefully applying various oils to promote a stronger connection with God. It has been incredible journey for me both emotionally and spiritually.
A few years ago, I applied Frankincense to the top of my head and for no reason, the tears just flowed. Nothing I did could stop the tears. I had no idea why I was crying; all I knew was that I could not stop. After a few minutes, I felt this sense of relief and release. This has only happened to me a few times, but when it does, the experience is memorable.
Here are my top five oils for prayer.
The Seventh Heaven protocol helps to create a feeling of inner peace and motivates us to progress towards our highest potential. The oils support us to pursue meaningful experiences. They support us to eliminate distractions, such as media, and feel confident and move forward with purpose.