One of my friends recently shared with me the Psalm 91 about Protection. I love this Bible passage especially the part on trusting in God.
14 Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. (Psalm 91: 14-16)
Protection from negative influences has been in my prayers lately. To enhance the power of my prayers, I have discovered that applying an essential oil prior to prayer and intuitively throughout the day helps me to move closer to God and truly hear what he is saying to me. In addition, fasting is another way to enhance communication with God. Therefore, I believe prayer, Young Living essential oils and fasting are the three crucial components to hearing God’s word. Other ways I like to connect with God are turning off the news, having time away from social media, journaling, Bible reading and listening to Christian music. I look forward to listening to Christian music being played in 432Hz.
And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. “But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:20-21)
When we pray in combination with God’s gift – essential oils – we are showing gratitude for God’s provision to us. God intends for us to live healthy, abundant lives, and we must truly believe we are worthy of His incredible blessings in our lives.
There are many natural constituents in essential oils which give them their uniqueness. Two of the most important chemical constituents are sesquiterpenes and monoterpenes.
- Sesquiterpenes help to deprogram the misinformation.
- Monoterpenes help to restore God’s original image into our DNA.
With the current way of the world, I believe that we need to trust in God to protect us and our families. So, how do we trust in God? I trust in God by praying, fasting, applying Young Living essential oils with gratitude, Bible reading, journaling and listening to various people speak on their Bible truth. Over the years, I have come to an understanding that God has provided essential oils to us to promote communicate with him. I like to apply essential oils, prior to prayer, on the top of my head or forehead. Other places that work well are on the heart, temples and back of the neck.
Here are my top six oils for protection from negative influence.
- White Angelica – This oil blend is one I apply at least twice a day. It promotes feelings of protection and security when diffused, and can be used to guard against negative energy and to reserve emotional energy. This wonderful essential oil blend is comforting, strengthening, grounding, balancing, and stabilising. I like to pray a prayer of gratitude (Thank you, God, for your protection and safety) for my protection while applying this oil.
- Purification – This oil blend helps purify and cleanse negative emotions and vibrations.
- Frankincense – No wonder this oil (and Myrrh) was provided to Jesus at his birth. One of the most gentle essential oils, Frankincense was more valued than gold in ancient times. Yet, today, even though it is affordable by most people, many have not even smelt it, nor applied it to their skin. Frankincense increases spiritual awareness, enhances intuition when applied before prayer and meditation, and can uplift one’s attitude and spirit. Incredibly, Frankincense is high in sesquiterpenes and monoterpenes. No wonder I like to use this oil at least twice a day!
- Fennel – Historically, Fennel was believed to protect against spells cast by witches and to ward off evil spirits. Now days, people love to add it to foods for its liquorice or aniseed taste. This oil can be used topically on the body, in a diffuser or added to drinks and food. Each morning, I love to add 1-2 drops of Fennel oil to my NingXia Red and Mineral Essence. (Avoid using this oil if epileptic.)
- Sacred Mountain – This is a blend of Ylang Ylang and conifer oils that evokes the sense of sanctity found in nature and promotes feelings of strength, empowerment, grounding, and protection when diffused.
- Egyptian Gold - This blend contains ancient biblical oils that can be used to enhance moments of devotion and reverence. Traditionally used for emotional and spiritual transformation dating back to Ancient Egypt, this combination of essential oils is balancing, stabilising, empowering, and uplifting. Use Egyptian Gold for prayer, meditation and visualisation, and to deepen spiritual connections.
This list also goes well with my blog on ‘Oils for Prayer’.
Here are some of my favourite books on how to use essential oils for prayer.
- ‘Biblical Perspective on Essential Oils’ by Teri Secrest
- ‘Healing Oils of the Bible’ by David Steward Ph.D.
Prayers work. Fasting works. Essential oils work. The power of prayers, fasting and essential oils work best together. I am so grateful to God for showing me this and displaying this in my life every day.
As always, I only trust Young Living essential oils.
What would be your top oils to apply or diffuse to protect your family from negative influence?