MAY 2019 OFFER: Purchase Premium Starter Kit in May 2019 on Essential Rewards (ER) with Danielle Carrinton as enroller and receive mystery gift ($30 value)
JUNE 2019 OFFER: Same new member completes another 100PV on ER in June 2019, and receives another mystery gift ($30 value)
MAY 2019 OFFER: Enrol a new member with a Premium
Starter Kit in May 2019 on ER, and enroller receives mystery gift ($30 value)
JUNE 2019 OFFER: Same new member completes another 100PV on ER in June 2019, and enroller receives another mystery gift ($30 value)
Premium Starter Kits: https://www.youngliving.com/en_AU/products/c/business-tools/starter-kits
Conditons Apply: Australian residents only, YLSunshineDiamonds team only