Seventh Heaven Protocol
Many years ago, before I even started with Young Living, there was a kit called Seventh Heaven. This kit contained seven oils. These seven oils are still available today and can be purchased individually (but not as a kit), so I wanted to share this great protocol for helping us move forward with purpose. It helps to create a feeling of inner peace and motivates us to progress towards our highest potential. They support us to pursue meaningful experiences. They support us to eliminate distractions, such as media, and feel confident and move forward with purpose. This protocol is not for helping us move forward spiritually. 

‘Being in Seventh Heaven’ refers to a state of supreme happiness, joy and ecstasy. Seventh Heaven refers to the Jews passing on secret teachings verbally to other Jews who were spiritually ready to learn. They believed that in order to reach God, one ascends through seven levels of spiritual awareness.

Ensure the room is free of distractions and quiet. No music can be playing.

Here are the steps to using the Seventh Heaven protocol.
  1. Sacred Mountain on the back of the neck (or in the diffuser during the day). It promotes feelings of strength, empowerment, grounding and protection.
  2. Inspiration on top of head to support prayer and meditation. Oils on the top of the head help create a connection with God.
  3. Awaken on the forehead from right temple to left temple. A step towards making positive life changes and helping become aware of our limitless potential. This is to help awaken our spiritual awareness and move towards our true selves. It helps us work more intuitively.
  4. Gathering on temples to overcome the chaotic energy in everyday life and keeps us on the path to higher achievement.
  5. Humility on ears promotes deeper spiritual awareness and relationship with God. It helps to protect us, and to forgive ourselves and others.
  6. Dream Catcher on pillow (or in diffuser at night). It is designed to harness the power of positive dreams when used aromatically, helping us realise our desires and stay on the path of fulfilment.
  7. White Angelica around body to promote feelings of protection and security and can be used to guard against negative energy.
The Seventh Heaven protocol helps to put us in balanced and grounded place to forward with purpose. The Oils of Ancient Scripture helps to move us forward spiritually. The Feelings Kit protocol helps to move us forward emotionally and is great to use alongside the Seventh Heaven protocol. Which protocol have you implemented?

For those who would like to experience the Seventh Heaven protocol, send me an email on and we can experience the protocol together. This is free for those in the YLSunshineDiamonds team or those without a Young Living account. For those with a Young Living account in another team, the cost is $20 to cover the cost of my oils or provide your own oils. We are all working together to help each other.


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