Six months ago, I moved into my new home and wanted to clear the negative energy. There had been tenants living in my home for 12 years and my home was neglected. I wanted to attract positive change and a new start. I started reading about different ways to clear negative energy. There were suggestions like using sage, smudging, crystals, setting intentions, ringing bells or chimes, taking salt baths, etc.
With the help of my naturopath, we put together a list of four steps that I did to help attract positive change in my home. I diffused each oil continuously in my lounge room for 3 days each.
- Diffuse White Angelica – promotes feelings of protection and security when diffused, and can be used to guard against negative energy. This wonderful essential oil blend is comforting, strengthening, grounding, balancing, and stabilising. Use White Angelica topically to help seal and support your aura, and reserve emotional energy.
- Diffuse Purification - is uplifting and refreshing, and may help purify and cleanse negative emotions and vibrations.
- Diffuse Present Time - helps you focus on the here and now so you can move beyond the past and progress forward. This blend is balancing, calming, empowering and may promote relaxation. Present Time is especially helpful for those who are dealing with buried emotions or those who have wandering minds; this grounding blend can bring alignment back to the mind and body during times of uncertainty.
- Diffuse Grounding - for feelings of clarity or to enhance spirituality. Use Grounding to help you cope with reality in a positive manner. This wonderful essential oil blend is relaxing, stabilising, and calming, and may help with restlessness or during times of chaos. Combine with Clarity or Brain Power essential oil blends to help improve focus.
Remember to use our intuitions and be guided to diffuse the oils that we believe will help us to attract positive change. Which Young Living oils do you like to use to attract positive energy?
When ordering, put my member number, 1109200, or the number of the person who introduced you.
Cloud Image by Passt gut auf euch auf und bleibt gesund on Pixabay