What are they putting on our children? 😭

I am concerned about the products being used to sanitise our children's hands. This product shown was used at least seven times by every student in my class in one day. What concerns me is that it only lists 75% of the ingredients. What makes up the other 25%?

Up until Covid, many hand sanitisers were not allowed in schools due to the toxic ingredients.

Usually the other ingredients are fragrance (a loophole for not having to disclose the true ingredients), endocrine disruptors (block the effects of a hormone from certain receptors or stimulate/inhibit the endocrine system and cause overproduction/underproduction of hormones), or Triclosan (antibacterial agent that is linked to birth defects and hormonal issues).

Are we keeping our children safe by cleaning with toxic ingredients or are we actually causing more harm than good?

Can we swap for safe products like Thieves Hand Sanitiser with no toxic ingredients? My children take their own safe products to school to use. https://www.youngliving.com/en_AU/products/c/young-living-brands/thieves 

Let's keep our children clean and healthy.

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  1. Sorry for the double up. I thought i was blocked.
  2. My comment is being blocked.
  3. You are soooo right, the same secrecy in vaccinations. DON'T TRUST THE .......(LEAVE YOU TO FILL IN YOUR SPECIAL WORD)
  4. I used a sanitiser ONCE ONLY, because it hurt my skin. You are so right about the hidden ingredients, the same as in vaccinations. DON'T TRUST THE ......... ( LEAVE THAT WORD TO YOU TO FILL IN).

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