Valor Oil Blend

Valor is such an amazing blend. Confidence in a bottle. Great for public speaking, courage and self-esteem. It promotes staying on task and being focussed, and getting through fear with calmness and peacefulness. Use it to greet each morning with a positive attitude or to re-focus at the end of a challenging day. It promotes change and releasing old habits. The possibilities are endless - first day at school, job interview, dating, wedding, public speaking... Who does not need some of this?

Valor supports energy alignment and emotional balance, especially before massage, chiropractor or osteopath appointments. Amazing to see the effects of what Valor does to our blood!

MEN - You can use it as a natural aftershave without all the nasties. (I personally prefer Shutran. 😉)

I encourage diffusing it in the home or business, and see what happens in terms of being empowered, bold and brave.

Comes in a roll on and bottle. I like to apply it to the back of my neck, shoulders, wrists or soles of the feet.

This blend is so popular we can only buy two bottles a month. I carry it everywhere. There was a two year period when we could not purchase this blend - that was when we appreciated the true value of this blend.

Who has a great Valor story? Sarah Harnisch tells about how if we are clumsy and keep dropping things, doing a Valor balance can help us shift this energy so we become more purposeful.

PS: This is the first oil to be used in the Raindrop Technique and Gary Young's Great Day Protocol.


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