Within 30 minutes, he looked much better and by the next morning, he was well and running around.
Here is a photo of him from two days ago playing with his ball.
For more information on using essential oils with pets, go to: https://getoiling.com/YLSunshineDiamonds/blog/9622/pets-and-essential-oils
1) Ditch toxic skin care products.
2) Ditch toxic cleaning products.
3) Eat healthy food and goods fats.
4) Use glass or stainless-steel water bottles. Plastic water bottles/baby bottles are toxic.
5) Use essential oils as air fresheners.
6) Get eight hours sleep each night.
7) Exercise 20 minutes, three times a week. Also incorporate weight bearing activities.
8) Boost B and C vitamins.
9) Drink NingXia Red. The health benefits are enormous.
10) Progessence Phyto Plus (PPP) as night-time routine. (PPP is for women only.) Women can also use Clary Sage, Sclaressence, Lady Sclareol. Men can use Spruce, Golden Rod, Shutran. Be aware that most Progessence products contain petroleum as a base, which is a xenoestrogen.