How to start a Young Living business
Young Living has been a pivotal piece in the puzzle to our family having our healthy lifestyle and I have made it my mission to help others on their health journeys too. People can either purchase Young Living products for personal use or make it into a business. Less than 0.5% of people make it to Gold rank or further as it takes effort and drive like any business. Check out the annual income of each rank. 😯
How much money and time do people invest into starting a new business? Usually it is thousands of dollars and many hours. With Young Living it can take as little $250-$300 and a few minutes to set up a wholesale account. Best way to start is a Premium Starter Bundle but there are other choices.
To keep the business active requires purchasing 50PV (about $100) of product each YEAR. How many businesses only require buying about $100 of products each YEAR to keep your business active?
To earn full commission requires you to purchase at least 100PV of products (about $200) and any commissions on your team's orders in the same month will be deposited into your chosen account using the compensation plan summary as attached.
I have a number of friends who are building a business this way and are sharing with friends as they feel they are ready. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.


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