7 Essential Oils Happy People Use
We all want to live our happiest life, but sometimes the daily hustle and bustle makes deep, lasting happiness seem like a faraway goal. But some simple, everyday practices can increase your joy.

From healthy habits, like adequate sleep and exercise, to self-improvement techniques, like meditation, prayer and goal setting, these happiness pointers are often on the schedules of the happiest people. And the best part? There are essential oil uses for each of them!

Check out our list of habits and benefits of our pure essential oils below, so you can start your journey to a brighter tomorrow!

Peppermint for Exercise

Know people who love Peppermint? There’s a good chance they use it for their active lifestyle, which is a critical part of a happy life! Whether it’s hitting the gym, stopping by the yoga studio, playing a favourite sport, or chasing after the kiddos, physical activity helps your body and mind feel great. Breathing in a drop of Peppermint oil may support performance during physical activity, so you can make the most of your workout! Plus, Peppermint’s cooling, tingling effect is the perfect complement to a workout, especially when you massage it into neck, shoulder, and leg muscles.
Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender for your Night-Time Routine

Sleep and mood are closely connected, and the happiest people know they feel their best when they get plenty of rest. That’s why Lavender is a must-have for the happiness expert. Its relaxing aroma makes it a staple for bedside tables, vanity displays, and anywhere that makes it easy to grab before bed.
Apply this calming classic to the chest, temples, and bottoms of your feet to help you transition from a busy day to a peaceful night.

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense for Connection with God

Believing in God and all the wonders he does for us, brings a sense of perspective and broadens our views. Plus, prayer and reading the Bible may help us find our purpose, which brings increased joy and meaning to daily tasks. With a grounding yet uplifting aroma, Frankincense is popular for those who want to apply this oil before prayer. Remember it was one of the oils given to baby Jesus as His birth by the three wise men. Apply it to the chest, temples, or neck during prayer or meditation.

Joy Essential Oil Blend - Young Living

Joy for Relationships

Deep, lasting happiness lies in meaningful social relationships, and you’ll find that the happiest people have a strong, supportive network of loved ones. Joy which invites feelings of bliss and warmth when diffused, helps you nurture the people and connections that matter most for sustained, long-term happiness. Often people ask me what I am wearing when I apply Joy.
Tangerine Essential Oil - Young Living

Tangerine for Optimism

Hard times come to everyone, but the happiest people find the good even in difficult situations. This spirit of optimism isn’t always easy to maintain, but with practice it becomes easier to find bliss every day. To refocus on everything going right in your life, diffuse Tangerine, which helps create a happy outlook with its delightful sweet, citrus aroma. Or try rubbing a few drops between your hands and inhaling the scent to give your day a cheerful, upbeat outlook!

Valor Essential Oil

Valor for Goal Setting

Valor — known for its uplifting and affirming aroma — is great for setting goals, which is an important part of a happy, purposeful life. Without goals and aspirations, it’s hard to keep a hopeful outlook for the future.
In contrast, having something to work toward helps each day feel more valuable and rewarding. Plus, when you accomplish a goal, you feel good about yourself and improve your life!

Young Living Gratitude Essential Oil Blend

Gratitude for Serving Others

It is amazing how when we spend time serving others, we become be happier in our own lives. Offering compassion to others can bring a fresh perspective to your life. It can be as simple as baking treats for a lonely neighbour or calling up a struggling friend. However, you choose to brighten someone’s day, you’ll find that some of the light shines on you too. Apply Gratitude to crown of head, ears, wrists, neck, feet, or over heart to help foster a thankful heart.

PS: I had to include one supplement that happy people use - OmegaGize3 for brain and heart health.


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