Being in control of what we can control

As a busy mom of three the last thing I want our girls to do is get sick, but that’s not something we can control. What we can control is supporting their immune systems and help by providing them vitamins to do just that! Being a family that is more mindful of ingredients we are so excited we have safe, organic vitamins that also provide a variety of options (gummies or liquid, and different flavors or flavorless).

why we chose homeschooling

I remember the moment(s) leading up to my first thoughts about considering another form of schooling that wasn’t public school, and guess what- it certainly wasn’t homeschooling.

When we had our first daughter I began looking at the classroom & things taking place in the schools in a whole new light while we lived in Canada. I began asking friends about the private Christian school they chose for their children… about the class size & the amount of behavior challenges & special needs children they saw in those school settings.


Releasing Negative Emotions

Let’s start with some basic science. This is only the tip of the iceberg but it’s kinda mind blowing. It sheds so much light on how our emotions affect us and how oils can help.

Everyone has some level of emotional toxicity that has built up over their life through traumas, both big and small.


why we switched from nonstick pans


New Year, New Diffuser Blends


halloween survival guide

Who's ready for tomorrow!? Here’s a handy guide to survive the spookiest (and sweetest!) night of the year!



When my husband first told me a few weeks back that he put a bandaid over one of Kennedy's boo-boos I paid no attention, just thinking she scratched her arm or something. But to my surprise a week or two later she woke with marks on her face, three to be exact. They were pretty small so I just assumed that she scratched her face some how while in her sleep since her finger nails grow like crazy. After a day or two I noticed those boo boos on her face were getting more noticable and then I realized the boo-boo on her arm that was covered by a two week old bandaid had actually grown larger than the bandaid itself. That is when I began to pay more attention. Thanks to Doctor Google searches "sores on my child's skin" and "child skin infections" we decided it was time to take Kennedy to the doctor to find out what in the world was going on.  

who is this girl?!

Some of you may be wondering who is this chic who sends me e-mails for those who don't personally know me or maybe you stumbled across this blog and just curious about who I am. Either way, I am so glad you are here and I hope you find some useful information on our community site.
So here's a little bit about me.... 

my ride or dies

I feel like once you battle a few things with things that work, that helped make things easiler on you, there is just no going back. Right?

A few of these have done just that for us. So here is a list of my ride or dies that we use multiple times a year for sooo many things. And here is why you need them in your home. After all, I hope you never make the mistake I did - waiting until I needed these on hand before actually getting them in my hands.


trying to answer tough questions in today's world without today's "views"

Last night while putting the big girls to bed they began talking about when they were in my belly and birth. This led to a conversation about the role of a woman and why God gave men and women different body parts. I guess they’re becoming more curious with those type of things...

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