becoming the gatekeeper of your home

Taking the initial step towards a healthier lifestyle for you and your loved ones can be a pivotal moment in your life. This journey often starts with the realization of the potential harm caused by the toxic products that fill our homes, and the decision to transition towards more natural, health-enhancing alternatives. Making small, simple changes, such as incorporating essential oils into your daily routine, can lead to significant benefits for your family's wellness and overall quality of life.

Understanding the importance of quality when it comes to essential oils is crucial; not all oils are created equal. Young Living stands out due to its Seed to Seal standard, ensuring that every product used in your home is of the highest purity and quality, free from harmful synthetic chemicals and fragrances. This commitment to excellence allows for peace of mind, especially for those who are too busy or prefer not to scrutinize every product ingredient, making Young Living the go-to choice for enhancing health and wellness in the home.

Three primary ways to incorporate Young Living essential oils into your daily life include topical application, aromatic diffusion, and internal consumption, each method offering unique benefits ranging from promoting relaxation and focus to supporting the body's natural functions. The premium starter kit offers an excellent opportunity to embark on this wellness journey, featuring a selection of everyday essential oils, a diffuser, and other health-enhancing products, accompanied by a lifetime wholesale membership for savings on future purchases. This approach towards a healthier, more natural lifestyle is not only about making better choices for ourselves but also about providing the best for our families, ensuring a safe, clean, and vibrant home environment.

Let's Chat Sex & Intimacy

Discover the secrets to true intimacy and connection in our popular Sex and Intimacy Class! We are here to break down barriers and provide guidance on how to support yourself emotionally and physically in order to experience genuine intimacy. Explore the concept of worthiness and find essential oils such as SARA, Lemon, and Peace & Calming to aid in processing abuse or betrayal. Experience true intimacy by tearing down walls and embracing your inner worthiness.
Intimacy goes far beyond the physical and involves unconditional love, self-control, and a sound mind. Allow your emotions to fuel your passions under the guidance of your innermost spirit. Take care of your body, support your thyroid and adrenals with essential oils like EndoFlex and Nutmeg, and prioritize hormone balance for a better sex life. With oils like Progessence Plus and Shutran, you can stabilize mood and support healthy libido.

Take control of your intimacy and overcome stress, fatigue, and feelings of inadequacy with essential oils. Eucalyptus Radiata, Shutran, Harmony, Orange, Abundance, and Hope are just a few examples of oils that can support your emotional and physical well-being. Enhance the "in the moment" experience with oils like Cypress and Nutmeg for healthy blood flow, and trade toxin-laden lubricants for the Sensation Massage Oil. We offer an Intimacy Bundle including oils like Shutran and Progessence Plus to help you release emotional blocks and invite greater intimacy into your life.

Simplify your essential oil purchases with our Loyalty Rewards program, where you can earn reward points and exclusive oils. Let us guide you through the program to make life easier and save money while enjoying the benefits of Young Living products. Join our community of health enthusiasts and access the Life Steps app, providing education, videos, and resources to help you make the most of your Young Living journey. Embrace a healthier, more intimate life with Young Living essential oils.

Understanding what is in your cabinets

Discover the first step towards reducing toxins in your home with this informative blog post. The author shares their struggle with finding time to research and avoid harmful ingredients in everyday products. However, they stumbled upon a solution - a free app that simplifies the process. By scanning products and reading ingredient ratings, they became more aware of the toxins they were exposed to and took the first steps towards a healthier home. If you're ready to start reducing toxins in your own home, be sure to check out the author's free Guide to Reducing the Toxins in your Home.

Hey mama. There are other options out there when littles are sick

In this blog post, the author discusses the importance of reevaluating the contents of your medicine cabinet when it comes to treating your child's illnesses. They suggest considering a more natural approach by incorporating options like Young Living essential oils rather than relying solely on traditional medicines. The author mentions specific products like collidal silver, vitamins, and a homeopathic basic kit as great starting points for those who may be new to natural remedies. They encourage readers to pick one option and begin incorporating it into their medicine cabinet.

My 2024 goals towards a 'clean home'

While our family has done pretty good reducing the toxins in our home over the last 7 years, there are still many areas that I would like to improve on. Here are my 2024 goals of items I would like to add to our home in our journey of reducing the toxins in our home.
I'll break down what's on my wishlist and why....


Snore No More

Happy Wednesday, sweet friends! Here are some of our favorite oils for keeping bedtime quiet more and less snore ❤


Cleansing 101

This blog post provides an in-depth discussion on the topic of cleansing and why it is important for our overall health and well-being. The article emphasizes the need to address the root cause of health issues rather than simply silencing symptoms. It also highlights the importance of opening up elimination pathways in our bodies, particularly the colon, and provides tips on how to achieve this through the use of Young Living products, such as Digest & Cleanse Softgels and Essentialzyme.

Additionally, the post emphasizes the connection between physical, mental, and emotional health and encourages readers to embrace wholeness throughout the cleansing process. It highlights the role of essential oils in supporting the body's natural functions and suggests Young Living's 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse as a great starting point. The blog post concludes by addressing the importance of having the right attitude and mindset during the cleansing process and emphasizes the need to view cleansing as a lifestyle rather than a quick fix. It also highlights the availability of resources such as the Life Steps app and the support from the Young Living community.

I don't care how toxic my home is says no one ever

It wasn't until I was 8 months pregnant with high grade cells on my cervis, while chasing around our two year old that I began to question the ingredients in items we were bringing into our home.
Sometimes we need to understand the risks of having a home filled with toxic ingredients before willingly switching over to non-toxic products. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary, but it's also refreshing!

Fast forward seven years later and I am so happy I decided to take small simple steps to reduce our family toxic overload. If you want a simple step by step guide to reducing the toxins in your home don't miss my free Simple Steps Guide to Reducing the Toxins here.
If this momma of three who works full time can do it, you can too! I know your future self and littles will thank you for taking this simple step. We can do better when we know better.

Detox Baths

This blog post discusses the benefits of detox baths and provides various recipes using Young Living essential oils. Detox baths are a great way to support the body during times of illness, skin issues, or when you're feeling off. By combining essential oils, baking soda, and magnesium flakes or Epsom salts in hot water, you can help flush out toxins and promote overall wellness

The blog post also provides specific recipes for different needs, such as the "Flew-Away Detox Bath" for immune support, the "Raindrop Detox Bath" for general wellness, and the "Skin Soother Detox Bath" for skin issues. Additionally, there are recipes tailored for children and specific concerns like muscle love, aches, immune support, and digestion. Detox baths can be a powerful tool to support overall health and well-being.

From 3 to four

A year at glance from 3 to 4 for our wild little A.
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