Top Five Oils for Weddings

Top Five Oils for Weddings
Tonight, I am caring for a lovely, elderly lady with dementia while the rest of her family are celebrating the marriage of two people who are in love and have made the commitment to be with each other for the rest of their lives. It feels so wonderful to know that I am helping to provide peace of mind for this family, so they can relax knowing that their grandmother is being cared for.

Weddings are such a wonderful celebration, and all the more wonderful when essential oils are utilised throughout the day and night. So here are my five top oils for weddings.

Want an online business?

Want an online business?
Now more than ever, it is important that we have at least one online business. Young Living is a fantastic online business as it is an investment of as little as 100PV (about $200) to start and it promotes healthy products. 

Oils When Wearing Face Masks

Oils When Wearing Face Masks
A few weeks ago, a lady came to my market stall and asked for an oil to help with breathing while wearing a face mask.  
Here are my top picks for oils to apply to the sides of the nose or in the mask to help with breathing.

Rose Geranium

Rose Geranium
I often have people come to me at the markets and ask if Young Living have Rose Geranium. Yes we do.

Top Six Oils for Love

Top Six Oils for Love
Last weekend, I was doing a market stall at the Queensland Garden Expo, Nambour. A gentleman briefly passed by my stall and started reading my signs. – ‘Oils for Dogs’; ‘Oils for Teachers’; ‘Oils for Men’… He inquired about where my sign titled ‘Oils for Love’ was. So, with gratitude to this fleeting conversation, I have created my top six oils for love.
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