Your thoughts

Your thoughts
There are so many people are worried about how they look, if their purse, shoes, and belt match, if they smell good, if they have the latest, and greatest whatever, if people like them or not….

What if, huge- what if- here, if we began to focus on our thoughts and having them be good ones, and how would our life change if that happened?

Once we do that, the rest comes naturally.

It’s a journey and it’s completely achievable.

That being said, NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR YOU!
You see, no one sees your thoughts. Only you are aware of them, so only you can grab them, hold them captive and decide what you are gonna do with it.

We have choices when thoughts enter our minds.  
Is this a good thought? Is it positive?
Is this true? Or did my mind mess with me again?
Is this a belief or truth?
Does this line up with truth?
Does this thought bring me joy?
Is this thought about the future or the past?
Is this a fear? Why?

I can go on and on, but I think you get the point.
If a thought pops in your mind, it’s up to you if you want to believe it, act on it, react to it, or ignore it.

Your choice.
But your joy depends on it.

Words from Casey’s tub.   ❤️

Life Changes

HEY!   Today I wanted to talk about something that is an integral part of who I am, but it never makes change any easier knowing the results of said change are for our best.  
Change is hard.  
Change hurts.  
Change is uncertain. 
Change upsets our comfortable space.  
Change is unsettling. 

You know what doesn't grow if it never changes, a seed.   Imagine if all the seeds of the world never got put in the dirt. 
Never got planted. 
Never experienced the dark, wet environment. 
Never have been cracked open before only to sprout new life.
 A more abundant plant than just the seed alone.  A plant that will produce MANY more seeds.    But that new life and many new plants come from the breaking of a seed.  CHANGE.

The same goes for our children.  They come to us as the most precious gift in infant form.  They need us for everything and we marvel at their accomplishments. Each and every one.  All of them are changes. Growing. Becoming.   

Why do we, as adults feel that change is soooo difficult? I mean, we are wired for it, right? We have to change to become the people God created us to be.   But that's where the twists and turns come in.   Our subconscious mind likes to keep us comfy and safe.  That means in a simple way, it likes things to be the same old, same old.   It takes a real effort to actually try, and succeed at changing habits, reactions, foods, and even cities!.    So many try and it's uncomfortable, so they shrink back into the mindset of, well, this way has always worked for me. And they sit. Forever. Stuck.

You have a choice though!   For real.  It all starts with the decision to do something different to get different results.  It usually comes at a time when we are fed up with where we are. Something propels us, or motivates us to do things differently.  But it's up to us to make that decision and keep the promises we make to ourselves.   

Are you worth the effort to try to change the things you are unsatisfied with in your life?  I think you are.   Now for you to believe it.    ❤️ 
Do you feel you could use a helping hand or a listening ear, reach out to me.  I would love to help you find out what lights your soul on fire and help you make the changes to get you there. 
Sending love and blessings your way,