Time for some self care

Hello, February! 

     Hello and welcome.  First things first, I wanted to give you something to think about today.  
May be an image of text that says 'IT'S ONLY A THOUGHT. AND I AM IN CONTROL OF IT.'

Stop letting something you have no control over run your life. Thoughts aren’t facts. They’re random things that pop in and out of your mind. They’re not truth. They’re not to be trusted. They’re actually, for the most part, to be ignored, yet so many let their thoughts dictate their life and wonder why they’re miserable. ��‍♀️ #facts #Thoughts #ThoughtsAreNotReal #Ignore #Overcome #MindsetMentor #Feelings #Emotions #Belief #IBelieveInYou #YouCanDoIt


Love is in the air! But what about showing yourself some love with these great recipes to help love on your body a little!


Monthly Gifts with Purchase

Check out this month's Gifts with Purchase From Young Living.


100 PV


190 PV



250 PV

Protect your eyes after a long day behind your computer screen at work.  Perfect for you and your teens that spend all day staring at their phones.


300 PV



February Wellness Box Ideas

SHOP HERE  Cheers to deeper connections and intimacy this month!  If you don't know what to put in your monthly wellness box to get those FREE gifts with purchase, here are some ideas that are also perfect to spice things up in the romance department.   

I want to thank you for your continued support both in life and business.   I am eternally grateful.   Please feel free to reach out to me for anything. You can even reply by email.  I'm here!   Ready to serve.  Totally unrelated, but equally as helpful I am looking to save you money on your home or business energy cost! Zero out of pocket (For REAL!) Let's chat about the many options to lower and freeze your monthly expenditures on something that normally never stops increasing!, year after year!   More info in the link below.  Thanks again and many blessings to you and your family.   I wish you health and success in all areas of your life.

Casey Forte

Your thoughts

Your thoughts
The thoughts that you have about yourself, and your life are so much more powerful than you have been led to believe. Knowing that, be more mindful and intentional with the thoughts that you allow to bounce around in your head and take up all your time.  Start telling yourself you’re amazing, that you are enough, that you are loved beyond measure, that you are perfect as you are, everything is going as planned, and that all is well.

I promise you, if you do that consistently and you start to transform the thoughts that run rampant through your mind, the good thoughts will start to overtake them and you won’t have those horrible thoughts about yourself and your life situation anymore. 
It’s not easy, it’s not quick, but it works if you do the work.  it’s also an inside job and nobody else can do it for you, so if you work on yourself, you will grow your life, and you will become better and you’ll be happier. #WinningAtLife #YouAreEnough #YouAreWorthy #KindWords #LoveYourself#fullcup #Overflow.

You can heal

Y’all, you have to give up the idea that you are your disease.

Read that again.


Break that belief and start to focus instead on your body’s amazing ability to heal. Work towards that goal. In doing so, you allow yourself to feel better, make better choices and bring healing.

But if you like being diseased, that’s ok too.

We have the ability to choose.

What are some words you constantly use in your day that point out your flaws?   What if you swapped it around and instead spoke words of encouragement to yourself?  How do you think your life would change?
Leave a comment below and let me know what words you're gonna change today.