March Madness: Young Living’s Promo That’ll Make You LOL and Glow!

March Madness: Young Living’s Promo That’ll Make You LOL and Glow!
Welcome to March Madness with Young Living! This month, Young Living has launched a promotion that will make you look, smell, and feel fabulous. Featured in the promo is the Bloom Again Roller, available for free with a 300 PV order, ensuring you emerge from winter smelling as fresh as a spring garden. For those reaching a 400 PV order, a bottle of Lemongrass essential oil is included, perfect for invigorating spring cleaning and deterring pesky bugs during outdoor activities.

This promotion isn't just about snagging great deals; it's also a gentle reminder of the power of positive thinking. Emphasizing the impact of mindset, the blog post highlights that cultivating a positive outlook can transform your life as effectively as essential oils transform your space. By nurturing thoughts of abundance and joy, and complementing them with essential oils like the Bloom Again Roller, you can build a life filled with positivity and fragrance.

But how can you integrate these essential oils into your daily life? The post suggests starting your morning with Peppermint in your diffuser for an invigorating boost, revitalizing your afternoon with Bloom Again for a refreshing uplift, and winding down your evening with Lavender in a bath for a restful night. Ready to enhance your routine this spring? Explore Young Living's offerings and turn your life into a fragrant oasis.

Time for some self care

Hello, February! 

     Hello and welcome.  First things first, I wanted to give you something to think about today.  
May be an image of text that says 'IT'S ONLY A THOUGHT. AND I AM IN CONTROL OF IT.'

Stop letting something you have no control over run your life. Thoughts aren’t facts. They’re random things that pop in and out of your mind. They’re not truth. They’re not to be trusted. They’re actually, for the most part, to be ignored, yet so many let their thoughts dictate their life and wonder why they’re miserable. ��‍♀️ #facts #Thoughts #ThoughtsAreNotReal #Ignore #Overcome #MindsetMentor #Feelings #Emotions #Belief #IBelieveInYou #YouCanDoIt


Love is in the air! But what about showing yourself some love with these great recipes to help love on your body a little!


Monthly Gifts with Purchase

Check out this month's Gifts with Purchase From Young Living.


100 PV


190 PV



250 PV

Protect your eyes after a long day behind your computer screen at work.  Perfect for you and your teens that spend all day staring at their phones.


300 PV



February Wellness Box Ideas

SHOP HERE  Cheers to deeper connections and intimacy this month!  If you don't know what to put in your monthly wellness box to get those FREE gifts with purchase, here are some ideas that are also perfect to spice things up in the romance department.   

I want to thank you for your continued support both in life and business.   I am eternally grateful.   Please feel free to reach out to me for anything. You can even reply by email.  I'm here!   Ready to serve.  Totally unrelated, but equally as helpful I am looking to save you money on your home or business energy cost! Zero out of pocket (For REAL!) Let's chat about the many options to lower and freeze your monthly expenditures on something that normally never stops increasing!, year after year!   More info in the link below.  Thanks again and many blessings to you and your family.   I wish you health and success in all areas of your life.

Casey Forte

Spring Is Upon Us

Hey there friend!    

I don't know about you, but I look forward to spring every year because it's a new beginning, a fresh start.  When we lean on nature for our lessons, we can learn so many things.  Lessons such as, it's ok to let go of things, it's ok to go thru a dark season.  It's ok to have sudden growth!.  It's ok to be where you are.   It's actually encouraged to be happy where you are  and to feel it all.   The more open you are with yourself, the more you can experience the fullness life has to offer.    We just need to get out of our own way and allow life to come as it is.   Our discomfort comes when we experience life differently than we planned or think it should go.    Newsflash!!   It's gonna happen how it's supposed to happen and it's all perfect.     Peace comes when we start to understand that, even when, and especially when, life goes sideways, it is all for the good of the whole.    It's working in your favor. ALL OF IT!    Nothing has gone wrong to get you where you're going in life, but you haven't gotten there yet, so you don't know what that is yet.     It's all good.   ❤️ All of it ❤️

I wanted to share some opportunities for you if you're new to YL or are in need of stocking up on some regular supplements!  

Thieves essential oil is one of Young Living's most popular products, and for great reason. This powerhouse blend has some incredible health benefiting properties. One sniff (or quick PubMed search!) is all it takes to fall in love with Thieves, and we are so glad that this essential oil blend is infused into our favorite household staple - Thieves Household Cleaner! 


Thieves Household Cleaner is the perfect, versatile go-to for all your cleaning needs for a happy, healthy home. This Young Living exclusive includes only plant-based and naturally derived ingredients to effectively clean your home without taking synthetic shortcuts or using potentially harsh ingredients. Plus, the concentrated formula means that one 14.4oz bottle makes 20 spray bottles of standard cleaner! We love this household staple for everything from general cleaning to tough messes to DIYs. Thieves Cleaner is available in two sizes (14.4oz and 64oz) as well as single use packets.


* Concentrated formula is easy to mix to create a variety of cleaning solutions for inside and outside the home

* Safe to use around children and pets as directed

* Provides an effective, deep clean with the power of naturally derived, plant-based ingredients that lift dirt, pet stains, dried-on food, grime, and more


For general cleaning, simply add 1-2 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner to an empty 16oz glass spray bottle ( and fill with water! You can add essential oils for extra scent and cleaning power if you wish or make the formula more concentrated for tougher messes. 

* Spring Breeze Thieves Cleaner: 15 drops each Grapefruit, Tangerine, 10 drops Clary Sage, Lemon

* Baking Cookies Thieves Cleaner: 15 drops each Vanilla, Cinnamon Bark, 10 drops Stress Away

* Citrus Spice Thieves Cleaner: 15 drops each Orange, Cinnamon Bark, 10 drops Clove, 5 drops each Nutmeg, Ginger

* Frosted Forest Thieves Cleaner: 15 drops each Peppermint, Tangerine, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Bergamot

Here are some other ideas for using this one bottle to clean your entire home! 

* Thieves Degreaser

  * Combine 1 capful Thieves Household Cleaner and 1-2 cups water. For heavy cleaning, use half or quarter the amount of water. If necessary, use a cloth to apply Thieves Household Cleaner undiluted. After cleaning, wipe the area with a cloth dampened with water.

  * Add this to a glass spray bottle and use on: Kitchen Sink, Toilet Seats, Bathroom Sink. Bathtub, Floors and Tile

* Glass and Mirror Cleaner

  * Combine 1 capful Thieves Household Cleaner, 5 drops Citrus Fresh essential oil blend, 1 tsp white vinegar, and 3 cups water.

* Sink and Tile Scrub Recipe 

  * Simply mix equal parts Thieves Household Cleaner and the baking soda in a bowl and use throughout your whole house on grimy surfaces!


* Windows and Mirrors - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to 4-5 cup water in glass spray bottle. Provides a streak free shine.

* Carpets - 1 capful for 4-5 cups water to a steam cleaner can remove dirt and grime from carpets and upholstery. Make sure to spot check.

* Garbage Cans - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups water. Spray both inside and outside to remove dirt and grime. Wipe clean. (No need to wash off) You may also want to consider adding a few drops of Thieves Essential Oil to a cotton ball and dropping into the bottom of can as a weekly deodorizer.

* Heavy Degreaser - 1 capful Thieves cleaner to 1 cup water. Spray and soak for 5 minutes. Wipe away grease like your name is Houdini.

* Bathroom Soft Scrub - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 1⁄4 cup baking soda. Using a bristle toilet brush, scrub inside of toilets and showers and sit 5 min before rinsing or flushing.

* Toy Soak - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 3 Cups water in sink or bucket. Let your baby's toys soak for 15 minutes to remove grime and hidden dangers all while providing a non-toxic sanitizer for your tiniest of human's favorite toys. Make sure to rinse thoroughly and dry.

* Floors - Cleaning floors can be so easy with this one solution that cleans, deodorized and adds shine to various hard flooring. 1 capful of Thieves Household Cleaner to 4 cups water (we always add 2-3 drops of Lemon essential oil for the smell and extra shine) Mop as usual.

* Fridge Cleaner - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 2 cups water. Great for both inside and a steak free stainless-steel cleaner. Also, who wants harsh chemicals where we store food.

* Tiles and Grout - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner with 1/2 cup of water in a spray bottle. Spray tile and grout. Let sit for a couple of minutes. Use a small brush to get stains out. You may use less water for stronger concentration as needed.

* Mattress Cleaner - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups water, add 3 drops Purification essential oil and spritz over entire mattress for overall clean. When using as a spot cleaner, spray thoroughly and scrub with a light bristled brush.


* “We love Thieves household cleaner for all of our dog and kid accidents."

* “THC the only thing I clean with...floors, counters, toilets, doors!”

* “Love that this cleaner is totally safe to use around my babies!”

* “Thieves household cleaner is awesome. I use it for everything in my life.”

* “Thieves cleaner was a game changer for my health. I was using what I thought was a clean product but to find out they had “fragrance“ in them. So thankful for these products that we can trust”

* “I will never forget learning I would become a mom for the first time, and I was immediately concerned about what we had been cleaning our house with. Thinking of all the hazards on the labels that would hurt our kids so and threw them all out as soon as I found out about Thieves household cleaner! I won't use anything else!”

* “The more I use it the more I love it.” 

* “Love the Thieves cleaner! Makes my house smell so good.”

I send this with love and gratitude in all things.   As always, if you need anything oil related, solar power related or just need someone to talk to, I'm here.  You can find me below in the link.   Even schedule an appt.  Many blessings to you.

Casey Forte

Spring is around the corner! Finally

Spring is around the corner! Finally


Hello, March! 

Many blessings and much warm weather to you. This month we get to welcome one of earth’s most delightful seasons - a season filled with rebirth, regrowth, rejuvenation, and renewal. Spring is a time where we celebrate our world and the beauty it brings about. Spring also comes with a little thing called pollen - and our noses don’t always enjoy that. Make this roller and keep it on hand; you never know when you might need it! 





Star or flag this message so you can refer back to it all month long! 

You’ll hear all about… 

  • Monthly YL Gifts with Purchase + Recipes
  • March Wellness Box Ideas
  • Young Living in the Kitchen
  • Product Spotlight
  • Important Announcements
  • Upcoming Events


Monthly Gifts with Purchase

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 400 PV! 



*Receive the Subscription Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!


Recipes Using Your Monthly Gifts




March Wellness Box Ideas

Young Living is more than just essential oils. It’s a gateway to a lifestyle filled with wellness, purpose, and abundance. Start this new year off fresh! If you haven’t ditched the toxins in your home - do it now! Start with one room and tackle one area at a time. Then set up a wellness box to arrive at your doorstep with safe replacements.

Simply log into your account, find the items you want, and click “Add to Subscription.” Add at least 50 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points to spend on future one-time orders! Add at least 100 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points + get free shipping! 

You can choose to have those items arrive monthly OR stretch them out to every two or three months - up to you. Don’t want them in your box anymore? No problem! Just delete them and add in what you DO want. It’s simple and completely customizable. Here are some ideas for your March box…


Young Living in the Kitchen

Ready for a quick and easy snack? Try this simple guacamole recipe using a handful of fresh ingredients plus two incredible citrus oils from the Vitality line. Did you know the white-labeled Vitality oils are the same oil as their sold-labeled counterpart? Yep! That Seed to Seal quality guarantee covers it all - you’re getting only the best! 

What are these oils good for? 

  • Citrus Fresh Vitality combines Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Tangerine, Lemon, and Spearmint essential oils, which contain antioxidants and provide cleansing properties when taken internally.
  • Lime Vitality contains antioxidants, supports general wellness, and can be used with Slique products for weight management when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.



Product Spotlight

Have you ever tried Kunzea? It’s a good one! Listen to the story behind it… 

A native shrub that grows wild along the southern coast of Australia and Tasmania, kunzea was used for centuries by native cultures. The kunzea plant, with its bulbous tops and whimsical blossoms, is commonly referred to as “white cloud.” Its white and pink flowers are found growing in sandy soils along coastal regions and often attract native insects, birds, and small animals.

Try applying it to your chest for a refreshing breathing experience or add to your daily face regimen to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.


Important Announcements

Rise to Rank is an exciting, new rank-up challenge that rewards you for growing your business. The goal is simple: Achieve Executive or Silver rank by June 30 and earn an exclusive reward! Go here for more info: 


We have exciting news about KidScents Unwind! Enjoy the refreshing watermelon flavor without the bitter notes you may have previously experienced. KidScents Unwind features an improved sweetener called Reb M. Reb M is a zero-calorie sweetener derived from non-GMO, rapidly renewable sugar cane, making it a highly sustainable choice in line with our environmental stewardship values! Reb M is also much closer to the taste of real sugar, making Unwind that much tastier to kiddos who’ve come to love what it can do. Try the new formulation now!


Upcoming Events & Classes

Young Living convention is back - in-person and virtually!  Welcome to the first-ever Young Living North American Convention! Just like our Asia Pacific, European, and Latin American regions have their own conventions, the annual convention held in Salt Lake City will now be utilized by our North America region to host their own convention - geared to the North American audience.


Registration is open and will remain open until April 30, 2022, for in-person tickets, or while availability lasts. There is no capacity limit for virtual tickets, and they will remain available through June 10.  


Join us in Salt Lake City, UT at the Salt Palace Convention Center, or virtually, June 15-18, 2022! 


Pricing for in-person tickets is $225.

Pricing for virtual tickets is $50.


Go here for more information:




 Happy 43rd quarantine Sunday.   As I write this from my bedroom on my laptop, listening to church on my phone, I find myself truly grateful.  Grateful to be alive in a time like this and I'm grateful for technology in a time of isolation.  Like most of you, my son and I have been home for almost a month except for groceries, take out, or yard supplies.  I keep finding projects in the yard and house to keep me busy and for my sanity.   Amidst the business of projects, I'm also allowing myself days of complete rest too.  It's ok.  Balance.  This is a new season for all of us. It's different for most and challenging for some.  I pray peace over each and every one of you and safety over your households.   

Now with all this time at home, my diffusers are going non stop.  Not only for the smell, but for the clean air, the negative ions, and the emotional and body support.   I am so grateful for plants.   Enjoy these diffuser recipes.

  With all this free time, I've been cleaning too.  I'm so grateful for having Thieves cleaner in my home. One bottle for EVERYTHING!    I wanted to share some recipes to use your thieves cleaner in so many ways!   I am a purist though.  I use thieves cleaner 2 capfuls in a quart spray bottle filled with water.  Does it all!   Simple or specialized. You choose!  A pure, clean home is the result of it all.   #ditchandswitch

I also wanted to share this months promotion because it's all things clean!!   And a Thieves glass bottle too!  This month they are even offering a 400 pv level too.  Along with this promo, Anyone who places over 100 pv order will be entered to win a random gift from my oily stash! There will be 10 lucky winners!!!!!    I'm excited, are you?   Essential Rewards Order or Shop one time .   When you check out the shop, check out the New and Featured Tab!!    They released some amazing new products!!   Volumizing and a lengthening mascara!  A new hand soap, Luscious Lemon!   I can't wait to get my hands on that, no pun intended.  And a line of exotic teas all with the Seed to Seal promise!  I'm super excited to try the tea collection.  It comes with a customized YL tea steeping glass mug. Swooooon.     AND, I almost forgot, there are some special oils in the VO too! Sacred Angel, 15ml Valor and  15 ml White Angelica are available too! Stock up!
Such a great time to be in this lifestyle of wellness using plants instead of the alternative.   I feel confident that my home is safe, clean, and has fresh air inside!   I have been blessed to walk this path of wellness and having a transformed body and home.  I can't imagine where I'd be if I didn't make the transition 5 years ago.  I Can't Imagine!!!    Not only has my health improved and my son's is amazing, but I've been able to build a sustainable business all while being able to be home, where I'm needed. It provides a way to work a business from home at my pace. You can go gung ho or ho hum. You choose the level of freedom you want.  Here's the income disclosure statement since I talked about income.  Income Disclosure  If you're even slightly interested in the business side of YL, reach out to me or your enroller and we can help you get all the tools you need to be successful.  We have a business growth group for newbies coming up May 1. If you want the deets, send me a text. 352-427-2497 .   

I wanted to send a virtual hug to all of you out there and a sincere thank you for supporting your health, and small business at the same time.  You are valued and I want you to know you are supported in any way necessary.  Have a blessed week!

Casey Forte
Young Living Silver Leader
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