What if, huge- what if- here, if we began to focus on our thoughts and having them be good ones, and how would our life change if that happened?
Once we do that, the rest comes naturally.
It’s a journey and it’s completely achievable.
That being said, NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR YOU!
You see, no one sees your thoughts. Only you are aware of them, so only you can grab them, hold them captive and decide what you are gonna do with it.
We have choices when thoughts enter our minds.
Is this a good thought? Is it positive?
Is this true? Or did my mind mess with me again?
Is this a belief or truth?
Does this line up with truth?
Does this thought bring me joy?
Is this thought about the future or the past?
Is this a fear? Why?
I can go on and on, but I think you get the point.
If a thought pops in your mind, it’s up to you if you want to believe it, act on it, react to it, or ignore it.
Your choice.
But your joy depends on it.
Words from Casey’s tub. ❤️