It's that time again!

Good morning and happy Tuesday to you!  

I wanted to share a recent post I made about blooming in your season.   I know it's fall, but so many of my plants are blooming and I love them so much.   The colors bring so much joy and  peace to me.

Everything blooms in its season. Where the disappointment comes is when we expect things to bloom before they’re ready..

When you realize things are just the way they need to be to do just what you need to accomplish at just the right time, you can release the stress and worry and just flow .

Worry is nothing more than you planning to fail.

But when you stop worrying and start focusing on the good that’s in your life, better stuff starts happening. Worry only steals your present moment’s peace

Let it go. It’s all going to be perfect, just like all those other times you stressed and worried about something that never happened.  #wasteoftime #worry #wasteofenergy #shiftfocus #blessed #grateful #bloom #inseason #mindsetmentor
I hope you remember today that you're amazing and that everything is working out for you!  EVERYTHING!    Learn to be in a place of faith and peace in all things, and watch life become magical!

ON another amaaazing topic,   Did you know that YL has a black friday sale annually and this year is no different!  They have knocked it out of the park with deals of 50% off and soooo much more.

And as always, I'm available to answer questions and help you with anything you might need.  It's my job!    Sending you beautiful love and light and joy for your day and upcoming week!     Many blessings to you and THANK YOU SO MUCH!     Please feel free to check out my You Tube channel for more mindset hacks!  
Have a GREAT DAY!    Please reply to this email if you have any questions.
Love Always,


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