Well, today is the last day of the teens of this century and what a year it's been. Heck, What a decade! So much has happened it's mind boggling.
This last year was a difficult one but also one of the best in recent history. There's been lots of life lessons and painful growth. It's all been worth it. This year my son and I moved to a new city, St. Augustine Florida which we absolutely love. My son started middle school after being homeschooled for 3 years, and what a good decision that was! He's loving it. I also found a new passion that I thought I would never have. Exercise. Cycling for hours and going fast makes my heart smile. Thanks Kenny for bringing that to my life, I am so grateful.
Even with all that craziness and change, one thing didn't change. We still held a healthy lifestyle and food choices and lived as chemical free as possible in our home.
This year also brought many lessons. Life lessons, personal lessons, relationship lessons. You name it, I got tons of lessons this year. I am ever grateful for every single one! Lots of tears, journaling and oils and even meditation got me through. Stronger, better, more, ME! These lessons are shedding the old beliefs and defense mechanisms I have carried since childhood. Things I thought I would always do and be. Well, with awareness you can get a grip on the crap you do and change it and the behavior for the better. Is it hard, yes. Does it hurt, definitely. Is it worth it, ABSOLUTELY! One thing this year has taught me is that you should never underestimate the power of being quiet. Not everything needs to be said and it's ok. That was soo freeing and a wise soul who I love very much helped me grasp that concept.

As this new year comes tomorrow, I am ready. Ready for the new fresh year. A year, a decade of new beginnings. Dreams to pursue and goals to chase. During this process, this journey we call life, I will remain grateful in all circumstances. You know why, because it feels better. I can go thru the darkest of tunnels but with gratitude, the light is always visible at the end. I like that. I have so much to be grateful for that it's overwhelming. God is soo good and it's a choice to see the good or bad in situations. I've done both and I choose gratitude.
That all being said, I wish everyone a very happy new year and decade with a heart full of hope and a willingness to become who you are meant to be. Be blessed.