Read that again.
Break that belief and start to focus instead on your body’s amazing ability to heal. Work towards that goal. In doing so, you allow yourself to feel better, make better choices and bring healing.
But if you like being diseased, that’s ok too.
We have the ability to choose.
Leave a comment below and let me know what words you're gonna change today.

Making your home a cleaner environment doesn’t have to be hard. It starts with little changes. Here’s one of the first things I swapped in my home years ago. Dish soap. It works great! Cuts grease too!!
Thieves dish soap and Thieves Cleaner available here! You can also access any of the oils you could like to customize your scent on .
The vegetable glycerin can be purchased on Amazon.

BIG NEWS!!!!!!
I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting not only your health, but small business. You’re appreciated.

This month's promo is pretty awesome! Especially now in the winter! The hat and gloves are so soft!!
************************This month I am holding a drawing for a Sweet Aroma Diffuser! Yep, You read right!
************************To qualify for an entry:
+190 PV or above ER order or quick order+ If you sign up this month for Essential Rewards and place a 100 pv order (if you don't know what ER is, reply to this email or text and I'll be glad to explain!) Essential Rewards Explained
+Get a friend to join YL as a wholesale member (easy peasey, just ask me or your enroller for your link) and you get $50 too!! (winning) Even new members with a basic starter kit and 100 pv (FREE SHIPPING on all new member starter kits thru JAN 31)
+300 PV + orders get 2 entries
Each entry is a chance to win. Get as many entries as you can. (Entries will be calculated from Jan 1-31)