Have you ditched the perfume yet???
Did you know fragrance, the ingredient listed on labels, is toxic to our body and it’s in ALMOST EVERYTHING YOU BUY AT THE STORE!! Even the “natural” products, that are so called "clean" contain Fragrance!
My journey down this new lifestyle of natural products began when I got diagnosed with a very scary, terminal condition, in my head 6 years ago. WHOA! Talk about a wake up call. That scared me, but I already knew enough about what their course of treatment would mean for my body and it would start a ticking clock. As a mother of a 6 yr old son, I chose to not start that clock that their "treatment" would begin, but I chose an alternative method. Find out why this happened and start living clean. I started my journey into learning what could've cased this and I found soooooooo many things that were in my NORMAL everyday products and were extremely toxic, bioaccumulative and neurotoxins to top it off! 💥 WHATT!!!! You mean to tell me all the products I've been using on my body, hair, plug ins, candles, perfumes, laundry, detergents and soaps, hair, makeup, pet products, baby products, feminine care products, yard products, EVERY DAMN THING I had in my home and cabinets was making my body sick, slowly, over time. AND, I was starting the same toxic lifestyle with my innocent child. I HAD TO MAKE A CHANGE! That's when I was introduced to Young Living. That's another story all together and here's a link to that testimony on my you tube --->.
My StoryRead the labels, educate yourself on what you’re using on you and your family. Even and especially those sweet babies. These fragrance chemicals, not only are toxic, BUT, they accumulate in our cells causing DISEASE!
Give your body a fighting chance against disease and start eliminating the things you use that have fragrance in them. You can thank me later. You’re welcome!
Wait!!! You must think I'm crazy to think you're gonna not smell good anymore. Or that you're giving up all the familiar scents you've come accustomed to having in your home, on your clothes, and in your bathroom, kitchen and cleaning products! Nope.
I'm not asking you to give up ANYTHING! I'm asking you to to just do the research yourself, then ask yourself if this is something you want in almost EVERY product you buy!
There's TONS of articles on the toxic effects on our body. Tons of science. Tons of proof fragrance is BAD news. Here's just one article to start your journey into the wormhole.
Oh, what the heck, here's another.
From the US National Library of Medicine, for those people who like numbers and scientific studies:
With all this being said, you can see and maybe get a glimpse into why I am soo passionate about my lifestyle that includes Young Living at the heart of it.
If you're not with YL, now and want to re-begin your journey, you'll be pleasantly surprised starting next month! Everything will be so much easier to get and get started with our new shopping platform and ways to be a customer or a brand partner! Gone are the days of being a distributor if you are only interested in product usage. Now, you decide if you want to use only, or use and build a business! I am super excited to share this new platform with y'all when it releases, but for now you can go to
Young Living and check out all the new products we have gotten since you've been away. I'm always here to help guide and assist you getting yourself plugged back into a healthy home. Are you ready? I am!
Let's do this! You're worth the change!
Sending love and light to you!
Casey ❤️ ❤️