March Madness: Young Living’s Promo That’ll Make You LOL and Glow!

March Madness: Young Living’s Promo That’ll Make You LOL and Glow!
Welcome to March Madness with Young Living! This month, Young Living has launched a promotion that will make you look, smell, and feel fabulous. Featured in the promo is the Bloom Again Roller, available for free with a 300 PV order, ensuring you emerge from winter smelling as fresh as a spring garden. For those reaching a 400 PV order, a bottle of Lemongrass essential oil is included, perfect for invigorating spring cleaning and deterring pesky bugs during outdoor activities.

This promotion isn't just about snagging great deals; it's also a gentle reminder of the power of positive thinking. Emphasizing the impact of mindset, the blog post highlights that cultivating a positive outlook can transform your life as effectively as essential oils transform your space. By nurturing thoughts of abundance and joy, and complementing them with essential oils like the Bloom Again Roller, you can build a life filled with positivity and fragrance.

But how can you integrate these essential oils into your daily life? The post suggests starting your morning with Peppermint in your diffuser for an invigorating boost, revitalizing your afternoon with Bloom Again for a refreshing uplift, and winding down your evening with Lavender in a bath for a restful night. Ready to enhance your routine this spring? Explore Young Living's offerings and turn your life into a fragrant oasis.

Are you a winner?

Are you a winner?
Hope you're having a fantastic day!  I wanted to share a thought.

This world is so competitive. That being said, we cannot be competitive and creative at the same time. When we are competitive, we have the mindset of I need to win instead of an attitude of I want everybody to be successful.

The golden rule is so simple. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Simple.

If we have a competitive mindset, we don’t want for others as we want for ourselves. We want to win and not others. 🤔. I’m here to tell ya, life begins to become amazing when we want the same blessings for us as we do others. Everyone deserves to be a winner. I know I am! I want it for you as well! Do you realize that everyone on this planet is a winner and is living the race of life that’s theirs and theirs alone. So when we are competing with each other, we all lose. You do you! Clap for others! Be nice! Forgive. Become more.
Love others as you love yourself. It’s really not that hard. ❤️

Did you know that Europe has banned hundreds of ingredients that the US allows in our products and food? These harmful ingredients are found in everything from your home care products to the foods in your pantry and can cause many health problems. Things like synthetic food dyes found in common children's snacks and cereals can cause or exacerbate adverse neurobehavioral outcomes.
To keep your family as healthy as possible, let’s continue the trend of cleaning up inside and out and talk about other ways to ditch the harmful chemicals and ingredients in your home and switch to healthy alternatives. 
Whether you're looking to get a fresh start in your kitchen, pantry, bathroom, or living room, Young Living® has something for you! 
Here is one of my favorite resources that breaks down room by room what products/ingredients might be causing you harm and what YL products you can use instead! 
Check out the Oily Home Makeover Resource HERE.
As a little bonus, I put together some easy-to-read graphics to help you see what harmful ingredients are lurking in some of your most common household items and what to swap them out with HERE. The first statement will shock you! 

Upcoming Events and Classes 

May 15 @ 2pm- Essentially Free (an essential oil basics class)

Save the date for the upcoming Young Living Convention in July! Get discounted pricing on your in-person or virtual ticket until May 30th HERE.

Monthly Gifts with Purchase

CLICK HERE to check out this month's Gifts with Purchase From Young Living.  I love that 100pv, you get 10 points extra!! (that's 20 points $$). Not to mention the great products including some staples in my home!

May wellness box ideas for the whole family! 

Have you started your Loyalty Rewards orders yet? It's the best deal! Get free points to cash in for free products when you order 50PV or more monthly. Learn more about Loyalty Rewards HERE.

PS: Father’s Day is next month! Show the Dads in your life appreciation by putting together a little care package. Check out a few of my resources with great gift ideas for the special men in your life! 
And as always, I want to thank you so much for being part of this community. Please reach out by responding to this email, or a call! (352-427-2497)  I'm here to help!  

Love and light,

Casey Forte
Essential Oil lover 
Mindset Mentor

Spring is around the corner! Finally

Spring is around the corner! Finally


Hello, March! 

Many blessings and much warm weather to you. This month we get to welcome one of earth’s most delightful seasons - a season filled with rebirth, regrowth, rejuvenation, and renewal. Spring is a time where we celebrate our world and the beauty it brings about. Spring also comes with a little thing called pollen - and our noses don’t always enjoy that. Make this roller and keep it on hand; you never know when you might need it! 





Star or flag this message so you can refer back to it all month long! 

You’ll hear all about… 

  • Monthly YL Gifts with Purchase + Recipes
  • March Wellness Box Ideas
  • Young Living in the Kitchen
  • Product Spotlight
  • Important Announcements
  • Upcoming Events


Monthly Gifts with Purchase

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 400 PV! 



*Receive the Subscription Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!


Recipes Using Your Monthly Gifts




March Wellness Box Ideas

Young Living is more than just essential oils. It’s a gateway to a lifestyle filled with wellness, purpose, and abundance. Start this new year off fresh! If you haven’t ditched the toxins in your home - do it now! Start with one room and tackle one area at a time. Then set up a wellness box to arrive at your doorstep with safe replacements.

Simply log into your account, find the items you want, and click “Add to Subscription.” Add at least 50 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points to spend on future one-time orders! Add at least 100 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points + get free shipping! 

You can choose to have those items arrive monthly OR stretch them out to every two or three months - up to you. Don’t want them in your box anymore? No problem! Just delete them and add in what you DO want. It’s simple and completely customizable. Here are some ideas for your March box…


Young Living in the Kitchen

Ready for a quick and easy snack? Try this simple guacamole recipe using a handful of fresh ingredients plus two incredible citrus oils from the Vitality line. Did you know the white-labeled Vitality oils are the same oil as their sold-labeled counterpart? Yep! That Seed to Seal quality guarantee covers it all - you’re getting only the best! 

What are these oils good for? 

  • Citrus Fresh Vitality combines Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Tangerine, Lemon, and Spearmint essential oils, which contain antioxidants and provide cleansing properties when taken internally.
  • Lime Vitality contains antioxidants, supports general wellness, and can be used with Slique products for weight management when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.



Product Spotlight

Have you ever tried Kunzea? It’s a good one! Listen to the story behind it… 

A native shrub that grows wild along the southern coast of Australia and Tasmania, kunzea was used for centuries by native cultures. The kunzea plant, with its bulbous tops and whimsical blossoms, is commonly referred to as “white cloud.” Its white and pink flowers are found growing in sandy soils along coastal regions and often attract native insects, birds, and small animals.

Try applying it to your chest for a refreshing breathing experience or add to your daily face regimen to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.


Important Announcements

Rise to Rank is an exciting, new rank-up challenge that rewards you for growing your business. The goal is simple: Achieve Executive or Silver rank by June 30 and earn an exclusive reward! Go here for more info: 


We have exciting news about KidScents Unwind! Enjoy the refreshing watermelon flavor without the bitter notes you may have previously experienced. KidScents Unwind features an improved sweetener called Reb M. Reb M is a zero-calorie sweetener derived from non-GMO, rapidly renewable sugar cane, making it a highly sustainable choice in line with our environmental stewardship values! Reb M is also much closer to the taste of real sugar, making Unwind that much tastier to kiddos who’ve come to love what it can do. Try the new formulation now!


Upcoming Events & Classes

Young Living convention is back - in-person and virtually!  Welcome to the first-ever Young Living North American Convention! Just like our Asia Pacific, European, and Latin American regions have their own conventions, the annual convention held in Salt Lake City will now be utilized by our North America region to host their own convention - geared to the North American audience.


Registration is open and will remain open until April 30, 2022, for in-person tickets, or while availability lasts. There is no capacity limit for virtual tickets, and they will remain available through June 10.  


Join us in Salt Lake City, UT at the Salt Palace Convention Center, or virtually, June 15-18, 2022! 


Pricing for in-person tickets is $225.

Pricing for virtual tickets is $50.


Go here for more information:

Brrr from Florida!

 Hey there and happy February.  It's so exciting to start a fresh month with a fresh perspective.

January was a month for the books! So much good happened in my life and yet so much change. I'm grateful for it all!   January was a reminder that dark times do and will pass. Always.  Just keep moving forward.   Life is good.  Soo good.  ❤️     Spring is upon us, I mean it's closer than last month.   I'm super excited for all things to turn green and become alive again, but for now, we will be grateful for the present.    And today, it's gonna be a beach day.  Yep, for the last week, it's been unseasonably cold here in Florida (i.e. hoodies and shoes). We even had a deep freeze at 27degrees!!!! GAAAAAA!     Who loves the cold?   I'm sure some do.  Some find it invigorating.  Some find it wonderful.  and then there's me.  On the opposite side of the spectrum.  It chills me to the bone and makes every single muscle tense up 🥶 . And that's below 70 degrees. (seriously).  Enough on my rant about the cold 🥶 , and on to the good stuff!    Check out all the cool stuff and such below!   And check out my giveaway at the end ❤️ (because you’re amazing).

Also, I gave my website a makeover! It was long overdue and is still a work in progress.   I'm open to any ideas on the content you would like to see on it!   Check it out here!  Reply to this email if you have any input you would like to share.  I appreciate you. 

Now on to the good stuff ❤️ 

Hello, February! 

February is often looked at as the month of love, with a major focus on Valentine’s Day. While it can be fun to celebrate this romanticized day, it’s also a great opportunity to practice some self-care! Here are some ways you can put yourself in the spotlight this month… 






Star or flag this message so you can refer back to it all month long! 

You’ll hear all about… 

  • Monthly YL Gifts with Purchase + Recipes
  • February Wellness Box Ideas
  • Young Living in the Kitchen
  • Product Spotlight
  • Important Announcements
  • Giveaway



Monthly Gifts with Purchase

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV! 

 *Receive the Subscription Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!

Recipes Using Your Monthly Gifts





February Wellness Box Ideas

Young Living is more than just essential oils. It’s a gateway to a lifestyle filled with wellness, purpose, and abundance. Start this new year off fresh! If you haven’t ditched the toxins in your home - do it now! Start with one room and tackle one area at a time. Then set up a wellness box to arrive at your doorstep with safe replacements.

Simply log into your account, find the items you want, and click “Add to Subscription.” Add at least 50 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points to spend on future one-time orders! Add at least 100 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points + get free shipping! 

You can choose to have those items arrive monthly OR stretch them out to every two or three months - up to you. Don’t want them in your box anymore? No problem! Just delete them and add in what you DO want. It’s simple and completely customizable. Here are some ideas for your February box… 



Young Living in the Kitchen

Use your Vitality oils to whip up something fun to celebrate the season! Perhaps a spicy drink? Make it a girls night and let everyone have a try! 



What are these oils good for? 

  • Black Pepper Vitality - contains antioxidants, supports healthy weight management and digestive wellness when combined with a healthy lifestyle
  • Lime Vitality - contains antioxidants and supports general wellness
  • Celery Seed Vitality -  contains antioxidants and may support overall wellbeing and a healthy digestive system when added to recipes high in fiber
  • Lemon Vitality - contains antioxidants; provides immune and circulatory support



Product Spotlight

If you like the benefits of Stress Away and Peace & Calming, you will love the Tranquil Roll-On! It’s a sweet little blend of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Roman Chamomile.


Tranquil has a soothing aroma that creates a calming, serene, and peaceful experience. So any time you just feel like you need to relax and ground yourself, grab this roller and apply it to your wrists, temples, neck, or behind your ears. Combat that occasional stress in a healthy way! You can even use this blend before bed to encourage relaxation and a restful night of sleep. 




Important Announcements

Rise to Rank is an exciting, new rank-up challenge that rewards you for growing your business. The goal is simple: Achieve Executive or Silver rank by June 30 and earn an exclusive reward! Go here for more info:


 Did you know Young Living has a blog? It is packed with incredible tips, tricks, and more! Check out one of the latest posts about your furry friends - “Tips to Help Your Dog Weather Winter.”

Upcoming Events & Classes



Young Living convention is back - in-person and virtually!  Welcome to the first-ever Young Living North American Convention! Just like our Asia Pacific, European, and Latin American regions have their own conventions, the annual convention held in Salt Lake City will now be utilized by our North America region to host their own convention - geared to the North American audience.


Registration is open and will remain open until April 30, 2022, for in-person tickets, or while availability lasts. There is no capacity limit for virtual tickets, and they will remain available through June 10.  


Join us in Salt Lake City, UT at the Salt Palace Convention Center, or virtually, June 15-18, 2022! 


Pricing for in-person tickets is $225.

Pricing for virtual tickets is $50. 

Go here for more information:


This month I'm going CRAZYYY!!!   I'll be giving away a $25 credit to the winner!

To be entered into the drawing this month, do one or more of the following:

1/ Share a testimony on your personal fb page or insta and tag me! (2 entries)
2/ Enroll a friend in YL (5 entries)
3/ Place a 100pv order (STS or reg) (each 100 pv is an entry)
As always, I'm here to help guide you, help you, assist you in all ways regarding your health and wellness.  I'm just a call, text, or email away.   Thank you for your support of small business and your health ❤️ Your body is loving it!  That's a promise.

Blessings and love,
Casey Forte

if you're not a young living customer yet and want to be, it's become easier than ever.  Simply go here, and shop.  
if you're an old customer, and want to place an order, simply log in ( I can help)       

Practicing gratitude in the busy

Practicing gratitude in the busy

Hey and happy thanksgiving week!!  
This week  officially brings  in the busy season with it and I wanted to give you a quick reminder.   I want to remind you during these times of busy-ness, parties, sugar cookies and making sure everyone else is taken care of, make sure to take care of you first. Here’s a simple practice: take a few minutes in the morning before you even get your feet on the floor, to be grateful. State to yourself 5 things you’re grateful for and try to feel the emotion with it.  Practice it. Make it a habit. Heck, even add a gratitude journal You’d be amazed at what you start to write about.  The change comes with the practice. Keep going, even if you skip a day or 3. Give yourself grace and start again.  You’re enough! Today the Black Friday week of deals has dropped!
It’s live to shop!! 
Check out these deals! Oh, and party bonus, if you’re not currently an active customer, you can still purchase these items and also get them on subscribe to save. (double win, no loss!) 
Don’t have an account? Again, just go to young living to shop!  When you do, please use my id #3141355

I’m so stoked about all the goodies on sale!  Here’s just some of the basics that are on sale. There’s so much more just click below to see the deets! 
Do you want more deets?  Here ya go!! Run down on sale items
I’m also giving away 5 bottles of CHRISTMAS SPIRIT essential oil blend!!!
To be entered, just place a 250 pv order and I’ll select 5 winners from qualifying orders!!!!!  
I appreciate you and am grateful you’re here.    If there’s anything I can do for you, please reach out. 

Love and Blessings to you
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