
     Today as I  sit outside and enjoy the morning sounds I’m grateful.    I’m grateful for so manyyyy things it’s hard to even begin to share all of them.  
     That being said, I also am going thru one of the most difficult times in my life right now where it feels like everything is coming against me at once.  I mean, really, can I catch a break, please?
     Even in all that turmoil, I still stay focused on the things I’m grateful for. Do you know why?  Because gratitude is the absolute highest frequency and vibration out there.  Gratitude brings things your way to be grateful for.   For example, yesterday after something I had to do, that I didn’t want to, but was grateful for the opportunity, I was craving a fruit bowl. So I went to the place, Nektar in Jax beach(amazing stuff) anyway, the lady in front of me had a coupon she couldn’t use and gave it to me.   My fruit bowl was FREE!  I didn’t earn it, I didn’t ask for it, I just was grateful for the ability to be there and receive it.
Gratitude opens our hearts up for receiving in life.    Receiving  everything you’ve ever hoped for is God’s desire for you.    So, even in your struggles, remember to be grateful for every little thing.  They become the big things over time.  Love to you!
Casey ❤️

Free Hair Hacks!

Free Hair Hacks!
HELLOOO There!!!!

I'm sooo excited!!!   
This last week was our International Grand Convention with YL!   In the Summer, we all fly out to Salt Lake City and have a Grand time with over 35,000 people, but, this last year has been different.  That being said, the convention was held virtually again this year, so lots of us got together in Orlando at a giant resort with huge homes as rentals!   We all stayed in a neighborhood and it was a great experience together even though it was in smaller groups.  Here's one of the photos we captured during the event!   We also celebrated rank achievements and I got to be recognized for reaching the rank of Gold with YL.  Thank you! Super grateful and exciting!

Being a part of this community has not only helped grow my business, but they also help with personal growth and development.  We support each other in so many ways and it's encouraging to watch people soar.    It still amazes me daily that I stumbled across this company as a way to help heal my body, and ditch the fragrance in my home almost 6 years ago.   Not only has my body completely done a turn around, but I get to experience so many other's success stories with these amazing products and oils.

Do you know I said NO to Young Living 4 times before I said YES.    I was ignorant.  Ignorant of the power of EO's. Ignorant of the company and what it stood for.  Ignorant of the income opportunity that was possible.  Ignorant of the community I would grow to love.  Ignorant of the ways I could be an impact in my community to help others.   I WAS IGNORANT.   Then I learned.  Now, I share.     It all started when I started Using the products in my every day life.  My life started to change. My body felt better. I knew I had made the right decision and 6 yrs later, I'm still soo passionate about this company and how we are changing the world, one bottle of oil at a time.  

Here's my story, if you haven't heard how YL changed my life  My story

Now for the goods on the new products released last week!   All The NEW GOODNESS!
Not only are there great new products and oil blends, but they've REFORMULATED the Shampoos and Conditioners to make them EVEN BETTER!!!  (I love our current ones, so this should be even better!). Some of the products include Luscious lemon in an essential oil blend and lotion, a new thieves scouring scrub for cleaning and a Charcoal Face Mask that's off the chain awesome!
If you could only see my excitement!    BUT WAIT!!!! There's one I almost forgot to mention, but it's the MOST AMAZING NEW PRODUCT EVERRRRRR!!!!!!!----------->.  GOLDEN TURMERIC!!!!! 
Check out the deets in the link above, or here New Product Deets
ANDDDDDD There's a SPECIAL SALE GOING ON RIGHT NOW - Deets in the Virtual office, but there's 25% off of makeup, C 🐝 D, and many other great items! Go check it out!  SALE ITEMS!
There's so many new products, just check out the link above to see them all!

Anywayyyyyy, I want to thank you for your time reading this and checking out the new stuff.  If you are interested in reactivating your account, just reply to this message and I'll get you right back in the saddle with your choice of goodies.  Here's those free hair hacks I mentioned earlier!

If you're a product user, THANK YOU!  I love to see people thriving with the ditching of toxins and switching to a toxin free lifestyle! Thanks for supporting your health and small business too!   I'm thankful someone shared YL with me and sharing YL with others is really that easy.  Talk about it.  Tell people what you love, just like you would a restaurant or favorite place. ❤️ 

If you are interested in learning more about the side hustle of changing lives, reply to this and I can help ya out! 
If you're not interested in earning extra cash, that's perfectly fine too!  There are plenty of people who are just loving the products in their daily lives, for years!    It's almost like, once you go YL, you never go back to the other stuff!  I know I won't! ❤️   

  Fun fact: 
                95% of Young Living users Don't do the business side, they just love the products!
               That's amazing! 

What are some of your favorite products? (reply to share your testimonies with me)
What are some products you'd like to try? (reply to email for samples)
Would you like to get your products for free? (ask me how)
p.s. here's the freebies for your qualifying orders this month!

Thank you for your time and I appreciate you!
Blessings and Love,
Casey Forte

Is your home clean?

Is your home clean?
CLEANER HOMES start with small changes.

 Making your home a cleaner environment doesn’t have to be hard. It starts with little changes. Here’s one of the first things I swapped in my home years ago. Dish soap. It works great! Cuts grease too!!

Thieves dish soap and Thieves Cleaner available here!  You can also access any of the oils you could like to customize your scent on .
The vegetable glycerin can be purchased on Amazon.  

Don’t forget to check out all of our April promotions! It’s super easy to get these freebies with your qualifying purchase.  

BIG NEWS!!!!!!
Have you received an email from Young Living explaining the new website shopping experience for our customers and brand partners?
Check it out for some great news!

I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting not only your health, but small business. You’re appreciated.  
I’m always available for questions or guidance!
Thank you and God Bless you, 

May Flowers are HERE! (and Free FRANK!)

May Flowers are HERE! (and Free FRANK!)

Hey there!  

Happy May and the beginning of the warmer summer months in Florida.  I hope your lives are filled with joy and peace during these changing times. it occured to me that I have been sending these newsletters forever and I don't think I've ever introduced myself to those of you who might not know me personally.  Hi!  I'm Casey Forte and this is my son, Taylor.   We live in St. Augustine, Florida and  we moved here last July and we love it here.  We love all things outdoors and healthy living too. 5 years ago, I decided it would be best to start to change the way we lived due to a sudden change in my health.  That included the food we ate, the thoughts we think and the products we use.  It's been an amazing shift.  Really.   Life is good and I'm so grateful this door was opened for me and my son.  Not only are we healthier with less, almost none, down days, but our bodies are now accustomed to the natural lifestyle and that in itself brings a sense of peace.  Just knowing that our daily living is not harming us or our body systems anymore.  Having comfort knowing our bodies are supported and balanced in the way God intended makes my mommas heart smile.  That's my why in this journey.   Our lives have been  completely transformed just by changing some things out.   I get such joy helping others do the same and watching their wellness transformations too.    It really makes me happy too when those people decide to share this with their loved ones for the same reasons.   It's just amazing to me and I feel soo  blessed. Grateful.

Well, enough about me, i wanted to share some amazing things YL is doing for us this month! (and every month if you ask me!) FIRST and FOREMOST, TODAY!!! Is back in stock Wednesday and they've got some amazing items back in stock, sales, and my all time fave, 15 ml PEACE AND CALMING!!!! What the WHAT!!!!  Check out the deals in these pics and they'll be live in the website at 2pm EST!   So get ready!

With that exciting news out there, there's also a big deal this month with the promotions!   If you order this month, like always, there are freebies at different PV levels.   This month, at 300 pv, they are giving free FRANK!!!   That's not mentioning all the other bomb oils for free this month! Longevity, Lavender, Endoflex, and a Deep Relief (Ahhhhh)Roll on!!!! AHHH Mazing!     

But wait there's more (in my late night infomercial voice), but seriously, there is!

This month I am GIVING AWAY 10 OILS from my stash! To qualify, just place 100 pv order or more, and if you want an extra entry, just get started on Essential Rewards and place a 100pv order. (two entries)  You'll get 3 entries for 300 pv orders.    Your entries will be automatic and I will do a live drawing in June on FB in our group page, Good Vibe Tribe.   If you're in there, I've already shared the oils I'm giving away this month! Check it out Here. If you're not in it, shoot me an email or text and friend me on FB, and I'll get you in!  Tons of product info, education and testimonies! 

Here's a great diffuser blend that's very similar to our new Luscious Lemon hand soap.  Seriously, if you haven't tried it, you should.   That being said, all new members, reactivations (with starter kit) will get a FREE bottle of this amazing soap!  So share this with your friends and family! What a great time to revamp your home.  

As always I want to thank each and every one of you for caring about your health and wellness! It really makes my heart happy to see this group grow and continue along this journey, together, as a tribe.  Our team achieved a new rank with YL last month and it's all because of you faithful members who love YL and have made the change!   I love you all!   Blessings and favor to you. I am always available for questions, nothing is too small.   Have a great day!

Casey Forte




I'm happy to have another month on this earth to love on people and help them live better in the process.
How has your February been? Hopefully fantastic!  Now that Valentine's day is behind us and March is just around the corner, I'm happy to see spring popping up before we know it.  

I've been working in the yard to get ready for the warmer weather and the flowers that come along with it.  Spring is my favorite because of the warmer temperatures and the fresh foliage on the trees.  Everything is fresh and new. Vibrant colors everywhere. It reminds me of life and how when we are in the midst of the darkness, the sun always comes out and makes it bright again.  New.  

Lately I've been seeing essential oils all over every store I walk into.  I'm so glad I only use the best for my home and family. I'm glad you are part of our Young Living family too.  Your family is worth the best quality essential oils and products for your home and body.  Thanks for investing in your health and the health of your family too.  
Not only are they the best oils and products I've ever experienced, they give back in extremely generous ways to their loyal members making it a great value.  This month's promotions are through the roof spectacular.  These oils are by far some of my favorites, all for free! To get the deals I just order the things I use in my home and on and in my body from my monthly ER order.  Over the last 5 years, I have transitioned my home to a YL home.  Most everything I used to buy from the store that was retail price and full of toxins was replaced with YL products and member pricing.   I consider that a winning situation.  Being on essential rewards now for 53 months, I always need to replace some items every month making being on the monthly subscription is a no brainer.  I get 25% back on everything I spend on top of the monthly promotions I receive.  I can't beat it.   Every product I have tried I love!  I challenge you to try the ER program for 90 days and swap out some of the products you buy at the store. Try some new supplements, cleaners,makeup, or even protein shakes!  Have them delivered to your home and know you are providing the best for your family's health and wellbeing.  

NEW ER MEMBERS THIS MONTH WILL RECEIVE A SURPRISE OIL IN THE MAIL FROM ME!  Get started now! There's no obligation or contract.  You can sign up anytime and cancel anytime as well.   To be able to cash in the points accrued, you must be in the ER program for 90 days.  

As for the Giveaway I did last month! There were tons of entries and the winner of the Sweet Aroma Diffuser is Patricia Beck!   Congratulations and THANK YOU!   
Thanks for supporting your health and well being and small business all together. You are appreciated and as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

See ya next month!   God bless you.

Casey Forte

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