Hey there!
Happy May and the beginning of the warmer summer months in Florida. I hope your lives are filled with joy and peace during these changing times. it occured to me that I have been sending these newsletters forever and I don't think I've ever introduced myself to those of you who might not know me personally. Hi! I'm Casey Forte and this is my son, Taylor. We live in St. Augustine, Florida and we moved here last July and we love it here. We love all things outdoors and healthy living too. 5 years ago, I decided it would be best to start to change the way we lived due to a sudden change in my health. That included the food we ate, the thoughts we think and the products we use. It's been an amazing shift. Really. Life is good and I'm so grateful this door was opened for me and my son. Not only are we healthier with less, almost none, down days, but our bodies are now accustomed to the natural lifestyle and that in itself brings a sense of peace. Just knowing that our daily living is not harming us or our body systems anymore. Having comfort knowing our bodies are supported and balanced in the way God intended makes my mommas heart smile. That's my why in this journey. Our lives have been completely transformed just by changing some things out. I get such joy helping others do the same and watching their wellness transformations too. It really makes me happy too when those people decide to share this with their loved ones for the same reasons. It's just amazing to me and I feel soo blessed. Grateful.
Well, enough about me, i wanted to share some amazing things YL is doing for us this month! (and every month if you ask me!) FIRST and FOREMOST, TODAY!!! Is back in stock Wednesday and they've got some amazing items back in stock, sales, and my all time fave, 15 ml PEACE AND CALMING!!!! What the WHAT!!!! Check out the deals in these pics and they'll be live in the
website at 2pm EST! So get ready!
With that exciting news out there, there's also a big deal this month with the promotions! If you order this month, like always, there are freebies at different PV levels. This month, at 300 pv, they are giving free FRANK!!! That's not mentioning all the other bomb oils for free this month! Longevity, Lavender, Endoflex, and a Deep Relief (Ahhhhh)Roll on!!!! AHHH Mazing!
But wait there's more (in my late night infomercial voice), but seriously, there is!
This month I am GIVING AWAY 10 OILS from my stash! To qualify, just place 100 pv order or more, and if you want an extra entry, just get started on
Essential Rewards and place a 100pv order. (two entries) You'll get 3 entries for 300 pv orders. Your entries will be automatic and I will do a live drawing in June on FB in our group page, Good Vibe Tribe. If you're in there, I've already shared the oils I'm giving away this month! Check it out
Here. If you're not in it, shoot me an email or text and friend me on FB, and I'll get you in! Tons of product info, education and testimonies!
Here's a great diffuser blend that's very similar to our new Luscious Lemon hand soap. Seriously, if you haven't tried it, you should. That being said, all new members, reactivations (with starter kit) will get a FREE bottle of this amazing soap! So share this with your friends and family! What a great time to revamp your home.
As always I want to thank each and every one of you for caring about your health and wellness! It really makes my heart happy to see this group grow and continue along this journey, together, as a tribe. Our team achieved a new rank with YL last month and it's all because of you faithful members who love YL and have made the change! I love you all! Blessings and favor to you. I am always available for questions, nothing is too small. Have a great day!
Casey Forte