Our mindset is the impetus that drives our actions
Let go of negative thoughts
Meditation opens our minds to the higher power
Being generous and compassionate with others helps our own well-being
- "It's not just about the money, it's giving back," says Bobbi. "When we give, we get so much more back in return."
- This is especially true when you're able to help someone who really needs it. For example: If a friend asks for advice on how to deal with their abusive boyfriend, you could say something as simple as: "I think you should leave him." Then your friend will be grateful for your advice and likely feel better about making changes in their life. In effect, by helping them out of an unhealthy situation, you give yourself peace of mind as well!
- Now imagine doing this on a massive scale—for example, through charity work or political activism—and getting similar results across the entire community! The amount of joy that would come from helping everyone around us live happier lives would be exponentially greater than any amount we could ever achieve by ourselves alone!
A well rested body and mind are essential to success
- A well rested body and mind are essential to success
- Sleep helps us form memories
- When we sleep our brains continue consolidating memories from the day into long term storage which makes them easier to access later on when needed (such as when taking a test). According to research conducted by Dr Sara Mednick at UC Irvine School Of Medicine , students who took naps before their tests had better results than students who did not take naps before their tests! The same research showed that even after six months these students maintained higher grades than those who didn't nap before exams! This shows how important good quality sleep really is - if you don't get enough then your brain won’t be working at 100% capacity either during waking hours or when you try catching up on lost sleep later on so make sure that each night your mind gets plenty restful hours between its “offline” moments where no one else can access what's stored there ;)
Practice gratitude for all that we have in this world.
By keeping a positive mindset, it allows us to live a more fulfilling life
- By keeping a positive mindset, it allows us to live a more fulfilling life. When we are positive, we can do more. We are more likely to achieve our goals and succeed in life. We are also more likely to be happy and healthy as well as generous with others.
- The opposite is true when we have a negative mindset. A negative attitude will not allow us to do what we want in life or accomplish any of our dreams because everything seems like such an uphill battle with no way out.


In those things comes peace. In those things comes freedom. In those things comes joy. But you gotta let that shit go first.
I challenge you to drop some of the past burdens you’ve been carrying for way too long and learn to allow new, better experiences to fill your heart and mind instead.

Hello, July!

- Monthly YL Gifts with Purchase + Recipes
- July Wellness Box Ideas
- Young Living in the Kitchen
- Product Spotlight
- Important Announcements
- Upcoming Events
Monthly Gifts with Purchase

Recipes Using Your Monthly Gifts

July Wellness Box Ideas

Young Living in the Kitchen

Product Spotlight

Important Announcements

Upcoming Events & Classes

Hey there and happy February. It's so exciting to start a fresh month with a fresh perspective.

Hello, February!
February is often looked at as the month of love, with a major focus on Valentine’s Day. While it can be fun to celebrate this romanticized day, it’s also a great opportunity to practice some self-care! Here are some ways you can put yourself in the spotlight this month…
Star or flag this message so you can refer back to it all month long!
You’ll hear all about…
- Monthly YL Gifts with Purchase + Recipes
- February Wellness Box Ideas
- Young Living in the Kitchen
- Product Spotlight
- Important Announcements
- Giveaway
Monthly Gifts with Purchase
When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV!
*Receive the Subscription Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!
Recipes Using Your Monthly Gifts
February Wellness Box Ideas
Young Living is more than just essential oils. It’s a gateway to a lifestyle filled with wellness, purpose, and abundance. Start this new year off fresh! If you haven’t ditched the toxins in your home - do it now! Start with one room and tackle one area at a time. Then set up a wellness box to arrive at your doorstep with safe replacements.
Simply log into your account, find the items you want, and click “Add to Subscription.” Add at least 50 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points to spend on future one-time orders! Add at least 100 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points + get free shipping!
You can choose to have those items arrive monthly OR stretch them out to every two or three months - up to you. Don’t want them in your box anymore? No problem! Just delete them and add in what you DO want. It’s simple and completely customizable. Here are some ideas for your February box…
Young Living in the Kitchen
Use your Vitality oils to whip up something fun to celebrate the season! Perhaps a spicy drink? Make it a girls night and let everyone have a try!
What are these oils good for?
- Black Pepper Vitality - contains antioxidants, supports healthy weight management and digestive wellness when combined with a healthy lifestyle
- Lime Vitality - contains antioxidants and supports general wellness
- Celery Seed Vitality - contains antioxidants and may support overall wellbeing and a healthy digestive system when added to recipes high in fiber
- Lemon Vitality - contains antioxidants; provides immune and circulatory support
Product Spotlight
If you like the benefits of Stress Away and Peace & Calming, you will love the Tranquil Roll-On! It’s a sweet little blend of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Roman Chamomile.
Tranquil has a soothing aroma that creates a calming, serene, and peaceful experience. So any time you just feel like you need to relax and ground yourself, grab this roller and apply it to your wrists, temples, neck, or behind your ears. Combat that occasional stress in a healthy way! You can even use this blend before bed to encourage relaxation and a restful night of sleep.
Important Announcements
Rise to Rank is an exciting, new rank-up challenge that rewards you for growing your business. The goal is simple: Achieve Executive or Silver rank by June 30 and earn an exclusive reward! Go here for more info: https://sway.office.com/fUxYSwrjex15C4yJ?ref=Link&loc=mysways
Did you know Young Living has a blog? It is packed with incredible tips, tricks, and more! Check out one of the latest posts about your furry friends - “Tips to Help Your Dog Weather Winter.”
Upcoming Events & Classes
Young Living convention is back - in-person and virtually! Welcome to the first-ever Young Living North American Convention! Just like our Asia Pacific, European, and Latin American regions have their own conventions, the annual convention held in Salt Lake City will now be utilized by our North America region to host their own convention - geared to the North American audience.
Registration is open and will remain open until April 30, 2022, for in-person tickets, or while availability lasts. There is no capacity limit for virtual tickets, and they will remain available through June 10.
Join us in Salt Lake City, UT at the Salt Palace Convention Center, or virtually, June 15-18, 2022!
Pricing for in-person tickets is $225.
Pricing for virtual tickets is $50.
Go here for more information: https://reg.rainfocus.com/flow/youngliving/ylcon22/attendee-portal/page/portal
This month I'm going CRAZYYY!!! I'll be giving away a $25 credit to the winner!
To be entered into the drawing this month, do one or more of the following: