Fall is a Time to Release

Fall is a Time to Release
Fall is a time to let things go.   Nature is such a wonderful way for us to physically see what happens to us as human Beings,  and to remind us that it is ok, and natural to do.  I think soo many people think they're supposed to go 100 miles an hour every day and wonder why they're miserable, or sick, or whatever.  We need the different seasons in our lives.  Our body varies with the seasons just like the trees and plants.  I want to encourage you to let things fall away if they are going in that direction.   It's ok to let go of things that weigh you down.  It's ok to let go of excessive baggage.   It's ok to allow the feelings to come up and out.   Fall and winter are times to pause and reflect, and prepare our roots for the new growth in the spring. Breathe and release my friends, breathe and release.  

 As much as I love summer, I believe fall and spring are my favorite times of year.  Which season is your favorite? 

Speaking of Fall I want to share some fall recipes 

                                                                      And I have an announcement!!! 

Young Living is taking 15% off of your shop orders now thru Sunday night! !!

Y'all, That includes the STARTER KITS!!!!!!!!    This is unheard of discount on these already discounted collections!  They're a great way to get a pre made bundle for whatever your particular needs are.  If you don't know, reply to this email and I can help ya out with suggestions!  Check out the Starter bundles here!

We don’t need a special occasion to celebrate your awesomeness, so we’re giving you 15 percent off our whole site!

That’s right—our Just Because Sale starts September 23 at 12 midnight, MT, through September 26 at 11:59 p.m., MT.    Nothing special needed, just head to Youngliving.com and place your order!   or click the link below!   
No code needed!  Shop here

I want to thank you and let you know YOU are appreciated.  Sending you love and light and good vibes!


DIY Deodorant

DIY Deodorant
Did you know that our body is meant to sweat.  That's a huge way our body gets rid of the toxins we are exposed to daily.  Years ago, I changed from heavy duty antiperspirants, that rarely even worked, to a healthier, homemade version!  Antiperspirants contain aluminum, to stop the sweat,  which is a huge no no for our health.  Did you know that aluminum is a huge cause of breast cancer?  They don't advertise that well known fact.  What can you do instead?  

Say no to conventional deodorant and say hello to natural, effective homemade deodorant that really works. It's easy to make, last for months, and only takes minutes to make!

This is a recipe I have used for years and honestly, it's the best I've ever tried!  Discover the luxury of deodorant made from your own home. Coconut oil, essential oils , baking soda and corn starch are combined to create a healthy, all-natural alternative to store-bought deodorants. You can even choose the scent!

The recipe is as follows

5 TBSP cold pressed organic coconut oil
1/4 C Baking Soda
1/4 C Corn Starch (can sub arrow root)
20 drops Young Living Essential Oils of choice (I love to use stress away or lavender, but you can choose what you like)

Mix this all together and store in a glass jar.  This can also be put into an empty deodorant tube and kept in the fridge if you like that sort of thing.

If you need to order some oils for this recipe, I got you!

Happy healthy day to you! 

Your Mindset is the Key

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful and others aren't? There is a reason for it. Our mindset will help us achieve what we want in life. A positive mindset allows us to get through difficult times and achieve our goals.

Our mindset is the impetus that drives our actions

Our mindset is the impetus that drives our actions. It's also the life we lead!
In other words, if you have a positive and healthy mindset, then it will be reflected in your everyday living and vice versa. You can't change your life without changing your mindset first!

Let go of negative thoughts

Negative thoughts are harmful to your health. They can cause stress, depression, anxiety and anger. Negative thoughts can even lead to fear or jealousy. Resentment is also a negative emotion that often comes from the false belief that we do not have enough or are not as good as others who do.

Meditation opens our minds to the higher power

Meditation is a way to focus your mind. It's a way to connect with the higher power inside of you. Meditation is also a way for you to become more aware of yourself and the world around you, as well as nature in general.

Being generous and compassionate with others helps our own well-being

  • "It's not just about the money, it's giving back," says Bobbi. "When we give, we get so much more back in return."
  • This is especially true when you're able to help someone who really needs it. For example: If a friend asks for advice on how to deal with their abusive boyfriend, you could say something as simple as: "I think you should leave him." Then your friend will be grateful for your advice and likely feel better about making changes in their life. In effect, by helping them out of an unhealthy situation, you give yourself peace of mind as well!
  • Now imagine doing this on a massive scale—for example, through charity work or political activism—and getting similar results across the entire community! The amount of joy that would come from helping everyone around us live happier lives would be exponentially greater than any amount we could ever achieve by ourselves alone!

A well rested body and mind are essential to success

Sleep is a funny thing. We all know that we need it to function, but most of us don’t think about it in the same way we think about food or water. Sleep is life-sustaining and while some people are able to get by on less than others, nobody can live without sleep for an extended period of time.
Sleep is essential for our health, our happiness, and our success at work and at home. Here are just some of the benefits:
  • A well rested body and mind are essential to success
  • Sleep helps us form memories
  • When we sleep our brains continue consolidating memories from the day into long term storage which makes them easier to access later on when needed (such as when taking a test). According to research conducted by Dr Sara Mednick at UC Irvine School Of Medicine , students who took naps before their tests had better results than students who did not take naps before their tests!  The same research showed that even after six months these students maintained higher grades than those who didn't nap before exams!  This shows how important good quality sleep really is - if you don't get enough then your brain won’t be working at 100% capacity either during waking hours or when you try catching up on lost sleep later on so make sure that each night your mind gets plenty restful hours between its “offline” moments where no one else can access what's stored there ;)

Practice gratitude for all that we have in this world.

Gratitude is the attitude of being thankful for what one has. It is a way of thinking and feeling that helps build a sense of contentment, satisfaction and fulfillment. Gratitude makes people feel more positive about their lives. It gives them something to be happy about.
It’s important to show our appreciation for the good things in life because it keeps us focused on what is important, improves our mental health and creates happiness. When we focus on negative things like money problems or relationship issues they tend to get bigger while focusing on the positives can help reduce stress and anxiety levels by reducing negative emotions such as anger or frustration which can lead to depression if left unchecked over time because you cannot control everything in your life so it's better off trying instead making yourself miserable all day long worrying about something out there that could happen but never does so why waste energy?

By keeping a positive mindset, it allows us to live a more fulfilling life

  • By keeping a positive mindset, it allows us to live a more fulfilling life. When we are positive, we can do more. We are more likely to achieve our goals and succeed in life. We are also more likely to be happy and healthy as well as generous with others.
  • The opposite is true when we have a negative mindset. A negative attitude will not allow us to do what we want in life or accomplish any of our dreams because everything seems like such an uphill battle with no way out.


In conclusion, our mindset is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal. It enables us to make the right choices and decisions when faced with difficult situations. The better we are able to control our thoughts and emotions, the less likely we will be susceptible to negative influences that may otherwise hold us back from achieving success in life.

Be Still

Be Still
    Hey!    August is here and flying by so fast, don't you agree!   Before we know it we'll be having pumpkin spice everything and the cooler weather.  August is my fave month because it's my birthday month and another reason to be grateful!   This year is a big year for me, the big 5-0!    Thats right, in a few days, a half century will be behind me and I'm sooo looking forward to the next half century!!  Hell yeah!    All that being said, I wanted to share a few things with ya!!   Young Living is having a 15% off site wide sale today! Just use the discount code YLAug15 
Just head over to Young Living and get your deals now!!! 

Now for the good stuff!!!   Be encouraged. Be uplifted. Be still.
Be still and Know that I am God.
Such a simple passage that speaks soooo loudly against the busyness and hurry of today’s lifestyle. We think we have to do do do to get anything or anywhere, but if we would let go of the hustle and TRUST, have faith, in the goodness of God and all he’s done. It means to trust that, like the birds know where to eat and sleep and when to migrate, God speaks to us and guides our steps. One at a time. I believe it’s intentionally designed that way to teach us faith. To make us trust that the path has already been made. Our future is one of a hope and blessings, if we believe it is. #believe #know #trust #stairway #mindset #faith #peaceonearth #peacefulmind #peacefullife #manifestinggenerator #trustthejourney #itsallgood #alliswell     

CLICK HERE for August Newsletter Sway for USA - WITH PROMOS. 



Hello, August! 

Typically this month signals the end of summer and the start of the busy school year. But if that bums you out, don’t fret. There are still a lot of reasons to celebrate August - like International Beer Day and International Cat Day. Ha! Did you know that Young Living’s Vitality oils can be ingested and added to adult beverages? Check these pairings out… try them and let me know what you think!
And we can’t forget our beloved pets… oils can be for them too! Did you know Young Living carries an entire line dedicated to animals? Take a look…
Star or flag this message so you can refer back to it all month long! 
You’ll hear all about… 
  • Monthly YL Gifts with Purchase + Recipes
  • August Wellness Box Ideas
  • Young Living in the Kitchen
  • Product Spotlight
  • Important Announcements
  • Upcoming Events

Monthly Gifts with Purchase

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV! 
*Receive the Loyalty Bonuses when your order is placed through the monthly loyalty program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!

Recipes Using Your Monthly Gifts


August Wellness Box Ideas

As the summer wraps up and the school year kicks in, do yourself a favor and have your favorite oils and YL products on hand. Make sure to login and set up your monthly wellness box to reflect the month ahead. 
Find the items you want, and click “Add to Loyalty Order.” Add at least 50 PV to your box and you’ll earn points to spend on future one-time orders! Add at least 100 PV to your box and you’ll automatically get a freebie added to your cart!
You can then hop on and pick new items for the next month and save items for later. It’s simple and completely customizable. Here are some ideas for your August box… 

Young Living in the Kitchen

This month I want to share a simple recipe you can whip up as a breakfast, snack, or even a dessert - a chia seed pudding! Chia seeds are easy to digest and provide not only flavor and texture to food but health benefits as well. They contain fiber, protein, manganese, calcium, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. With all that packed within, they’re able to support healthy skin, digestion, heart health, energy levels, and more! Then add in a Vitality oil of your choice and you’ll really pack a punch! For the recipe I suggest using Cinnamon Bark Vitality, but you can play around with it and see what works for you. 
Did you know? Cinnamon Bark Vitality contains antioxidants and may provide immune and general wellness support. It’s steam-distilled from the inner bark of the tree, and has a warm, spicy flavor that can be used in place of the ground spice to enhance teas, baked goods, and more.

Product Spotlight

Now for a NEW product - one that was released at the 2022 YL Convention - NingXia Greens. Have you tried it yet? Take a look at what’s inside… 
Suggested Uses: 
  • Mix 1 scoop in 4–6 ounces of water or beverage of your choice for a quick and easy way to get in your daily nutrients.
  • Stir 1 scoop into a protein shake made with Pure Protein Complete to support muscle recovery.
  • Mix with 2 oz. of NingXia Red and ½ cup of orange juice for a fruity, nutritious start to your day.
  • Add 1 scoop to a fruit smoothie for an extra dose of fiber and plant-based omega-3s. 
  • Take with a probiotic like Life 9 or enzyme complex like Essentialzymes-4 for additional wellness support.

Important Announcements

The long-awaited 2022 U.S. & Canada Convention products are here!
See what’s new in essential oil blends, plant-powered nutrition, and skin care staples. Products are available on loyalty/monthly orders. No order limits apply, so snag as many as you want while supplies last! To see the new products, go here: https://sway.office.com/Xdp1kA2VLDTE6G8M?ref=Link 
Ortho Ease and Ortho Sport are back and better than ever. Young Living has added Lavender, Clove, and Copaiba to Ortho Ease for extra skin care benefits and a more soothing scent. As for Ortho Sport, this massage oil now includes Ginger and Rosemary for a stronger cool-hot sensation and more refreshing feeling on tired muscles. Both formulas are also now gluten free and contain jojoba, avocado, and meadowfoam oil, which are known for their antioxidant and absorption properties. Try them in your next order! 

Upcoming Events & Classes

Check out the get togethers I'm hosting here.   

As always I'm sending you love, light and blessings ❤️  I'm grateful for you. And remember, life is happening for you, so love it!     

Casey Forte

If you need help with anything, just reply to this email or call me. I'm here to make this easy!

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Back to my roots!

Back to my roots!
Well, lots has been going on recently and I'm so grateful for it all.   Life is full of change and growth, if we allow it.    Yesterday was a huge day for me. I did something I said i would "never" do.   I moved back to Ocala, Fl.  The town where i spent most of my adult life.  The town I said I had to leave because I outgrew it.    Well, God has a sense of humor because I'm back 6 years later.    I'm back, but with a different mindset. a different side of town, a different attitude.  And I'm grateful for all of it.  Every single thing!  ❤️ 

That being said, I'm still doing what fuels my heart.  Sharing a healthier lifestyle that includes a lot of wonderful ways to use plants!  I've been with Young Living now for over 7 years and my passion in the products and company has only gotten stronger.    Why?  Because they freakin work wonders.  Because, I keep seeing lives TRANSFORMED by the use of these products.    Because my life has been transformed, and I've been given another shot at life. A do-over, I believe.  A reset!   But that came at a cost of changing the things and ways I used to do and be.  A cost I would gladly pay over and over.   The transformation is fulfilling in ways I can't explain in words but only feelings ❤️     

Hurt. Pain, sorrows, past regrets, past struggles, past shoulda, coulda, wouldas. All of these things happen to everyone. Yep, every single person. The difference between being burdened and free is simply learning to RELEASE! Let go. Allow.
In those things comes peace. In those things comes freedom. In those things comes joy. But you gotta let that shit go first.
I challenge you to drop some of the past burdens you’ve been carrying  for way too long and learn to allow new, better experiences to fill your heart and mind instead. 


Hello, July! 

Let the fun begin - it’s officially summer! Grab your sandals, floppy hat, and head outside. Time to soak up those rays and bask in the glory of warmer weather, fun get-togethers, vacations, county fairs, and more. And don’t forget your oils! Start each day with a smile when you give these fruity diffuser recipes a try… 
Star or flag this message so you can refer back to it all month long! 
You’ll hear all about… 
  • Monthly YL Gifts with Purchase + Recipes
  • July Wellness Box Ideas
  • Young Living in the Kitchen
  • Product Spotlight
  • Important Announcements
  • Upcoming Events


Monthly Gifts with Purchase

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV! 
*Receive the Loyalty Bonuses when your order is placed through the monthly loyalty program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!

Recipes Using Your Monthly Gifts




July Wellness Box Ideas

As the summer continues, do yourself a favor and have your favorite oils and YL products on hand. Make sure to login and set up your monthly wellness box to reflect the plans you’ve made! 
Find the items you want, and click “Add to Loyalty Order.” Add at least 50 PV to your box and you’ll earn points to spend on future one-time orders! Add at least 100 PV to your box and you’ll automatically get a freebie added to your cart!
You can then hop on and pick new items for the next month and save items for later. It’s simple and completely customizable. Here are some ideas for your July box… 

Young Living in the Kitchen

I don’t know about you, but I am all about a tasty summer salad. You get to enjoy those garden-fresh ingredients while not overloading your stomach. Plus - it’s healthy! It’s a win-win.
If you want to take it up a notch, do yourself a favor and whip up this simple vinaigrette. You can even play around with the Vitality oil and take it in a different direction. Try it and let me know what you think! 
Fun Fact: 
Orange Vitality essential oil is cold pressed from the rinds of the fresh, juicy fruit. It also provides digestive and immune support when taken as a dietary supplement.

Product Spotlight

Babies want to enjoy the summer too - so we can’t forget about them! Their skin deserves to be washed in something gentle and beneficial to their bodies. Ditch the stuff filled with synthetic fragrances and harsh chemicals and replace it with something you can love and trust… like Seedlings Baby Wash & Shampoo. It’s formulated without sulfates, parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, animal-derived ingredients, synthetic preservatives, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic dyes. Oh - and it can be used on older kids and adults too!


Important Announcements

The long-awaited 2022 U.S. & Canada Convention products are here!
See what’s new in essential oil blends, plant-powered nutrition, and skin care staples. Ordering opened up to non-attendees on June 20, and products will be available on loyalty/monthly orders beginning July 1. No order limits apply, so snag as many as you want while supplies last! To see the new products, go here: https://sway.office.com/Xdp1kA2VLDTE6G8M?ref=Link 
Starting Friday, July 1, our U.S. and Canada customers and brand partners will notice a price adjustment across all Young Living products, bundles, and collections. This adjustment will allow us to continue delivering the best oils and oil-infused products to you regardless of shifting economic conditions. To learn more, go here: https://players.brightcove.net/5857818284001/f6J99xoYS_default/index.html?videoId=6307600949112 

Upcoming Events & Classes

Beauty School is back in session in Dallas as a live event! It includes the first-ever Beauty Banquet, a special recognition dinner for you and your team! It is also the first in-person Beauty School in almost two years, so they’re putting extra care into the kind of fun that you can have only on site, including professional headshots with makeovers, massages, and more. Come to fun classes, sample products, and do some work (and play) out of the house! Go here to learn more and register: https://web.cvent.com/event/3d1d914c-bff4-4f89-9805-d53f7673fd03/summary 

Thanks for getting to the bottom of this email and as always, I'm here as your personal shopper and guide for all things YL!     If you're ready to start your journey of wellness, just reply to this email or call me. 352-427-2497.  Here's a link to some of my fave items 
I look forward to your call!     Blessings and light to you and your family.  

Casey Forte

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