It's time for a Summer Refresher!

Summer is almost here and it's time to make some changes.  Good ones!

Change may seem daunting but it always begins with the first step. Here’s an easy change to get your health started in the right direction.  ">Full video
Fruit bowl made from frozen berries
(blue, black and straw).  
I also love to add a non frozen banana for texture.  
I blend it together until it’s smooth and creamy!
Chop up an apple, tangerine, grapes, whatever fruit you have and put it on top!
I love to add granola and dried coconut and then drizzle with honey! 
What a delicious meal that’s fresh, easy and so yummy 🤤!

Hello, June! 

Half way through the year already?! No way! It doesn't seem possible! June always seems to creep up on me - school wraps up, baseball season begins, plans trickle in like rain, and before you know it, summer is in full swing! Oh ya - we also get to celebrate all the fathers and father figures in our lives this month. Try your hand at this easy recipe and use your oils to bless someone special… 
Star or flag this message so you can refer back to it all month long! 
You’ll hear all about… 
  • Monthly YL Gifts with Purchase + Recipes
  • June Wellness Box Ideas
  • Young Living in the Kitchen
  • Product Spotlight
  • Important Announcements
  • Upcoming Events


Monthly Gifts with Purchase

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 400 PV! 
 *Receive the Loyalty Bonuses when your order is placed through the monthly loyalty program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!

Recipes Using Your Monthly Gifts



June Wellness Box Ideas

As the summer starts kicking in, do yourself a favor and have your favorite oils and YL products on hand. Make sure to login and set up your monthly wellness box to reflect the plans you’ve made! 
Find the items you want, and click “Add to Loyalty Order.” Add at least 50 PV to your box and you’ll earn points to spend on future one-time orders! Add at least 100 PV to your box and you’ll automatically get a freebie added to your cart!
You can then hop on and pick new items for the next month and save items for later. It’s simple and completely customizable. Here are some ideas for your June box…


Young Living in the Kitchen

With Father’s Day around the corner, I thought it fitting to use your oils in a fun way this month and whip up a classic cocktail. If your guy doesn’t want the alcohol added, simply omit it and serve up a delicious MOCKtail instead. Have you ever tried your oils in a drink before? Make this recipe and snap a pic… share it online and tag me! I’d love to see you oiling!
Fun fact: Ginger Vitality supports the digestive and respiratory systems… and so much more! If you have a reference book, look it up. If you don’t have one, send me a message and I’ll hook you up!


Product Spotlight

Chances are you will be spending a lot of time outside this month and next - out in the garden, at the pool or the beach, baseball games, hiking, or just enjoying a walk through the neighborhood. Exposure to sunlight is good for the soul… and your health! When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes Vitamin D from cholesterol. This vitamin plays an important role in our immune system so it can be hugely beneficial. However, overexposure to the sun can lead to burned skin, wrinkles, eye injuries, and even skin cancer. So let’s protect that beautiful skin, shall we? 
Young Living’s Mineral Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50 is the perfect solution! It’s a natural, broad-spectrum sunscreen and is chemical-free, making it a healthy alternative for adults and kids. You don’t have to worry about toxic chemicals - like a LOT of the mainstream sunscreens contain. This dermatologist-reviewed product is formulated to easily smooth on skin without leaving white residue. Enjoy the outdoors worry-free with up to 80 minutes of water- and sweat-resistant lotion. It’s reef-safe and made with non-nano zinc oxide. This might just be the best sunscreen you’ve ever used! 


Important Announcements

Starting June 1, Young Living is simplifying its current rewards program. Going forward, Subscribe to Save and Loyalty Rewards will simply be called “Loyalty Rewards.” You’ll still unlock your 24% discount, earn loyalty points and gifts the same as you did before, but now the rules will be a bit simpler. Loyalty orders (previously called subscription orders) will process every month, and you’ll be able to add items on your loyalty order to “Save for Later” instead of having to process them every one, two, or three months. See the FAQ, infographics, and mockups for more details or check out the updated Loyalty Rewards page beginning June 1.
In case you missed it, the Starter Bonuses are back! From April 1 to August 31, 2022, qualified brand partners can earn a $25 bonus when their newly enrolled customer and/or brand partner purchases a qualifying Premium Starter Bundle (PSB). This Starter Bundle Bonus commission is in addition to regular Fast Start commissions for every new customer or brand partner you enroll who purchases a qualifying PSB. There is no limit to the number of new customers or brand partners you can enroll to earn this Starter Bundle Bonus. Read more details HERE
And - on TOP of that - you could earn up to $600 in June with the special Cultivate & Grow incentive! This month, when two of your newly enrolled or reactivated customers or brand partners order 100+ PV, you’ll earn $100. When two more individuals, for a total of four, place their 100+ PV orders, you’ll earn another $200. Add two more for a total of six individuals placing 100+ PV orders, and you’ll earn an extra $300. Plus, with the Fast Start Bonus, you can earn 25% of the PV of all product purchases made by new brand partners or customers you personally enrolled in Young Living. To learn more about this new incentive, please see the flyerofficial rules, and FAQ.
Rise to Rank is an exciting, new rank-up challenge that rewards you for growing your business. The goal is simple: Achieve Executive or Silver rank by June 30 and earn an exclusive reward! Go here for more info: 


Upcoming Events & Classes

Young Living convention is back - in-person and virtually!  Welcome to the first-ever Young Living North American Convention! Just like our Asia Pacific, European, and Latin American regions have their own conventions, the annual convention held in Salt Lake City will now be utilized by our North America region to host their own convention - geared to the North American audience.
Registration is open and will remain open until June 1, 2022, for in-person tickets, or while availability lasts. There is no capacity limit for virtual tickets, and they will remain available through June 10.  
Join us in Salt Lake City, UT at the Salt Palace Convention Center, or virtually, June 15-18, 2022! 
Pricing for in-person tickets is $225.
Pricing for virtual tickets is $50.

Thanks so much for taking charge of your health.    Your body will thank you.   If you're wanting to start making the change for your health, just reply to this email and I can get you set up with a wellness assessment.   This assessment will help determine where to start.  Your new life starts with a decision to try something different.   I'll be here, waiting.  

Be well,

May is for Mothers

May is for Mothers


Hello, May! 

We are already five months into the new year, spring is in full swing, so sit back and take in all the beauty around you! The breathtaking sunsets, the smell of freshly-cut grass, and the sound of kids laughing in the distance. We have so much to be grateful for this season… including our wonderful mothers! 
Here is a fun way to share your oils with those special ladies in your life… add some twine and a gift tag and you’re good to go! 
Star or flag this message so you can refer back to it all month long! 
You’ll hear all about… 
  • Monthly YL Gifts with Purchase + Recipes
  • May Wellness Box Ideas
  • Young Living in the Kitchen
  • Product Spotlight
  • Important Announcements
  • Upcoming Events

Monthly Gifts with Purchase

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV!     
 *Receive the Subscription Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!

Recipes Using Your Monthly Gifts


May Wellness Box Ideas

Young Living is more than just essential oils. It’s a gateway to a lifestyle filled with wellness, purpose, and abundance. If you haven’t ditched the toxins in your home - do it now! Start with one room and tackle one area at a time. Then set up a wellness box to arrive at your doorstep with safe replacements.
Simply log into your account, find the items you want, and click “Add to Subscription.” Add at least 50 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points to spend on future one-time orders! Add at least 100 PV to your subscription box and you’ll automatically get a freebie added to your cart!
You can choose to have those items arrive monthly OR stretch them out to every two or three months - up to you. Don’t want them in your box anymore? No problem! Just delete them and add in what you DO want. It’s simple and completely customizable. Here are some ideas for your May box… 


Young Living in the Kitchen

I shared an easy bath salts recipe with you earlier, now try your hand at a homemade ice cream recipe using some of our well-loved Vitality oils! 
What are these oils good for? 
  • Lavender Vitality: contains antioxidants and may provide immune support when taken as a dietary supplement. It can also be added to foods and beverages giving a delicate, floral flavor that combines well with citrus and herbs
  • Spearmint Vitality: provides digestive and general wellness support, and can be used to add a fresh, minty flavor to soups, sauces, and teas.
  • Lemon Vitality: contains antioxidants, provides immune and circulatory support, and can be used to add a fresh flavor to food and beverages.


Product Spotlight

As we inch closer and closer to swimsuit season, I know many of us have fitness and healthy eating on the brain. Well, Slique Essence might be just the oil blend you need. Look at everything it can help with…
You can use Slique Essence between and during meals regularly throughout the day whenever hunger feelings occur. Try it and let me know what you think! 

Important Announcements

Rise to Rank is an exciting, new rank-up challenge that rewards you for growing your business. The goal is simple: Achieve Executive or Silver rank by June 30 and earn an exclusive reward! Go here for more info:
On Friday, April 22, the Professional Accounts program was discontinued. This means Young Living will no longer accept new Professional Accounts applicants. However, existing Professional Accounts customers have no need to worry; nothing will change for them. They’ll still enjoy the same special product offering and pricing they’ve enjoyed in the past. To learn more about this important update, please review the FAQ here:

Upcoming Events & Classes

Young Living convention is back - in-person and virtually!  Welcome to the first-ever Young Living North American Convention! Just like our Asia Pacific, European, and Latin American regions have their own conventions, the annual convention held in Salt Lake City will now be utilized by our North America region to host their own convention - geared to the North American audience.
Registration is open and will remain open until May 13, 2022, for in-person tickets, or while availability lasts. There is no capacity limit for virtual tickets, and they will remain available through June 10.  
Join us in Salt Lake City, UT at the Salt Palace Convention Center, or virtually, June 15-18, 2022! 
Pricing for in-person tickets is $225.
Pricing for virtual tickets is $50.
If you're looking for something a little closer to home and want to build some relationships, check out my meetup group.  I have events scheduled and everyone is welcome!     

Thank you for getting this far!   I thoroughly enjoy helping others thrive.  Please feel free to reach out by replying to this email, or sending me a text or call at 352-427-2497.   I look forward to hearing from you!
 Blessings and love to you and as always, be kind.

Casey Forte

Your beliefs and the importance of them

Your beliefs and the importance of them
Your beliefs are so much more powerful than you’ve been lead to believe.   When you start becoming aware of the things you believe in, with your words and thoughts, you can start to change them. 

Don’t let it overwhelm you. Just start becoming aware of the words you speak after the words “I believe” or “I think”.  Then ask yourself:  Is it something that’s positive or happy? If not, that’s something to look at and ask yourself  if that’s going to get you the results you really desire.  It’s not until we truly start to change the thoughts we focus on and the words that we speak that our life improves drastically.  

The only hard part is starting.  Just challenge yourself to become more aware of the words you speak. Just try it.  Let me know what you found out!    
Want to share your thoughts? Just reply to this email.

Let's Clear the Weeds

Let's Clear the Weeds
Hello and thanks for being here!  

With spring here and the weeds are popping up faster than you can pull them, aren't you glad there are ways to combat them, here in the natural.   Well, let's take that same look at the thoughts in our mind. Some of them are just weeds. They are useless, bring no good to the mix, and create anxiety and even depression.  Patterns of thought in the mind  tend to create railroad tracks in our mind.   Although it takes real effort to have your thoughts start creating new tracks!, it is Completely Possible!  

For more videos like this one,  go check out my you tube channel.   Feel free to like and follow!

Also on another note, check out the Young living website for some awesome deals valid thru the end of month!

I hope you have a great rest of March and keep plucking those weeds and fertilizing the good soil!   You got this!  Remember to breathe and be grateful.     I know I'm so grateful for you.   

Be blessed,

Spring is around the corner! Finally

Spring is around the corner! Finally


Hello, March! 

Many blessings and much warm weather to you. This month we get to welcome one of earth’s most delightful seasons - a season filled with rebirth, regrowth, rejuvenation, and renewal. Spring is a time where we celebrate our world and the beauty it brings about. Spring also comes with a little thing called pollen - and our noses don’t always enjoy that. Make this roller and keep it on hand; you never know when you might need it! 





Star or flag this message so you can refer back to it all month long! 

You’ll hear all about… 

  • Monthly YL Gifts with Purchase + Recipes
  • March Wellness Box Ideas
  • Young Living in the Kitchen
  • Product Spotlight
  • Important Announcements
  • Upcoming Events


Monthly Gifts with Purchase

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 400 PV! 



*Receive the Subscription Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!


Recipes Using Your Monthly Gifts




March Wellness Box Ideas

Young Living is more than just essential oils. It’s a gateway to a lifestyle filled with wellness, purpose, and abundance. Start this new year off fresh! If you haven’t ditched the toxins in your home - do it now! Start with one room and tackle one area at a time. Then set up a wellness box to arrive at your doorstep with safe replacements.

Simply log into your account, find the items you want, and click “Add to Subscription.” Add at least 50 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points to spend on future one-time orders! Add at least 100 PV to your subscription box and you’ll earn points + get free shipping! 

You can choose to have those items arrive monthly OR stretch them out to every two or three months - up to you. Don’t want them in your box anymore? No problem! Just delete them and add in what you DO want. It’s simple and completely customizable. Here are some ideas for your March box…


Young Living in the Kitchen

Ready for a quick and easy snack? Try this simple guacamole recipe using a handful of fresh ingredients plus two incredible citrus oils from the Vitality line. Did you know the white-labeled Vitality oils are the same oil as their sold-labeled counterpart? Yep! That Seed to Seal quality guarantee covers it all - you’re getting only the best! 

What are these oils good for? 

  • Citrus Fresh Vitality combines Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Tangerine, Lemon, and Spearmint essential oils, which contain antioxidants and provide cleansing properties when taken internally.
  • Lime Vitality contains antioxidants, supports general wellness, and can be used with Slique products for weight management when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.



Product Spotlight

Have you ever tried Kunzea? It’s a good one! Listen to the story behind it… 

A native shrub that grows wild along the southern coast of Australia and Tasmania, kunzea was used for centuries by native cultures. The kunzea plant, with its bulbous tops and whimsical blossoms, is commonly referred to as “white cloud.” Its white and pink flowers are found growing in sandy soils along coastal regions and often attract native insects, birds, and small animals.

Try applying it to your chest for a refreshing breathing experience or add to your daily face regimen to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.


Important Announcements

Rise to Rank is an exciting, new rank-up challenge that rewards you for growing your business. The goal is simple: Achieve Executive or Silver rank by June 30 and earn an exclusive reward! Go here for more info: 


We have exciting news about KidScents Unwind! Enjoy the refreshing watermelon flavor without the bitter notes you may have previously experienced. KidScents Unwind features an improved sweetener called Reb M. Reb M is a zero-calorie sweetener derived from non-GMO, rapidly renewable sugar cane, making it a highly sustainable choice in line with our environmental stewardship values! Reb M is also much closer to the taste of real sugar, making Unwind that much tastier to kiddos who’ve come to love what it can do. Try the new formulation now!


Upcoming Events & Classes

Young Living convention is back - in-person and virtually!  Welcome to the first-ever Young Living North American Convention! Just like our Asia Pacific, European, and Latin American regions have their own conventions, the annual convention held in Salt Lake City will now be utilized by our North America region to host their own convention - geared to the North American audience.


Registration is open and will remain open until April 30, 2022, for in-person tickets, or while availability lasts. There is no capacity limit for virtual tickets, and they will remain available through June 10.  


Join us in Salt Lake City, UT at the Salt Palace Convention Center, or virtually, June 15-18, 2022! 


Pricing for in-person tickets is $225.

Pricing for virtual tickets is $50.


Go here for more information:

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