Well Hello!
It's that time again. Time to send the children back to school and time for fall leaves and pumpkin spice everything. This is my favorite time of year for many reasons. First one, is my birthday month! It's a time to reflect on the blessings life gives and be thankful for what's to come! I also love the second half of the year because the sweltering heat is passing, but it's not cold yet, perfection. This year is especially amazing because my little man started middle school and he loves it! Fall is a time for growth and change. What's changing in your life? What are you working on?
I wanted to share this months freebies with you because, well, they're amazing, as always! This month they are giving us all the things for this time of year. Getting prepared for the school year and all the immune support! I love the little thieves purifier holders. So perfect for your littles to bring to school or even gift the teachers with! Super C is a necessity now and always. Vitamin C is instrumental in keeping a healthy body. It's a fantastic antioxidant and also infused with essential oils for even better absorption. Now, we can't leave out the rockstar, Thieves Roll-on! What! This is awesome. Immune support on the go. Citrus fresh for the fresh air we crave. Then last but not least, the tummy aches that come along with school, or not wanting to go, well, there's an oil for that and it works wonders. This is the one specifically made for kids so feel confident that you're doing the right thing to support their little body.

I wanted to give you a few awesome simple recipes to make sprays you can use in many areas of life. If you're a DIY'er or not, these are super easy and work so well.
This month also was our quarterly YL Rally and they released so many new Vitality oils for the kitchen as well as some other great new items. Check them out in the virtual office in the what's new section!
click here We also had a special release of our French Lavender and it's amazing! I snagged a bottle, did you? I also grabbed my 25th annual Convention oil blend and let me tell you, it's full of amazing high energy happy facial oils and I'm in love!
If you are in this for the lifestyle changes, I would love to hear some of your testimonials on the way YL has impacted your life. I know it's changed mine for the better and I can never go back. It all started with the Starter Kit and I've been on Essential Rewards now for almost 4 yrs! My whole home is powered by YL and the lifestyle products we offer. It's easy to swap out the toxins and replace them with plant based products and get rewarded to boot!
Also!! Newsflash, If you've let your membership go inactive, NOW is the time to reactivate it with a call to customer service and a 50 pv order! They are offering a free thieves foaming hand soap to reactivate your account from now until August 31. Get back on the oily train, start ditching the toxins and living better today. It really is easy!
I want to thank you for loving and sharing the oily life. Sharing a better way to live. Do you know you can get paid to share this lifestyle with your friends and family? It's super easy to do and tons of education out there to get you started. Contact me or your enroller for more info.
All 190 pv orders this month will be entered into a drawing to win a bottle of our coveted Loyalty Essential oil! You can only get this oil by being on ER for 1 yr and I have one I want to give away to yall! Get those orders in and get entered to win.
Best wishes for the new school year and may all your hopes and dreams come true in this new season. Thanks for supporting small business and your health too. You matter.
Thanks so much,
Casey Forte