How's it going? Life is great here in Florida and another month has passed and spring is in the air. With all the wonderful bright colors and new life that spring brings, it also brings warmer weather! Thank goodness for that! Ahhh, summer is just around the corner. That being said, I wanted to give you some fresh recipes and diffuser blends for the new season of life! So many amazing oils available for free this month with purchase and get even more, 10 ER points for a 100 PV order when you're on Essential Rewards. (our free rewards program with no commitment, no cancellation fees. Only benefits and free stuff! #winwin).
There will be 3 random drawings for super duper awesome oils!(values over $40 each)
You will be automatically entered with purchase of 100 pv or more.
1 entry for every 100 pv spent in April.
5 Entries when you sign up for Essential Rewards.
5 Entries for a FB post sharing how you love your oils using #oilyApril with your post.
Unlimited potential for entries!
On another note in our pursuit in a community of oilers, I am so excited and have to share the good news for anyone who uses oils! This month I am excited for the awesome changes coming in our tribe online education and or business resources! Our upline team will have a website and already has an app for business basics and an amazing educational resource! It's free! Download Team App (green logo, sports app), create an account, accept permissions, and then search in app for On Call Essentials (you can even set a home screen icon for easy peasey access). That's it. You're plugged in for classes, education tips, promos, anything you need to love your oils more or run your business better. Whatever your path with YL, we support you.

I wanted to thank you for your continued support of small businesses in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. You are appreciated. I'm grateful to be on this journey of a more natural lifestyle with you and your families. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out with a call or text. Have a great week.
God Bless You,
Casey Forte`